NON adult anon- If I may, from a lurker/new posters perspective on reading your words verses reading the words RA/KEK/STRANGE…..
First let me just say that when I found these boards a few months ago I shouted the BIGGEST halle-friggen-lujah!!!!!!! Cuz my autism loves to scroll and decipher and I addictively would do just that on social media face crack and IG….. ick. Then I started scrolling these boards and all of my spirit particles are just buzzin' with the LOVE and understanding and comaraderie I feel with all of our minds that are digging (even the rude ones on the main page- I think I get why they do it)
As a autistic, intuitive scroller, I could never “get through” your posts to read all the words with full presence of mind like I can KEK/RA/STRANGE. One, clarity of sentence structure helps, (I am working on this myself, this info is sometimes so exciting it can be hard to be clear!!) two, when too many ALL CAPS are involved a lot of times I shut down, that SCREAMS ego. And three when anyone is making statements without questioning them at all, red flags. Especially when only quoting one or two sources like you do with these thunderbolt guys……
This is why the socratic method of Questions is so powerful!!!! We are truly babies in wisdom and knowledge compared to all that exists. Lets help each other learn by using questions.
It may serve you to go back and read this beautifulandlogicicalanon’s post:
>Mainly I wanted to bring up Kurt Gödel's >Incompleteness Theorem.
>A rudimentary way to state
>this theorem is that with any axiomatic or >logical system, you can either anchor a system >relative to other derived points, making it a >consistent system, but the system will not be >complete. You can derive more and more >formulations inside that system, but will always >have doubts that you will run into a case that contradicts the system.
>Likewise, you can have a complete system >considering all possibilities, but it will never be >consistent with your anchoring axioms or >system of logic.
>One can create maddeningly
>relativistic structures, making connections with other inconsistent structures to keep whatever >theory running. Only to find out you may never get definitive proof of where you are resting >those points.
>Science and other fields of study do not escape this trap either.