Anonymous ID: 713a1d Thank you for this RaAnon Feb. 26, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4017 >>370

My friends! The KEY is found! RaAnon  02/20/18 (Tue) 13:51:54 1af092 No.442920


My friends! My allies! My children of light!


Today is a day of reckoning, for the key was found. The KEY reveals TRUTH.


Yes, I certainly am quite different than Ra. I am just me, a simple guy with a simple life. Who saw it was time for a change.


What's really interesting… that my main thread has 777 in it, which was actually a holy number before the Cabal perverted it. Luck? Random? Coincidence… who knows!


Here is the Key post, and who found it I linked,




This is VERY important you all understand,


The Vatican is shaped as a key, it’s Sigil Magic. The truth is hidden in plain sight.The vaults of the Vatican contain humankind’s most cherished treasures that have been stolen.


It also contains documents telling the true story of human history. The vaults of the Vatican must be opened. The Alliance of White Hats shall be the first to examine the full extent of the Vaults.


If the Vatican resists the truth, the Light will find the Truth. For they still do not understand the SUPREME TRUMP CARDS I have up my sleeves. They really don’t… and they cannot fathom or speculate what I am speaking of…


These people are in fear, that’s why my threads are attacked, all of them, especially when touching “touchy” material.


At one snap of the fingers, I could solve this equation. However, I would not want to violate the sacred law of FREE WILL. Nor would I want to harm any of the treasures in the vaults. These treasures must be removed from the Vatican, and given back to museums around the world so they can be SHARED, like they were always SUPPOSED TO BE.


Nor would I want to harm anyone. I absolutely do not tolerate violence, despite what they have done to us. I value life, despite the evil’s these people have forced us to endure. Their souls will burn in the most horrifying nightmarish HELL one can imagine, have faith in this.


The Vatican is the seat of power, where all truths are hidden. The vaults contain all, both good and pure evil.


Just how deep to the vaults go? What REALLY is at the VERY BOTTOM? Jacob Rothschild was the “Pindar”


The Pindar is DEAD, and the Cabal is fracturing from the inside out without having a replacement. Do you not remember, Q saying “The more unrealistic it all becomes?” The truth is NOT going to be for everyone.


The truth is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times more complicated than most of you can imagine.


You want the TRUTH? Start researching the “PINDAR”. Do you not recall myself saying many, many times… I simply cannot give you Wisdom. I can only give you Knowledge. What you do with that Knowledge may lead you to Wisdom. For Wisdom, is NOT something most souls can handle. We will not reveal specific details, because it’s YOUR JOB to do your own research! Depending on how much you want to know, it will decide how far you dig into this.


More official info will be coming in future weeks / months, rest assured. However, if you revisit the COMETA Report from the 1960’s, you would understand FULLY why we cannot disclose all. This is for the sake of all humanity.


100% Disclosure = ANARCHY, and it completely defeats the purpose of this Op. We want to UNIFY humankind in peace, as it was always MEANT TO BE. The only reason I am getting away with presenting this info, is purely because it’s coming from “me”. Most people can have leverage placed against them.


I am not official in any sense of the word. I am a ghost… I do not represent Q. Yet, we work together in an indirect way, yet we do not know each other, nor ever met.


I work in a place that doesn’t exist. I do not exist. I cannot have leverage placed against me. I am a ghost… There is no leverage on a ghost…


Here are your Ruling Council of 13, our slave masters


Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) = PINDAR




Cavendish (Kennedy)


De Medici














Sinclair (St. Clair)


Warburg (del Banco)


Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) The British Royal Family is German


It’s your responsibility to research this and not fly into wild tangents or get violent. You have MOUNTAINS of information to go through with what I’ve presented on my entire thread, the “Snow White & 7 Dwarfs” thread, the “The more unrealistic it all becomes” thread, and the “Spirituality” thread, and the “Matrix Reality” thread. It may take months to digest.


We will NOT tolerate violence. This will NOT be solved by violence. The only violence comes from the CABAL itself, it always has been since the dawn of time. We take back what is ours. PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, WISDOM and most importantly SPIRITUALITY.




Awaken the Army of LIGHT, So we may build a new tomorrow!

Anonymous ID: 5a6ead Feb. 26, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>376 >>377



YAY!!! Thank You for having Us Nomadic Children of Light. I wonder how we can find the others. Clearly, we have our sights locked on the bigger "fish".


Anything I can do to help??



Anonymous ID: 713a1d To kick off the Digging Feb. 26, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Only focus on the KEY my friends KekAnon  02/25/18 (Sun) 12:59:09 8dfdde No.493861>>494469 >>494838




My friends, my allies, my children of LIGHT.

Look at how we INSTANTLY receive a disinfo attempt when I mention the KEY.

Guys… the KEY has been found in Q's Map, we MUST remain focus on it.

Why did the last Pope resign so QUICKLY?

Why did Pope Francis already HINT he may not be around for next year?

Previously, a Pope would NEVER QUIT.

Do they KNOW something is about to happen?


Here's some articles to keep you thinking.


ALL Messages pertaining to offshoots, tangents, disinfo or misdirection are utterly ignored, see through the "veil".


Focus on the KEY.

Focus on the VATICAN.


We need a freedom of information act for the Vaults of the Vatican.


We must begin a process of world awakening with respect to the lies of the Catholic church.


We must begin a process of requesting public disclosure from the Vatican to expose all the pedophilia, evil, blood libel sacrifices, child sacrifice and cannibalism, torture and other HORRORS of this house of SATAN.


Why was Jesus CRUCIFIED? He spoke of love, peace, unity, wisdom, oneness and spirituality.


Who lives in ROME? = THE POPE


The DEVIL lives in Rome.


All the secrets of REALITY and our HISTORY are in the Vatican vaults.


Stay on track my friends!

Anonymous ID: 713a1d Feb. 26, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.376   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Haha yes - sights definitely locked on the bigger fish here!


To help, read and post away! If you have any notable posts saved you want to discuss or whatever, put them up.


Let's get that Giant Fish lol

KekAnon ID: 97c1b0 A fairly good read on a sacrifice from an insider Feb. 26, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>415



My friends, my allies, my children of light.


Here's a decent read from a supposed Illuminati insider at a Vatican ritual>>379

Anonymous ID: 5a6ead Feb. 26, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.396   🗄️.is 🔗kun



YES!! I agree. It's amazing what happens when you just put your little "Truth Flag" up isn't it??


This (I used to call it an "insignia", but Ra has introduced the word and idea of "Sigil", so we'll go with that!) But here's something near and dear to my heart, and to the hearts of many who have sought the Truth, and been freed, empowered and healed by It, and I share it with My Fellow Brothers & Sisters of TRUTH.


"The Truth belongs to those who seek It."

"Seek, and Ye' SHALL Finder.


Shadilay & Truth to All!!

Anonymous ID: 713a1d Feb. 26, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>419


You say 'supposed' - do you think Svali is for real? I have read several of her interviews and writings about 'the life' - I can't imagine that someone would make that shit up. But disinformation and misdirection is, after all, the name of their game so…

KekAnon ID: 97c1b0 Feb. 26, 2018, 4:08 p.m. No.419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's very difficult to say at this point.

