awe kek that is savage. Even classic love slide right after the posts. starts off with the same shill linked to here with remember you were told words have meaning then trapped him using his repetitive words in catch phrase. Message over the messenger I too have seen that thrown around on the mains and usually it was people trying to sell Wilcock kek. I am pretty convinced now I know why the shills have always said message over the messenger and I will try to explain why. Evil doers want us to ignore where the information is coming from. They are betting that we will fail to discern that the information they are trying to sell us is BS, if you take out the factor of the source. I shall try to reframe that. How do you approach information from a very trusted source vs a highly distrusted source? Example, Trump makes an announcement at a press conference vs George Soros making a statement on CNN. Do you ignore the messenger and only focus on the message? Absolutely not. The messenger is absolutely critical because that's the motivating factor behind whatever information is being put forward. Information itself has no agenda, but the person spreading it does. So would you trust the information from Trump more than Soros? Another example, would you approach the information from the bill coopers and jordan maxwells different than you would from the wilcocks and goodes? Cant speak for you guys but I can say yes definitely. It doesn't mean I still dont listen to the fake and phonies and hear them out and see if it clicks with other information, because often truth is found. It doesn't mean I disregard it all, it just means I weigh the message based on the messenger, the source it's coming from.
That showed the faggots have been at this a loooooong time. Telling people to ignore where the source of information is coming from is not only trying to make people ignore the shady originating source, but it's also trying to force how come to the end conclusion of whatever they are trying to sell. Let's face it, humans have shown over time they are very impressionable, sit back and think about how the majority of the world all believe in different gods and deities, not only that it is the foundation of their entire existence and many would even kill over it. People can believe in some pretty wild stuff, and the shills are banking on that. If you ignore the fact the messenger is total deep state disinfo plant you will be farrrrrrr more likely to believe whatever they are telling you because A) you dont look a second time critically at it and B) you might form a confirmation because the info is relating to something you WANT to believe. Many people have been lost psychologically to those bullshit artists. Many people believe. Many WANT to believe the stories of the wilcocks and the goodes, but does your wanting to believe it make it true?
I base my thoughts on weighing the messenger equally with the message.
Savage coincidences doc! Also faggot had a bit of an ego to work on from what I can see. Great place to start is right here! Love love love all you superheros gals and guys!!