Antman!! do YOU bro….whatever that best feels like for you in every single moment… I love your LOVE and LIGHT!!!! It FEELS very real and very far from the empty words of so called hotub hippies (i say it cuz I am one! ha!- cuz duh, hot springs!!) It reminds me of when I first discovered this knowledge and its awesome and nostalgic to see you express this. Merkabahs, and astral travel and ALL of this!!!! ITs AMAZING!!! AND I WANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW. I tried, trust me, I tried to "convert" everyone I knew, my poor parents…I told them never to get on a train conducted by lizards cuz they were going to underground bunkers to enslave them… HAHAH!!! (hopefully that possibility has been rolled up into fractal time and is not on this line……) luckily they still love me and didn't throw me in a straightjacket padded cell….
It is indeed an art to KNOW all of this and to still function in the matrix. I believe that is, at least in part, why we have found this here echo chamber….
I have few things to say about this discussion:
One, Wong, weird! just talking about this with some friends last night over dinner and k jenner came up, coincidence?
so yeah, coincidence, dreams, visions, signs just for YOU…
so two, I see the way Wong is sharing and Antman is sharing and to me, they are two side of the same enlightened coin…
Its like me trying to read my dream journal to peeps… most people arent into it, or cant see how something so OBVIOUS to me, (like the shark with a corkskrew fin circling our almost complete circle of humans in the ocean could represent (((them))) and that we were waiting for a couple more to be fully empowered– whatever that means) (or like the alligators deploying canoes and the war ships in the oceans means we are at WAR, Im trying to explain it to people but most people dont know it)
they are just ramblings to most, but to me…. its a whole big story that ties into everything I have ever known, the present moment, and everything I dont know yet…..
that being said, wong, wha? loving your latenight intuitive stroll through the streets of your mental but wha? LOL!!!! spastic bro, but I feel ya!!!!! syncronisity is the marker of our paths.
It is SOO beautiful isnt it??? that WE are all ONE, but each ONE has our own individual experience that really only makes sense to US individually… fractals y'all!!
also could be why the mountain is lonely at the top….
chop wood carry water!
That being said:
THIS is a SAFE space for us to work out our "language of enlightenment"
Say on ANONs!!!
Along with all the digging, researching, understanding, bouncing, reverberating, oscilating….I like to think of this board as this judgment free journal entry that you get feedback on! I mean its a dream come true for me personally, seriously I love you youall.
On that note, and saying words freely as a means of werkin it out… shout out to our newset super hero VAlkyrie and her articulation, research and overall badassery! Seeing your voice blossom is awesome!!
All of yous! Keep going!
Bout to get shitty I think,
Lights on, water ready.
there shall be plenty of fertelizer..
Spring is coming.
"Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera"
— Pablo Neruda
"You can cut all the flowers, but you cant stop the spring."