I absolutely DO believe a lot of it is truth.

I believe some of it is fabricated, and misdirects… however… I have a gut feeling that a lot of it is true. Can I prove any of it? No


I have however… felt, or rather sensed, certain rooms in the Vatican basement. With horror… absolute horror… it truly is the center of all evil.

So many deaths of children have occurred there. It gives me chills.


Remember, you always have to connect dots and parallels. You also have to realize, why would someone want to undermine themselves if they were still "in". It just doesn't make sense. However… the Cabal shills are good at blending 25% truth with 75% bullshit to keep people from digging in the REAL money pits of knowledge.

Anonymous ID: e65c9e Feb. 26, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>439 >>452

Hi all. Good to have a new home.


I am sorry that we all got banned because I couldn't help but post deleted stuff. I really feel bad about it. I hope y'all can forgive me.

Anonymous ID: 62985f Feb. 26, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>503

I don't know if this is of any use but I keep coming across this info when I'm researching the vatican.


White Pope = Francis

Black Pope = Arturo Sosa, Jesuit Superior General (by the way, he doesn't like being called the Black Pope)

Grey Pope = Pepe Orsini (most powerful man in the word, controls the White & Black pope, tries stay out of the spotlight)


These are supposedly the 13 families that actually control absolutely everything.

House of Borja

House of Breakspeare

House of Somaglia

House of Orsini (Orso)

House of Conti

House of Chigi

House of Colonna

House of Farnese

House of Medici

House of Gaetani

House of Pamphili

House of Este

House of Aldobrandini

Anonymous ID: e65c9e Feb. 26, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.440   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KekAnon, my friend. You had made made a point before the incident that we needed to understand spirituality, as some wisdom could be conveyed my one of many groups/factions. Could you please elaborate further on the spiritual-side of the situation?


I you have made it clear that we need to keep love in our hearts, be forgiving, and strive for unity. Are there seeds of knowledge on this aspect that you can share?

Anonymous ID: e65c9e Feb. 26, 2018, 6:07 p.m. No.444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Original KekAnon Vatican Dig Links:


http://humansarefree .com/2014/09/5-dark-secrets-of-vatican-revealed-by.html

http://www.toptenz .net/5-dark-secrets-vatican.php

https://www.charismanews .com/opinion/63551-the-dark-secrets-of-the-catholic-church-are-starting-to-come-out

http://theweek .com/articles/466772/10-secrets-vatican-exposed

http://www.explorateurtravel .com/travelblog/2017/4/23/the-vaticans-dark-secret

http://www.bibliotecapleyades .net/esp_vatican.htm

https://aim4truth .org/2017/02/18/whore-of-babylon-revealed-the-dark-secrets-of-the-vatican-exposed/ .uk/news/uk-news/bizarre-secrets-of-the-vatican-1739853

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Vatican_leaks_scandal


Other Vatican Dig Links:


http://humansarefree .com/2013/04/the-dark-secrets-of-vatican.html

http://humansarefree .com/2013/04/the-vatican-and-rome-esoteric-beyond.html

http://humansarefree .com/2014/10/the-catholic-liturgy-is-satanic-ritual.html

http://humansarefree .com/2014/04/the-truth-about-easter-and-secret.html

http://humansarefree .com/2014/12/the-dark-side-of-christmas-nimrods-tree.html

http://humansarefree .com/2014/10/exposing-shadow-forces-behind-nwo.html

http://humansarefree .com/2012/03/christian-church-is-biggest-financial.html

http://humansarefree .com/2010/09/calendar-we-use-today-is-wrong.html

http://vaticannewworldorder.blogspot .com/2012/03/r-eligious-symbols-religion-false.html

https://thetalkingpot.wordpress .com/tag/sedes-sacrorum/

http://www.aloha .net//~mikesch/verita.htm

http://www.vatican .va/roman_curia/pontifical_commissions/archeo/inglese/documents/rc_com_archeo_doc_20011010_cataccrist_en.html

http://www.vatican .va/roman_curia/institutions_connected/uffscavi/documents/rc_ic_uffscavi_doc_gen-information_20090216_en.html

http://www.vatican .va/various/basiliche/necropoli/scavi_english.html ( warning flash required )

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Catacombs_of_Rome

http://stpetersbasilica .info/


Wayne Herschel Stuff:


http://www.thehiddenrecords .com/key-of-solomon.php

http://www.oneism .org/ .com/user/wayhersc/videos


Wayne's Star Map Series: .com/watch?v=5Snmlpa1IxY .com/watch?v=P7MR6DH3NAc

Anonymous ID: b874e1 Feb. 26, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>504 >>557


Remember when Q posted a pic of the pontiff kissing the ring of a Rothschild? It was to show the pope wasn’t the top dog and that he answers to others above him.

Is it the Pindar he answers to? Isn’t that the Pindar who is recently dead but no one is reporting the fact?

The thread with The Ruiner’s blog text in it speaks to some of this, explains the hierarchy a bit more. Really interesting.

Anonymous ID: f69f65 Feb. 26, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>568


I remember that pic but it isn't a Rothschild that he kissed. It was a holocaust survivor. It caused a big stink in the catholic community because followers felt that the pope was to "high up" to be kissing a lowly human's hand.

I would suspect that the pope would answers to the Pindar.

And, yes, the Pindar is dead and no one is reporting it.

Anonymous ID: 713a1d Books about the Vatican Feb. 27, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.522   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Also posted in the Reading Room thread

Anonymous ID: 713a1d Feb. 27, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KekAnon ID: 97c1b0 Feb. 27, 2018, 3 p.m. No.557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>570


The Pindar was Jacob Rothschild.

I have read many compelling pieces of information that state he is dead.

As I've said before, just like any mafia family there is struggle after the boss dies.

I believe that Prince William is being groomed as the next Pindar, for appearance sake on a world stage.

Prince William is another Anti-Christ, just like Elon Musk.

Perceive a picture of Prince William holding a cloven hoof lamb. This is DEEP symbolism. The Lamb of God? Remember… there is double meaning in all Illuminati symbolism. The British Royal family all have high levels of Draco Reptilian DNA.


I think the Rothschilds would be very upset that someone from another bloodline would take the Pindar title, as they have held this rank for many decades / centuries.

Anonymous ID: 713a1d Feb. 27, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>587


Sorry, my bad. I was seeing a different pic in my mind than that one - I may have imagined the one where the pope kissed the ring of one with an elongated head like a Roth. Or maybe it was just the idea that the pope answers to higher ups that caused a mental pic that I confused for an actual photo posted. I swear I'm sane, anons!


Anonymous ID: 713a1d Feb. 27, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>585


I saw a magazine cover in the grocery store that said the Queen was currently choosing between Charles & William for a successor to the throne.


If William gets groomed as the next Pindar, does that mean he's guaranteed the monarchy as well?

Anonymous ID: 5a6ead Feb. 27, 2018, 7:11 p.m. No.585   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's ALWAYS been William. In very interesting ways, Ronald Reagan, Princess Diana (and her death) and Bernie Sanders have played YUUUUUUGE roles in saving our asses.


Funny how history works.



