This was amazing on many levels for me. Thanks, Dr. He puts together several concepts that have been rolling around in my melon for a while. He connects a few dots that I would join a bit different, not wrong, just different. These concepts are profound and can keep going deeper.
Initially, I judged him based on several factors and almost stopped listening. I had some prejudices that fired off about his demeanor, look, and the "production quality". I find this a bit fascinating as of late… Logan touched on this as well. That Judge in us fires off so quickly, and I probably miss many insights and markers… More data to put into the hopper.
The War at the end was amazing. Going to watch again. Much there to consider.
>Thank you by the way Silver Surfer… I love you, I really do. I always told you, that you were going to be absolutely one of the most important people in this story of Time.
You kill me Strange. I love you for it, but man o man. I thought about this statement for far too long and figured here I should show my thought process for some reason…
Stages of Thots over time <Cliff Note Version>:
1) What in the What What?
2) Wait a second… That's awesome! What does this mean?
3) Oh man, why did he say that? Why am I called out here? Don't do that to this over inflated Ego!
4) I guess if they need an example of a stubborn ass in a monkey suit.
5) It's a Trap! (best Ackbar voice) Is he trying to get me to do something? (did I mention that I have good solid trust issues)
6) Why? Everything has a reason…. so, why? What is so important about this Time and me?
7) But I don't know anything….just grasping at straws here.
8) What am I doing that warrants this?
9) Is this a test to see how I react?
10) Nope, back to lowest common denominator…. monkey suit back on. "Here is our example of a slow learner that thinks it is smart!"
11) Can I out think this? There is something here….
12) Wait, What in the hell!
13) Stop! Do you, be you, chop wood carry water.
14) Should I respond? If I do, what do I say?
15) It's not about you dumbass! Silver saves the world… I don't think so!
16) No action to be taken here. Just keep going.
17) There are so many more people in this world are more important than me in this story… We are all absolutely important to the story.
18) I don't get it…. I need to be patient and stop over thinking.
This will continue for a while I'm sure. One of these days, I'd love someone to fill me in, this is exhausting :)
Much love Y'ALL! Bring a smile to someone today!