Coincidental timing of posts. Should we say hello to you at QR first instead of here?
Yep antman IS ultron. the perfect character for a bot. So why are you so vehemently defending him and why can't he speak for himself? Why do you seem to know so much about him and his intentions yet you admittedly haven't read all the posts here or the ET technology threads at QR?
It was almost like you were waiting for all this to happen. Kinda like you had it all planned out.
ant contributes absolutely nothing here. Nodda. After years of posting here all hes done is contribute whatever is happening right now. You know, stirring up shit? Since you seem to be a pro at knowing his intentions without actually reading everything and you seem to speak for him where he cANT speak for himself can you name one single important piece of info he contributed or one revelation? One actual thing?
kek you guys are bad at your jobs :-)