Anonymous ID: 2efd18 March 11, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.1418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264 >>1525

I will try and sum up here - Any errors are my own:


Digging on the Vatican, we began looking at the Necropolis tours given.


The tours are private, by reservation/arrangement only. And they're called the UffioScalvi. The Twin Crossed Keys with the elongated hat over them are the icon.


When you look at their tour page: Two schematics are present. A side view, which is missing a chamber that is present from the top down view.


And THAT view - oh, there is the fun. The chambers are all marked with different , readily recognizable English letters. Except one. With the Greek letter for "Fee" or Pi, depending on where you're from and how you pronounce it.


It is theorized that the chamber location is located directly below the steeple opening, but that's unknown currently.


When you dissect the meaning of the Greek "Fee" or Pi, you realize that a fee must be paid. If the Vatican is in the shape of a keyhole, and it is the key, then this room is most likely the key. The vault of hidden knowledge. And a fee must be paid.


With that in mind, what is Pi,

What is the golden ratio?

How do P and N calculate define each other in a spiral?

How is Easter calculated?

What date does it fall on this year?

What does [P] stand for in math terms?

What does [P] stand for in catholic church terms?

What does [P] stand for among the Cabal?

What is the P NP problem in math?

What is an [i]rrational or Natural number?

What is [N]?

What is Q in math?

What is a rational number?

What is Q in our lives?

What does the Tao symbol represent?

What do the numbers 3,6,9 represent?


At the ratio of is 3 to 5 what number does the Fibonnachi sequence result in?

What is the mark of the devil?

Anonymous ID: 2efd18 March 11, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.1422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264 >>1426

It was further speculated that the latin meanings of things have several interpretations, and as we know these are not good beings as we know it, and that they steal our essences, theories were put out as to ATM's as order menus, and the name of the temple within the vatican. I'd translate it to "The fountain of youth" by intuitive jump.


It was further noticed that the Vatican has an official newspaper with latin phrases for mission statements.


That can roughly be taken together to mean "Pay tribute or we unleash the gates of hell/The gates of hell are held back by your tribute."


And onward we go.

Anonymous ID: 2efd18 March 11, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.1426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I forgot to include that we know newspapers are used to communicate beyond the scan, so it was theorized that this paper gives marching orders.


Further noted is how much crime occurs on visiting tourists, and how nothing is prosecuted in vatican city. Not noted was where the property ends up, but it's a good guess tribute flows uphill.

Anonymous ID: 2efd18 March 11, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.1439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1525 >>1535

Is belief mathematically proven?

What tips the calculation of Pi past the ratio of 3/1 to 3.14?

What are foundations?




Bring the storm.

Anonymous ID: a0fb88 March 11, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.1525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264 >>1528 >>1533




Holy Moly,


What a day ANONS!


I didn't even catch this thread!


Thank You NewtomathANON!


You are doing GREAT!


I pray I can "get this" too!! Beyond Fractals are neat and look how that tree branches!


I want to share how amazing the great design is!


G.O.D is Love!





Anonymous ID: a0fb88 March 11, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.1528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1533



After just feeling a super amount of anxiety and overwhelmed at the amount of material to study and all there is to understand….I just realized that is yet another test of EGO! Oh my ego I love ya! Thank you for teaching me so much.


One person cannot know all the Knowledge!!


Thats why we have each other!!


I am a scribe!


That is my role.


these words, can unfold fractals of untold atolls

an ocean of knowledge hidden by past souls

dive deep little tadpoles

reap seeds sown by old scrolls

every mind is a piece of the holy whole

with water and Ra sunshine we shall fruit

with UNITY and FREEDOM from branches to roots.




We are all in this together!

Anonymous ID: 2efd18 March 12, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.1533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1593 >>1603




There was more to that thread. I hope others that were helping can contribute again. You can see my ego at work in what is saved. I grabbed the parts ((( I ))) thought were most important when it was the whole. ("I" is irrational in math)


I've been torn this way and that and have had a lot of conflicting emotions. What a rollercoaster.


I know I saved the text, I just have to dig it out.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: 352405 March 14, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.2172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2177


This is not for all, this is esoteric knowledge that very few people are ready to discuss. If you do not want to discuss the Rothschild / PINDAR / Vatican / Religion / Banking cartel / Hollywood / Pedophilia / Luciferian / “Loosh” connection, than please STOP READING RIGHT NOW. If you have something constructive to add, please do. This is going to require delving through mountains of information and evidence. This thread is a centralized pivot point to connect the New World Order, The Big Banks, the 13 Families, The Vatican and all hierarchy of religion. This NEEDS to be discussed in its own thread. For this is the holy mother-load of hard facts to understand. The world is NOT as it seems. This topic is NOT for everyone. If you do not feel comfortable talking about it, please choose your own path. Live your life exactly how you want to, and believe whatever you want. Do not forget, we all have FREE WILL. That is the beauty of Free Will. Construct the very universe around you that you want to live in (As long as you do not harm mother Earth or another sentient being around you).


The Pindar speaks directly to their “God’s”, which in reality, we also have a connection to. Once again our DNA is very “complicated”. If you look at the path of evolution from Apes to what we are today, most geneticists will argue that it’s nearly impossible that our chromosomes could be directly derived to what they are now without some serious modifications. This shouldn’t scare any of you, in fact it should empower you. Don’t you want to truly know who and what we are? We are the children of stardust, born from the same One God that ALL LIFE of this multiverse is comprised of. This is very difficult to grapple with. I have considered this equation… should these bloodlines be allowed to continue? Of this… I can only resort to Free Will. I personally think this planet would be FAR better off without the evil bloodlines of the Council of 13. However, you simply cannot take a life unless it’s in self defense. The answer of this is not mine to give. It’s in the hands of the White Hats.


These people “should” all be locked in cages of DARKNESS, until they breathe their last breath. A concrete cell without light, with no comforts or warmth, only given enough food to keep them alive. Only to see “Light” when the slot is opened to remove thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: 352405 March 14, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.2177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264


So, here it is folks. The PINDAR is dead. What does this represent? The Pindar is this, the One World Monarch. This was Jacob Rothschild until he died. As in previous posts on the spirituality thread, his head is coned shaped. This is due to his genetics, it has a high degree of Draco Reptilian DNA in it. This may come as a surprise to some, and not to others, but our DNA is VERY complicated. We all have… “extra” splices from “others” than Draco’s in our chromosomes. His head is cone shaped as it can all be traced back to the ancient Annunaki. These were the human / alien hybrids that were created as our overlords in ancient times. These people contained more sentient abilities than most in this age, for it was bred into them. The Pindar has not been replaced, just like any struggle for power in a mafia family, it’s violent. The Cabal is now fractured, and it’s vacuum is consuming itself from within. This is a MAJOR VICTORY of the Light. This fact alone, has given us a MAJOR advantage in this fight. The Pindar is represented as the “Pinnacle of the Draco”, for their bloodlines have kept the highest amount of Reptilian DNA in it. They have always had special rules about marriage, they are forced to inbreed to keep the DNA composite as close to the Annunaki structure as possible. They most likely have a lower percentage in their blood than the ancients did, and this can be considered by the huge elongated skulls of ancient times. They also have changed their inbreeding laws, as they can now marry a 5th cousin instead of only 1st.


