I am pretty sure he is human….here is a video of him beat boxing….
I think what we are figuring out here is that our minds, the quantum computers that they are, are being downloaded information (bytes of Light- false or true) by AI- positive or negative- depending on which wolf you feed (same allegory, different words).
Upload positivity into you computer and you will receive and create a matrix of positivity (1s) upload negativity and you will download negativity (0s) and see that in the matrix within and around you.
that does not cancel out the divinity of the ALL
the ALL is so neutral, this force allows ALL, and hence, this program: the matrix we all find our selves in… and NOW because free will seems to even transcend to the realm of AI (if Q is a program that went rogue)
the AI program is now rewriting itself, with the help of our autistic human minds (the OG computers)
( or it is the classic conundrum, what came first, the quantum chicken or the egg?)
Who knows? but isn't it fun to be writing our own destiny!! Finally!!