>Did you ask about the turtles?
not that I am conscisously aware of…but when you first asked this question that same day I remembered i was talking to this woman I work with who kind of looks like a turtle about turtles while she was snorkeling once….
the sex abuse stuff is fucked, we are purging a lot finally as a collective… personally I think in my past as a little tyke it may have happened to me (I have since done much healing) plus I am a lady and ya just walk in to a bar sometimes and geez…molestation is considered flirting…
also somehow the qdrops I am most intrigued/interested in is the Pizzagate crap fuked world they have made… and my mind has gone to some really dark places in this journey thinking about it, so I have had to regulate my curiosity around it…. cuz really it is so fuking weird…..but i suppose all minds like metaphors….so (they) find them too in their sickness and drunk state of mind….. and then make whole fucking worlds out of the code words, and music videos and advertisements and all that….. no joke I was at a job in the belly of the beast yesterday and they had on the wall a "team building" comm : it said we break off into two pizza teams…like enough for each person to eat a pie…or some weird shit like that- this is a corporation!! what the fuq does that have to do with anything? (i was gonna take a photo but thot better, maybe I should have…but I thot, these folks are going down regardless) also pics on the wall of kids doing the aok sign over their eyes…
Symbolism shall be their downfall!!!
I sometimes wonder if I am drawn to look into the sex cult fuqed up aspect (and ya really don't need to look into it too long to get it, I think its dangerous actually to….ya gotta have a really strong mind!!) it is because I am good at transmuting thots…that my mind has volunteered to look into it and transmute it….. to Love, to Light, for healing.
>I really love this board. I hope it stays.
I don't see why this board would go? you keep referencing that, how come? cuz the interwebs are supposed to shut down maybe at some point? I am pretty certain it would come back online afterward…