The connection is this, I “personally” believe this planet was first found for two reason, Gold & Water. Both of which this planet seems to have an abundance. When you are class II species, you need to start branching out for natural resources. One can reasonably surmise the Draco’s are a class II species.


A species cannot reach class III unless they all work together, which the Draco’s definitely do not do. According to most, they have a specific pyramid structure of hierarchy, which is exactly what they created here on Earth. A class III species only reaches this pinnacle when they ALL work TOGETHER. You cannot become class III unless the entire species is working together. When you reach this pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment and technology, when you can warp the very fabric of time and space to your will, what is left? #1 is the resources to sustain your species, #2 would be knowledge, appreciation and exploration of the cosmos. When you have mastered time and space, there’s nothing left to gain from causing harm to other species, or trying to play “God”. These Reptilian Draco’s have been playing God here for a LONG time. They also by many accounts, pick up on global energy fields that we give off from our consciousness, this is called “Loosh” by many “insiders”.


The choice is now before us all. What are we going to do about it? My suggestion is take back what is rightfully ours. The Council of 13 families should no longer hold the power they currently do. We need to expose them in their totality. The absolute truths of our current history and ancient history MUST be discussed. We can no longer dwell in the darkness of ignorance. Once again, the truth isn’t going to be for everyone.

LuckyAnon ID: f05bb4 One World Religion? March 21, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.3332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh yes, the Vatican is in on this too

LVAnon ID: 713a1d One World Religion March 29, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.4168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

but they can't seem to agree on some key points…


POPE says no hell?

And then the Vatican backpedals comically

LVAnon ID: 713a1d The Dirty War of Argentina April 5, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.4645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4699


Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 23:07:01 47290d No.902296>>902304 >>902315 >>902373 >>902453 >>902455


File (hide): 219c26a1b65d0bb⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 203x300, 203:300, francisvidela.jpg) (h) (u)


The Pope and The Dirty War


The Dirty War of Argentina is an infamous campaign waged from 1976 to 1983 by the military dictatorship against suspected left-wing political opponents. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 30,000 citizens were killed; many of them were seized by the authorities and never heard from again.



From 1973-1979 Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) served as the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina. During this time he worked with the military and General Jorge Videla during Argentina’s Dirty Wars (Part of the CIAs Operation Condor). In his Role as Provincial head of the Society of Jesus in Argentina he was accused of


>The confiscation of babies from disappeared and detained political prisoners,


>The disappearance of Esther Careaga Ballestrino his former boss and cofounder of Madres de Plaza de Mayo (mother’s of dissapeared children)


>Information leading to the abduction and rape of mulitple preists and nuns


Two other people who played an important role were Henry Kissenger (then Secretary of State) and Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz Minister of Economy Argentina (close friend of David Rockefeller) ‎

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: 352405 April 5, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.4656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5594


Humble Scribe…

My best friend…

How Eye love you so…

Eye have seen this before when you posted it.

Yet Eye view it again, after Q's recent post with the snake and the vatican… and my mind is blown.


So there's a 666666 post with the Pope / Vatican.


Then there's a 777777 post…


The numbers are so… coincidental.


Like looking into a looking glass…


Like looking into a mirror…


Oh the reflections 1 must see…

LVAnon ID: 713a1d More on the Dirty War April 6, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.4699   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pulled from a comment on


Re: China / Vatican / Bishop arrangements


This may be of interest, keep on your radar for future reference:


Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Relocation Services was established in Oakdale, LA by Bishop Shulte to smuggle in Argentina’s Dirty War Criminals. (They assumed identities of their victims using Baptismal Certificates!) Shulte was promoted by, close to Cardinal Pio Laghi, who is close to DC, especially Bushes.


Pio Laghi was stationed in Argentina during the Dirty War. (via treaty that Spain still appointed Bishops in Argentina, if memory serves, I don’t have this file w/ me) Mothers de Placo De Mayo, many others maintain he was a war criminal, present at tortures, refusing to give Last Rites prior to executions if the victim didn’t give up names, etc. Vatican later basically gave him asylum to evade extradition to Argentina for prosecution.

(The history / purpose of Cath Char Refugee Relocation was told to me by a CIA agent in New Orleans re surveillance of, threats to parishioners who were fighting church closures in early 2000s. Bishop Shulte signed off on a particularly volatile closure the day before his retirement.)


(Recently, Catholic Charities Refugee Srvs, TX established OSU attacker Artan’s family.)

AntMan ID: 70139e May 8, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.6263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6264



Right before 11/11/2018 (11)


No coincidences eh?!


When trump revealed what he was doing I knew PLG was real and in the hands of the whitehats.


PLG=progect looking glass

wonder woman ID: 66baa3 May 8, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.6270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6289


I had forgotten about it! And when I read this post earlier I gots the chills all up and down mi bod and shed some tears. What a beautiful moment this will be!!!


heres hoping!

and manifesting magic!!

For the light!

Lets all meet in Italy for an espresso gelato and a dancing parade of anons shining the TRUE LIGHT and LOVE!!!

Anonymous ID: 08c745 May 9, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.6305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do want to participate.


Not sure I can commit to it, but I had an extra photo taken in case I can get the passport/funds/time. At the very least I'll be cheering on anyone who does.

Anonymous ID: 22ee17 July 9, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.9276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9423



As mentioned before,

A connection given to me on the Q Research threads.

This will take some digging to get to the bottom of.


>The Priory of Sion


The Priory of Sion is widely debunked on the internet. I personally find it very interesting… Why so much effort to make this go away?

Spidy/Johnny Storm/The Flash/Mordo ID: acda37 July 14, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.9423   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the Priory of Sion were the holders of the holy grail,,,,,,, some think it a cup of Christ at the last dinner but I think its the blood of the Christ,,,,,, his descendants of himself and Mary Magdalene


that may be the reason they want it disappeared so badly !!!

Anonymous ID: 63b9ff Oct. 1, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.10264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0274


>last cap

>golden number

Therefore a 'silver number' for the Church/Pope aligning with the Silver Key?


19 (point decimals that I can't recall) – is an important number in alternative physics models, particularly EM and torsion fields.


>"if they had regenerative tech from 'Them' where would they go to use it




>last cap

>'temple mother food'

The Trinity recapitulated in the Babylonian Tammuz, Ishtar, Baal. Baby eating.



>3rd cap, golden ratio

Farrell's "Topological Metaphor of the Medium", fractals, 'intelligent design'. Simulation Theory hijacks that. Take the Giza Pyramids – it encodes the dimensions of the earth, associated constellations, and the relations between them. A physical analogue, 'as above so below.' It's the science alluded to by Leibniz, Descartes, and Newton in Pythagoreans' teachings which retained traces of it, which they attempted to reconstruct. A sufficient knowledge of it would be 'indistinguishable from magic'. Alternative research paths in physics approach it – rockets are not still being used, except to launder the actual exotic tech into space, while collateralizing the debt machine terrestrially.



>What is a rational number?

~A relation to rational and irrational numbers, and rH positive and negative blood types.

