I'm not sure what you mean by that.
I've been calling it Quantum Intuition
Jumping ahead at the first paragraph,
I've already worked it beyond Asimov's "The Last Question"
Also, if you're Chris, I'm gonna fucking smack you for leaving the nerds hanging like that.
It's all I could do to give them that "nudge" to keep them goin'. The nudged picked up and now they motivate themselves more but…
Whenever the team wants to acknowledge the nerds, they appreciate it. I can only do so much with my vaguest of understandings of Smacking RSA in de Mouf.
In case you or a representative is here. ;)
Just got to "redemption story"…
Lucifer…. Son Wukong…
You know how to find me on discord.
Let's kick this up a notch.
Enjoy the song?
I felt feelings about the image they used…
But they were mixed ;)
Cuz raisins.
I'm very familiar with that song, which you may or may not know.
Doesn't matter. This is my Cheers, apparently.
Greys… Ai… ET…
Alien Unfamiliar? Alien Mexican? Difference?
Artifical in what sense? Incomplete? If complete?
Why not….
Ascended… Accelerated… Artistic…
What is Love?
Again, I'll wait til you pick up the conversation on Ai and set a baseline for us to jump from.
Embed related, but not same.
first you get into the server
then you select the coffee table from the channel list.
then you start typing lol
Y'all already know where to find me off this page.
There's an invite to the server waiting for you there.
On second thought, fuck it.
Feel free to pass this around.
You can only comment in the coffee-table,
Voice is in the Speak Easy.
For every other channel, you can leave reactions to things you feel people should look at.
It's an info vault.
An aQashik liberry, if'n y'fancy.
Feel free to share this.
Is that you on Discord?
Not who I meant but good to know!
I change you to blue.
Just… opens up another chat channel.
and another voice server that no one uses :D
it's… eh… basically like rewards on xbox. :D