>1 thing in particula(R) 'too much' during The Great Awakening?
maybe here, but iRL I don't talk about that one any more (when it first was rumored I told a couple IRL frens of the possibility as I was red pilling on other subjects- they thought all of it was crazy, even the stuff we know to be true)
>so much is riding on that confirmation and reassurance that you have been 'believing' something that is true,
I don't feel I have a set in stone expectation,
I am only recounting the experiences that led me here and finding/posting connections. The R thing is entangled in my Q and Irl experience. It just is. Trying to understand it with out giving my power away is the mission. The big (R)eveal would be the
>cherry on top
thats a Q comm coincidence personally whether a real comm or I am reaching, dunno. But, to me, similar to you believing you are "the light" Q referred to.
>The rest of us have not?
I am not trying to compare my life to yours, I know us "crazies" are laughed at by the normies. What I am trying to explain or "think out" past the now is…if these peoples minds are so closed and cannot see the real political reality of corruption… when "the flood" happens and they do start to wake up at a VERY quick pace there will be so much shock, anger, hurt etc. We have had many years to become accustomed to the truth, for them it will all happen at once. I wonder if the Q team has a remedy for this…how will we Heal? We the "crazies" will be there to comfort them no doubt, but this is where I see the possibility of a big (R)eveal also helping to sooth the confused and angry.
>Was all of that woRthless?
of course not.
Trust me when I say I am very good with disappointment, loss, unrealized hopes. I have had MUCHO practice IRL. It has most definitely taught me about just being in the NOW.
>What about all the otheR things we have collectively discovered together?
>The Love and Wisdom?
already t(here) (most always!)
reread my crumbs brah ;)
>we cannot base our waking experiences and expectations entirely upon the events taken place in dreams.
Of course! But is this TL board and our friendships here a really real waking experience? IMO, because of the subject matters we discuss and our anonymity I would liken this to magical realism, which is why I am trying to explain, understand and share my magical experiences on here….similar to you trying to comm to the white hats with your 1s and 0s or connect what you believe to be your coincidental deltas….or like you said in an earlier post, the dream comms and voices I have experienced are (some what) similar to the NEO message you received on your phone.
>Release yourself from guilt…
…. It is was it is. no guilt,
but there IS a hefty ass bill as the bear don't have insurance and it was my friends truck I was driving and she is only covered by liability. So bad mood ensued….. aaand I am aware of how that feeds beings that need to leave this plane, but se la vi. Doing what I can. My funds are not great. Was just finally putting some money away and now this so back to square one.
>I do what I do because I feel it is right, not because I expect Q or MILINT (or anyone else) to give me acknowledgment.
Why post about your Qonnections then?
We can say that we don't want confirmation, but i l think we are lying to ourselves if we don't think that scrolling for comms or connections isn't us looking for confirmation that this is really real. (whatever that is)
Future proves past.
I know you say all of this out of love, doc and I appreciate you and love you so much! It is my hope these conversations are helping our frens, lurkers and that in the ripple effects of fractal time we are creating the next NOW, the One that sees us FREE of the mental slavery that has held humanity captive for far too long.
or as you say:
>truly be living in The Heart.