I did a quick bit of digging!
Seven times in the Greek Scriptures, and only from the lips of the Lord Jesus, there occurs the expression "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear!"
A good explanation of the meaning of the phrase: “The formula is very significant, for though openly and apparently He speaks to all, He speaks in such language that only those who have spiritual perception will apprehend what He is saying. The rest hear the words, but do not grasp the meaning; the multitude have no ears to hear, all will be wasted upon them.” Sauce>>>http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/blay10.html
And wow, this is the quintessential non-answer for the omission of that phrase http://bibleq.net/answer/3349/
The book of Enoch speaks of the Watchers and how they agreed among themselves to breed with human women.
Why is the book of Enoch not considered an appropriate part of the bible?
The Abrahamic religions all teach that we are born into sin. The basis of this? Eve's eating of the tree of knowledge, which was deemed the original sin. Therefore everyone after was an automatic sinner. Because of a stupid gullible female. (yes that rot makes me very angry. lol)
Some faiths say that you are nothing, bad and awful and should suffer endlessly because you deserve it for being born so shitty. Oh but wait! Jesus died for your sins so you can be redeemed this way (getting born again).
Why this kind of setup?
Is it a trap?
Who decided that this is how it is and why?
I have been pondering the idea that yes, indeed - we are born into lucifer's world. Also - and this is hugely controversial - the god of most of the old testament is actually lucifer. The Genesis god and the father of Jesus may be one and the same. May be the ONE.
Why were we taught that it was the same god all the way through the bible?
Oh boy…
And if we are told the bible is the word of God, and the word is also God - it isn't a stretch to suggest that the bible is actually channeled information from God.
But which god?
Or could it be Supreme Beings, who in turn are product of the ONE creator?
Either way, I think we need to consider ALL the books of the bible, including the ones that people in power tried soooo hard to erase or discredit.
Yeshua - I actually think he was both.
What does the 'virgin birth' idea suggest?
Could it mean a divine or extraterrestrial origin?
Ah Strange. Way to keep it real. LOL
And here I always thought that meant it's more important to speak kind words than follow a strict diet.
So many ways to interpret these things. And many ways for the interpretations to be correct! I think your interpretation is excellent as well (stirring the cauldron of shit) :)