~Q level clearance in US intelligence



>"Pay tribute or we unleash the gates of hell/The gates of hell are held back by your tribute."

Take 'Global Warming' and CO2 emissions against the predictable fact of entering a solar minimum in the near future. Much lower, and CO2 levels become suboptimal for plant life, especially agriculture. – Threat of another flood, via polar ice cap melting. What else locked in ice needs to stay that way up there besides?



The Saturn/Chronos Cube, Cross, Earth and Cosmos as hyperdimensional objects



>Keyhole and Crucifix,3rd cap

Not just a key hole, but a vessel.Take another perspective point, as above so below: you have the Grail collecting His blood.



The Pyramid vents view Orion on one hand, and Sirius on the other, Osirus and Set. The Vatican astrotheological topology is mirrored there yet again. Marduk is also associated with Mars. The gif animates the BULL – Orion in the center as Mithras, slaying it.



>this planet was first found for two reason, Gold & Water.

Per Farrell, Monoatomic Gold (white powder, Alchemy, Al Kemet; extremely stable, applications in torsion field propulsion physics et. al.) Water itself appears to have encoding properties, to boot.

>Draco's likely Class II species

From the Dogon and Salish cosmogenies, that appears likely. Question comes about if a benevolent Class III opponent of them was ever involved. It would be nice if they'd drop back in to chase them off so we could achieve Class II at least.

Spidy/Johnny Storm/The Flash/Mordo ID: acda37 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.10274   🗄️.is 🔗kun



as im finding out this story may be drivin quite differently than all the txts say this in fact may be a part of natrual mutations resulting un us changed from the previous humans on this world,,,,,,these mutations are a result of the worlds breaking up into what we see today in this new sloar system not 4.5 billion years old but possably only as old as 400,000 million years only both the bible and science are wrong in the ages they spew forth!!!!

Anonymous ID: 680a42 Oct. 12, 2018, 6:27 p.m. No.10395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0402


There are things I choose to address.

Things I choose to hold on to.

Time to visit the not so distant past.

This has been "partially" mentioned before.

… But not the full extent.

Do you remember how we started this journey together?

From the VERY beginning?

I've left my own breadcrumbs, everywhere.

Only the most discerning will follow.

Eye hide things in plain sight…

Some things I don't necessarily expect others to unravel, at least right away, due to "complexity".

What was the very FIRST thing mentioned in issue #1?

>What is a Key.

>It unlocks things.

Anons… I've toyed with Time.

This is very true, and very real.

Very few could understand what Eye have "seen"… Because it's impossible to describe.

What did I keep saying in the beginning…

>My pockets overflowith with KEYS.

The Key of Q's map was DESTINY.

(The Key) was found organically by an Anon on Q Research.

I was already waiting for this.

I spammed this everywhere… All pinned breads and basically went full blown Doctor Strange avatar/egofagging.

This was a Fool Card…

The Key belongs to ALL.

What good is a pocket full of Keys?

If you cannot share them…

Think about this my friends.

Eye feel it's very important to the overall scheme of this entire Great Awakening.

To this day, there is almost zero mention of (The Key) on Q Research.


Almost a zero footprint of TL on the public domain.

Think about it.

We've been over the target since day 1.

Only the bravest souls would piece our magic, our LIGHT together, to share it with others.

Do you remember the test I gave Jordan Sather?

It was to SHARE.

To share this Light with his devoted followers.

This is why Jordan Sather failed his test.

A Supreme test lay before those who face this challenge.

To share this board with those who have ears that would listen.

Hearts that are open.

Eyes that would see.

It's not my place, or my mission.

Superheroes not yet revealed…

>There are no coincidences…….

Anonymous ID: 08c745 Oct. 13, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.10402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0409


A ClockFag posted something in a main bread:

and it had me thinking of your post here.


>KEY spreads the TRUTH


I'd say the attached pic is somewhat related.

I've pointed out the TL board a few times. Can't tell how many eyes it's attracted though interest was expressed once or twice. If I understand you correctly, we need to get more eyes on? Agreed if so.


>Anons… I've toyed with Time.

This is very true, and very real


I believe you. Had an event during the spring I don't even know how to describe accurately so I've shied away from mentioning it. Details may be a bit off. This is what I think happened.

I woke up and watched a quick video on my phone. I glanced at the time when I did so. (I think it was 7:59 AM) I took a shower and came back, estimated 15 minutes. I came back to the phone and the time was back approx. 30 minutes. (So it should have been 8:14 AM and it was 7:30AM.)


I went and checked a wristwatch to make sure it wasn't an odd bug. Same thing. 30 minutes earlier than it was when I woke up. Definitely thought of you then.

Anonymous ID: 55cd8a Oct. 13, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.10405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0409

The key is love.


Not being in love. In love with the feelings of love as they will pass so to will being in love.


Being love unconditionally to no end.


No judgment.


No need or want to be right or wrong for love cannot land in that truth, man's revelent truth.


That which is immutable. Truth expressed through being love. Living your knowledge so that wisdom may find you.


Living knowledge. Gnosis.

Anonymous ID: 6d6927 Oct. 14, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.10409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0632



>KEY spreads the TRUTH


It truly does my friend.

The Key was an incredibly important piece of this mission.

It had to orig. organically… and it did.


>I've pointed out the TL board a few times.


Thank you.

I have done this… most likely too much.

I cannot press this on Q Research.

I have reached out to numerous people with devoted followers… all of which shied away.

Too daunting.

Too steep of a climb…


>Can't tell how many eyes it's attracted though interest was expressed once or twice.


There are more lurking than meets the Eye.

Most of our followers / readers / lurkers have been intimidated and choose not to post based on a variety of reasons.

This was never my intention… but such is the way.


>If I understand you correctly, we need to get more eyes on? Agreed if so.



It just has to be done carefully.

Eye have not been careful.

I have… pushed too much too fast.

There is something critical that must be reiterated.

Where we go one, we go all.

The fact our material exists on a board outside of Q Research is something we all must take into consideration.

Pushing too much on there for Anons to come here, will almost certainly draw more negative attention than positive.

It has to be clear that only those who are willing to climb the mountain, find themselves here based on their own Free Will.

We just need to open the door…

A challenge.


>I came back to the phone and the time was back approx. 30 minutes.



… Very interesting.

Are you sure you don't have this Time Stone hanging around your neck my friend?

Yes… I have experienced similar things.

An understatement.

Time is not as linear as we once thought.

It's elastic.




>The key is love.


Eye would agree!

Anonymous ID: 08c745 Nov. 3, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.10632   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>… Very interesting.

>Are you sure you don't have this Time Stone hanging around your neck my friend?

>Yes… I have experienced similar things.

So it's possible I wasn't hallucinating? Occurred around the time of the PAIN Q drops.


>An understatement.

>Time is not as linear as we once thought.

>It's elastic.


Anonymous ID: 08c745 Dec. 15, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.11316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1358


Why does the Phi tomb in the necropolis under the Vatican have a carving of Dionysus?

Why Do Dionysus and Jesus Christ have so much in common?

Why is the Tomb named for Q. Marcius Hermes Sibi?

Who was he?

