Anonymous ID: 051298 May 12, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.6422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6428 >>6441



Uranus is also known as the planet of Awakening. low key I bet there are more than a few Taurean sun or ascendants hanging around here. Taureans will lead the revolution. The way the planets are aligning into the house of taurus right now (including rare outer planets like Uranus).. its going to be a wild ride, and other signs of course have important roles as well (aquarians will push the evolution of humanity, for example), but all in due time based on the celestial movements. In anycase, it would appear first up at bat are the bulls who have had fucking enough of this bullshit, no pun intended.

Nothing is tied down into star signs (free will) but it would be very naive to say that the planets and stars do not affect our every day life (for reference please check out: The bible page 1, et al) but if one is moving with the "flow" of the universe.. i.e. vibrating at a high level.. in "synch", "woke", they are going to generally start behaving in a way that their "Natal Chart" predicts them to. Indeed, its my personal pet theory that our "horoscopes" really only apply to people living moment to moment in alignment with .. the universe. Would you rather live by a fate dictated by YOUr ego? (i.e. a figment of Gods imagination stuffed into a disappointing and defective meat suit) or by the fate written for us by the planets and stars themselves?

I also noticed that people who don't resonate with "readings" of any kind and also do not act at all like their "zodiac" would claim they do, I have noticed that these people are usually skeptics and self doubters/over thinkers.

Anyways, .. Bulls are peaceful until you make them crack, then its kill or be killed. Bullfights are disgusting spectacles that make me want to cry and fight something at the same time, but as someone once explained it to me, "the first half of the "fight", the bull seems more annoyed than anything and might even think this is some kind of game. It's only after the bull realizes "ok, so, ok. These fuckers are trying to actually kill me. ok this is not a game. ..OK THEN". and then the real "fight" begins .. and usually ends badly for the bull :(

Uranus will be in the Pleiades aka the house of Taurus for the next 7 years. I have a feeling by the end of 7 years many of us long suffering patient bulls will be just about exhausted and ready to give in.., just in time for those pretentious but undeniably powerful Leo's to finally wake up start doing their Leo thing, maybe stop fixing their hair and bring some god damn backup, and the pain. But make no mistake, we (Taureans) will be first up to bat to set the stage for the coming storm, and if one is willing to rise to the mantle, these alignments are not just for our viewing pleasure, the planets and stars give us power, then move on to a different area of the universe. Don't ask me how it works, ask the spinx or something. as for me, I feel the changes in energy just waiting to spill over already.. what are the "gifts of the spirit"? of course, one has to be vibrating at a fairly high level to start with and have at least begun the awakening process to access these .. energies, lets just call them energies. Energies that will give us some small edge against the forces that be..

This place is going to naturally begin to attract people in various stages of "spiritual awakening", like we all once were when we stumbled through here, and we should prepare a place that has the information and friendly anons that have been through the process giving advice, to help people wake up, help people learn about themselves and who they are and from where they come (and so should you! if the words Sun/Moon/Ascendant mean next to nothing to you, why not go get a free natal chart done online somewhere? I like what does it mean to KNOW THYSELF? Is there only one way to know thyself?) in order to be able to use every individuals most efficient and effective talents available for whatever is coming. I'll be back guys.

Anonymous ID: 051298 May 12, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.6423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh and one more thing, there will also be many "fake" light workers as well, at best simply jealous that they are fated to take a back seat spectator role in this whole thing and wanting to feel like they are part of the 144k, and at worst.. Lets all stay vigilant over the next few .. whatever.