Anonymous ID: 23d12a Sept. 2, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.15147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5148



Seems once again expectations and disappointment prove they are causally connected. All has it's purpose, even ruffled feathers. Got me thinking though, I've never really explored the kun. Anyone care to point at something I probably don't know exists but maybe should?


I apologise for being lousy at keeping track of who's who. Would it be bad form to ask to whom I'm replying?


My last input on the ant/oldfag beef is that I find both personalities disingenuous. Points made are made, beating a dead horse and flinging accusations with increasing lack of tact doesn't make any argument more compelling.


What is the bot to human ratio here? Half? More?

The irony of employing a robot's mask around bots pretending to be people is not lost on me.