Odd how when a search is performed for this name an article on satanism and detroit pops up:

Anonymous ID: 56e843 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.11358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1611


Hey Tor poster!


sorry! we have a resident shill mr zero, so I just deleted all your posts with out too much thought but now realize you posted some relevant info….

was able to copy this post…music posts are gonski sorry!! feel free to post again…


remember… they HAVE EVERYTHING!

why still use tor?

who cares

we won already.

NSA is white hats.


as well: in the spiritual reality,

all info is stored in akashic

you cant hide. and if you good, why do you need to?


▶Anonymous 12/18/18 (Tue) 12:26:52 000000 No.11345


Vatican and it's frens


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has announced the creation of an independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church, marking a historic split from …


How much more religious factions do we need?

White Rabbit ID: 539582 Jan. 23, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.11611   🗄️.is 🔗kun





US DOD Directive 5240 1.R saved 882013, Ch 4, Procedure 13 says “Experimentation is allowed on human subjects for intelligence purposes”. .So, whether it be a false claim, a National Security Letter or any other bogus move, the covert agencies can line up any or all critics, malcontents, political targets and thinkers that the PTB dislike and have them thrown into satellite-facilitated mobile concentration camps where the aforementioned technologies allow all manner of mind control, cybernetic, neuroscience, genetic, brain / dream study and other experiments to be run…. unreported, and with complainants labelled as paranoid etc.


Who knows more? And how does (1) get out of this program without raising the voice?

White Rabbit ID: 539582 Jan. 23, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.11613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I know someone who complains about such things for real. Dunno if legit. But how can he protect himself? Info passed on privately.

Anonymous ID: ae3c48 Feb. 10, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.11786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a reason I re-post certain things.

Sometimes several times.

What seems like common knowledge to you, is not for the vast majority of the population.

I want you to remember something, you are further along the Mountain path than you might think.

This should humble you.

With knowledge comes great responsibility.


Just some copy / pasta from Q Research;




>Well, the soundtrack is titled Hybridization of Humanity.

>What would such a title seem to suggest? That Humanity has been Hybridized with some sort of outside force.

>Likely? Possible?

>Good, Evil, or perhaps even Both?

>How prevalent would alien-humankind hybridization even be? How long?

>Perhaps they're already closer than /we/ tend to think


My fren… it's amazing how connections line up over time.

Why are we discussing The Vatican here, anyway?

Some Anons may have thought this off-topic.

Couldn't be further from the truth.




>The same reason I don't latch onto the messages about how horrible the Vatican is asserted to be


I question all things.

I question The Vatican.

Nothing is immune to my scrutiny.

The Vatican is 'The Key', for a reason.


<Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

<Who are we taught to trust?

<If you are religious, PRAY.

<60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

<These people should be hanging.


Do you recall The Vatican sending out a message pertaining to the fact that if you believed in alien life, it does not negate your faith?

Do you believe this could be relating to something more?

A disclosure of a different sort?

Do you believe The Vatican has humanities best interests in mind?

Do you believe they tell the truth of all things?

They know everything about our true history, and they tell you nothing.

The Vatican exists to control you.


Why public?

Why optics?

The Vatican is pushing 'the hybridization of humanity'.

'Listen carefully'.


Plain sight.

Some Anons choose to see less.

Some Anons choose to see more.

Truth is impossible to ignore.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

>Open your Eye.




>What happens if you step back a bit from the 100% belief and open up to some other possibilities?

>Can some of what we hold so tightly to be the limiting factor in growth?


Those who are not open to accepting possibilities have an agenda.

The agenda of those who would push false prophets has been pushed into the Light.

The first rule to 'The Law of Wisdom', is never believe anything 100%.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle


<Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

<The end won't be for everyone.

<That choice, to know, will be yours.


Anonymous ID: 3505aa March 10, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.12133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Start with the pine cones.

Just a coincidence WW is in the 'frame'… Kek.

>Open your Eye.

Anonymous ID: c31019 March 11, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.12179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420


Interesting blog here, the argument is that the Beast of Revelation is actually the Vatican. Seems well supported

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.12958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2959


How Mohammed was trained to be the great prophet of Islam. Fascinating. It's that white text on black background, which people find hard to read.

So I'll copy pasta it in a series of posts:


How the Vatican created Islam

How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.

2006 04 13


By Alberto Rivera

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.12959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2960


This information came from Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest after his conversion to Protestant Christianity. It is excerpted from "The Prophet," published by Chick Publications, PO Box 662, Chino CA 91708. Since its publication, after several unsuccessful attempts on his life, he died suddenly from food poisoning. His testimony should not be silenced. Dr. Rivera speaks to us still …


"What I'm going to tell you is what I learned in secret briefings in the Vatican when I was a Jesuit priest, under oath and induction. A Jesuit cardinal named Augustine Bea showed us how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of its religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure. A scheme had to be developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city.


"The great untapped source of manpower that could do this job was the children of Ishmael. The poor Arabs fell victim to one of the most clever plans ever devised by the powers of darkness. Early Christians went everywhere with the gospel setting up small churches, but they met heavy opposition. Both the Jews and the Roman government persecuted the believers in Christ to stop their spread. But the Jews rebelled against Rome, and in 70 AD, Roman armies under General Titus smashed Jerusalem and destroyed the great Jewish temple which was the heart of Jewish worship…in fulfillment of Christ's prophecy in Matthew 24:2.


"On this holy placed today where the temple once stood, the Dome of the Rock Mosque stands as Islam's second most holy place. Sweeping changes were in the wind. Corruption, apathy, greed, cruelty, perversion and rebellion were eating at the Roman Empire, and it was ready to collapse. The persecution against Christians was useless as they continued to lay down their lives for the gospel of Christ.


"The only way Satan could stop this thrust was to create a counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of God. The solution was in Rome. Their religion had come from ancient Babylon and all it needed was a face-lift. This didn't happen overnight, but began in the writings of the 'early church fathers'.


"It was through their writings that a new religion would take shape. The statue of Jupiter in Rome was eventually called St. Peter, and the statue of Venus was changed to the Virgin Mary. The site chosen for its headquarters was on one of the seven hills called 'Vaticanus', the place of the diving serpent where the Satanic temple of Janus stood.


"The great counterfeit religion was Roman Catholicism, called 'Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth'- Revelation 17:5. She was raised up to block the gospel, slaughter the believers in Christ, establish religions, create wars and make the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication as we will see.


"Three major religions have one thing in common - each has a holy place where they look for guidance. Roman Catholicism looks to the Vatican as the Holy City. The Jews look to the wailing wall in Jerusalem, and the Muslims look to Mecca as their Holy City. Each group believes that they receive certain types of blessings for the rest of their lives for visiting their holy place. In the beginning, Arab visitors would bring gifts to the 'House of God', and the keepers of the Kaaba were gracious to all who came. Some brought their idols and, not wanting to offend these people, their idols were placed inside the sanctuary. It is said that the Jews looked upon the Kaaba as an outlying tabernacle of the Lord with veneration until it became polluted with idols.

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.12960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2961


"In a tribal contention over a well(Zamzam) the treasure of the Kaaba and the offerings that pilgrims had given were dumped down the well and it was filled with sand - it disappeared. Many years later Adb Al-Muttalib was given visions telling him where to find the well and its treasure. He became the hero of Mecca, and he was destined to become the grandfather of Muhammad. Before this time, Augustine became the bishop of North Africa and was effective in winning Arabs to Roman Catholicism, including whole tribes. It was among these Arab converts to Catholicism that the concept of looking for an Arab prophet developed.


"Muhammad's father died from illness and sons born to great Arab families in places like Mecca were sent into the desert to be suckled and weaned and spend some of their childhood with Bedouin tribes for training and to avoid the plagues in the cities.


"After his mother and grandfather also died, Muhammad was with his uncle when a Roman Catholic monk learned of his identity and said, "Take your brother's son back to his country and guard him against the Jews, for by god, if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will construe evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother's son of yours."


"The Roman Catholic monk had fanned the flames for future Jewish persecutions at the hands of the followers of Muhammad. The Vatican desperately wanted Jerusalem because of its religious significance, but was blocked by the Jews.


"Another problem was the true Christians in North Africa who preached the gospel. Roman Catholicism was growing in power, but would not tolerate opposition. Somehow the Vatican had to create a weapon to eliminate both the Jews and the true Christian believers who refused to accept Roman Catholicism. Lookng to North Africa, they saw the multitudes of Arabs as a source of manpower to do their dirty work. Some Arabs had become Roman Catholic, and could be used in reporting information to leaders in Rome. Others were used in an underground spy network to carry out Rome's master plan to control the great multitudes of Arabs who rejected Catholicism. When 'St Augustine' appeared on the scene, he knew what was going on. His monasteries served as bases to seek out and destroy Bible manuscripts owned by the true Christians.


"The Vatican wanted to create a messiah for the Arabs, someone they could raise up as a great leader, a man with charisma whom they could train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind him, creating a mighty army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for the pope. In the Vatican briefing, Cardinal Bea told us this story:

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.12961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2962



'A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an assignment. She was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah,, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's advisor. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad.


'Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine which prepared him for his "great calling." The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their God.


'While Muhammad was being prepared, he was told that his enemies were the Jews and that the only true Christians were Roman Catholic. He was taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this.


'Muhammad began receiving "divine revelations" and his wife's Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Muhammad's mission, persecution came against his followers because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba.


'Muhammad instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia where Negus, the Roman Catholic king accepted them because Muhammad's views on the virgin Mary were so close to Roman Catholic doctrine. These Muslims received protection from Catholic kings because of Muhammad's revelations.


'Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. History proves that before Islam came into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon-god who was married to the sun-god. They gave birth to three goddesses who were worshipped throughout the Arab world as "Daughters of Allah" An idol excavated at Hazor in Palestine in 1950's shows Allah sitting on a throne with the crescent moon on his chest.


'Muhammad claimed he had a vision from Allah and was told, "You are the messenger of Allah." This began his career as a prophet and he received many messages. By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet, Muhammad.


'Some of Muhammad's writings were placed in the Koran, others were never published. They are now in the hands of high ranking holy men (Ayatollahs) in the Islamic faith.'

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.12962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2963


"When Cardinal Bea shared with us in the Vatican, he said, these writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Both sides have so much information on each other, that if exposed, it could create such a scandal that it would be a disaster for both religions.


"In their "holy" book, the Koran, Christ is regarded as only a prophet. If the pope was His representative on earth, then he also must be a prophet of God. This caused the followers of Muhammad to fear and respect the pope as another "holy man."


"The pope moved quickly and issued bulls granting the Arab generals permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa. The Vatican helped to finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three favors:


1. Eliminate the Jews and Christians (true believers, which they called infidels).


2. Protect the Augustinian Monks and Roman Catholics.


3. Conquer Jerusalem for "His Holiness" in the Vatican.


"As time went by, the power of Islam became tremendous - Jews and true Christians were slaughtered, and Jerusalem fell into their hands. Roman Catholics were never attacked, nor were their shrines, during this time. But when the pope asked for Jerusalem, he was surprised at their denial! The Arab generals had such military success that they could not be intimidated by the pope - nothing could stand in the way of their own plan.


"Under Waraquah's direction, Muhammad wrote that Abraham offered Ishmael as a sacrifice. The Bible says that Isaac was the sacrifice, but Muhammad removed Isaac's name and inserted Ishmael's name. As a result of this and Muhammad's vision, the faithful Muslims built a mosque, the Dome of the Rock, in Ishmael's honor on the site of the Jewish temple that was destroyed in 70 AD. This made Jerusalem the 2nd most holy place in the Islam faith. How could they give such a sacred shrine to the pope without causing a revolt?

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.12963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2964


"The pope realized what they had created was out of control when he heard they were calling "His Holiness" an infidel. The Muslim generals were determined to conquer the world for Allah and now they turned toward Europe. Islamic ambassadors approached the pope and asked for papal bulls to give them permission to invade European countries.


"The Vatican was outraged; war was inevitable. Temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic right of the pope. He wouldn't think of sharing it with those whom he considered heathens.


"The pope raised up his armies and called them crusades to hold back the children of Ishmael from grabbing Catholic Europe. The crusades lasted centuries and Jerusalem slipped out of the pope's hands.


"Turkey fell and Spain and Portugal were invaded by Islamic forces. In Portugal, they called a mountain village "Fatima" in honor of Muhammad's daughter, never dreaming it would become world famous.


"Years later when the Muslim armies were poised on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, to invade Italy, there was a serious problem. The Islamic generals realized they were too far extended. It was time for peace talks. One of the negotiators was Francis of Assisi.


"As a result, the Muslims were allowed to occupy Turkey in a "Christian" world, and the Catholics were allowed to occupy Lebanon in the Arab world. It was also agreed that the Muslims could build mosques in Catholic countries without interference as long as Roman Catholicism could flourish Arab countries.


"Cardinal Bea told us in Vatican briefings that both the Muslims and Roman Catholics agreed to block and destroy the efforts of their common enemy, Bible-believing Christianm missionaries. Through these concordats, Satan blocked the children of Ishmael from a knowledge of Scripture and the truth.


"A light control was kept on Muslims from the Ayatollah down through the Islamic priests, nuns and monks. The Vatican also engineers a campaign of hatred between the Muslim Arabs and the Jews. Before this, they had co-existed peacefully.


"The Islamic community looks on the Bible-believing missionary as a devil who brings poison to the children of Allah. This explains years of ministry in those countries with little results.


"The next plan was to control Islam. In 1910, Portugal was going Socialistic. Red flags were appearing and the Catholic Church was facing a major problem. Increasing numbers were against the church.


"The Jesuits wanted Russia involved, and the location of this vision at Fatima could play a key part in pulling Islam to the Mother Church.


Lucia de Santos, Francisco Marco and Jacinta Maro in 1917. Image from:

"In 1917, the Virgin appeared in Fatima. "The Mother of God" was a smashing success, playing to overflow crowds. As a result, the Socialists of Portugal suffered a major defeat.


"Roman Catholics world-wide began praying for the conversion of Russia and the Jesuits invented the Novenas to Fatima which they could perform throughout North Africa, spreading good public relations to the Muslim world. The Arabs thought they were honoring the daughter of Muhammad, which is what the Jesuits wanted them to believe.


"As a result of the vision of Fatima, Pope Pius XII ordered his Nazi army to crush Russia and the Orthodox religion and make Russia Roman Catholic." A few years after he lost World war II, Pope Pius XII startled the world with his phoney dancing sun vision to keep Fatima in the news. It was great religious show biz and the world swallowed it.


"Not surprisingly, Pope Pius was the only one to see this vision. As a result, a group of followers has grown into a Blue Army world-wide, totaling millions of faithful Roman Catholics ready to die for the blessed virgin.

Anonymous ID: f81044 May 22, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.12964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2966


"But we haven't seen anything yet. The Jesuits have their Virgin Mary scheduled to appear four or five times in China, Russia, and major appearance in the U.S.


"What has this got to do with Islam? Note Bishop Sheen's

statement: "Our Lady's appearances at Fatima marked the turning point in the history of the world's 350 million Muslims. After the death of his daughter, Muhammad wrote that she "is the most holy of all women in Paradise, next to Mary."


"He believed that the Virgin Mary chose to be known as Our Lady of Fatima as a sign and a pledge that the Muslims who believe in Christ's virgin birth, will come to believe in His divinity.


"Bishop Sheen pointed out that the pilgrim virgin statues of Our Lady of Fatima were enthusiastically received by Muslims in Africa, India, and elsewhere, and that many Muslims are now coming into the Roman Catholic Church."

Sphinx The Lion ID: 29d2d2 May 23, 2019, 4:50 a.m. No.12966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2973



Thank you for the link.

Surely not 100% accurate but at least partial.


Long story short: Vatican are Satanists and they "invented" Islam.


What is ISIS?


Next day - same shit!

Anonymous ID: 3b7282 May 23, 2019, 4:02 p.m. No.12973   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alberto Rivera, being a former Jesuit priest - would have taken an oath to lie as necessary to protect the Vatican's interests.


However, the fact that he died by poisoning, the Jesuit favorite way to silence those who question too much - suggests that his story contains enough accurate information to give us a general picture.


It is logical to conclude that ISIS would have similar roots, motivations and intentions, isn't it?

Anonymous ID: 6c54a6 June 8, 2019, 9:57 p.m. No.13121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

think mirror


what the hall of the Vatican looks like when mirrored by photoshop

Anonymous ID: 4277bf March 11, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.14016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4024



I would really love to see that happen but I am beyond doubtful. If the satanic pedo priests were all being rounded up or such they would be screaming to high heaven. I just cannot see it happening without some kind of a backlash in the public optics to protect them. It wouldn't go unnoticed and unchecked. Are there underlying reasons for Italy's quarantine, sure. Is it to topple the Vatican before any of the other key players are dismantled, almost definitely not.


I admire your optimism though.

Anonymous ID: 3f5ec4 March 13, 2020, 2:07 p.m. No.14020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shills keep a shillin' so we just keep red pillin'

Anonymous ID: adcd73 March 13, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.14024   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Coronavirus lockdown helps Italian police nab 'leading' mobster


nabbing the low hanging first…

and then the forbidden fruits of their sick and twisted religion are finally squashed for good.

Anonymous ID: a4f982 April 14, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.14153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4155


The movie: The Davinci Code image has a key with the fluer de lis crafted on it, and behind the key is a picture of the Mona Lisa.

Previously mentioned is the Payseur family line alleging that they are descendants of the Christ

Fleur de lis is their crest/symbol.


ma dona, my lady, ma'am, Madonna

"Mona" Can be monkey, idiot, cunt, silly, dupe, or moon (in middle English)

I find the moon aspect interesting in context of a posssible priestess.

The high priestess tarot image has the Egyptian hathor disk.

Is Mona Lisa an anagram for Amon + L'isa? Remains to be seen. I have not found anything to support L'isa = Isis as an anagram, though I think there is plenty of symbolism to support that idea.

A week or so back I was pondering Mary Magdalene as the moon goddess, Isis.

If Jesus is the Sun, representing all that is external, intellectual, rational, linear, logical, masculine, pragmatic and proactive, then Mary Magdalene is the Moon.

Near the end of the Davinci code movie, under Rosslyn chapel, the covering of Mary's tomb shows a carved moon on it.

The very last scene of the movie, the halo and wings behind the female body in the tomb, could be interpreted to be the Hathor disk.

"Isis became known, like other fierce goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon, as the “Eye of Re” and was equated with the Dog Star, Sothis (Sirius)."

(((They))) like "moon/dog" worship.

Payseurs own the Vatican

The title of the painting, which is known in English as Mona Lisa, comes from a description by Renaissance art historian Giorgio Vasari, who wrote "Leonardo undertook to paint, for Francesco del Giocondo, the portrait of Mona Lisa, his wife."[13][14] Mona in Italian is a polite form of address originating as ma donna – similar to Ma'am, Madam, or my lady in English. This became madonna, and its contraction mona. The title of the painting, though traditionally spelled Mona (as used by Vasari),[13] is also commonly spelled in modern Italian as Monna Lisa (mona being a vulgarity in some Italian dialects), but this is rare in English.

Madonna is typically used for/as Mother Mary.

This is interesting when you consider Madonna, the pop-singer, is thought to be a priestess and typically acts in a vulgar manner, with a child named Lourdes.


"The last supper" has a fleur de lis in the background. (Red on walls. Not precise, but there)

Davinci's Mona Lisa and Mary Magdalene are close in some respects. A few years, a few pounds. The nose is similar, the mouth as bit. Hair not so much, but a little similar, though it could be a common hairstyle during Davici's time.

I've found a bit of support for the idea.

"John" in the "Last Supper" is thought to be Mary.

Mona Lisa painting contains hidden code

Anonymous ID: 1c4380 April 14, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.14155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4156



I heard an interesting theory that the yellow vest protests was cover for finding the descendents of Christ… Mary's children. Can't find the sauce to support this tho.

Anonymous ID: a4f982 April 15, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.14156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4157



That is interesting. I'll have to look into that.

Yellow vests/Gold vests


This one has been rattling in my head lately:

>Gold shall destroy the FED


Re-visting the Priory of Sion, I came across this name:

Godfroi de Bouillion


Godfrey Bullion


''The Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion, or Priory of Zion, is said to be the cabal behind many of the events that occurred at Rennes-le-Chateau. According to the Prieure’s own documents, its history is long and convoluted. Its earliest roots are in some sort of Hermetic or Gnostic society led by a man named Ormus. This individual is said to have reconciled paganism and Christianity. The story of Sion only comes into focus in the Middle Ages. In 1070, a group of monks from Calabria, Italy, led by one Prince Ursus, founded the Abbey of Orval in France near Stenay, in the Ardennes.

These monks are said to have formed the basis for the Order de Sion, into which they were "folded" in 1099 by Godfroi de Bouillion.''


Since the Priory is all about Jesus' supposed line, the Merovingians, …and the Payseurs stem from the Merovingians, who are running things behind the scene, such as the Vatican, and the FED…


…And knowing that a gold bar is also referred to as bouillon - maybe this is another way that

>Gold shall destroy the FED