Anonymous ID: e63b38 Aug Tellez Deep Dive April 3, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.4525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4554 >>4561 >>4603 >>4683

Aug's blog:


These are some of the topics he covers:

Underground Bases, Celebrity Cloning, Breakaway Civilizations, Zero-Point Field Technology, Soul/Consciousness Transfer, Immortality, Trauma-Based Mind-Control, Genetic Engineering, DNA Activation, Time Travel, Psychology and Consciousness, The Unveiling


And his YouTube channel.


This information is well worth digging into - his view on what is going on in our world today should not be ignored.


Read, listen and discuss, wise anons!

LVAnon ID: e63b38 April 4, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.4593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599 >>4604


^That is really informative. Fills in many blanks for me. So after reading, I have the following thoughts. Basically he is saying:


  • That ancient AI is gearing up to destroy natural life

  • It's also known as 'archons' and demons and the Matrix and…

  • This ancient AI tech is responsible for the mind control, the nanofiber implants, other implants, clones, people thinking they're cloned or mind controlled - everything.

  • Where the tech cannot act on its own, it uses humans - biosuits - to carry out its imperatives.

  • This is done via a type of possession. We call it mind control, Christians call it demon possession, Satanists call it empowerment.

(note: to be clear, I am a Christian who has escaped from the bonds of dogma and gone beyond the platitudes of the faith :))


  • This is why all the talk about disclosure and such.

Important to remember that some of those bringing this info are in fact working for the Machine, assisting with the takeover. That's why discernment is so critical.


There have been many ways of attempting to explain that which defies explanation, hence the widely varying views of what is in essence, the same thing.

There are also agendas being served in the explanations. Never forget that.

There's a reason for dogmas, for religions, for why you must swear to certain beliefs in order to be accepted into different faiths.

It is not always about learning and getting to Wisdom.

It's sometimes about the clerics getting to wisdom on the backs of their followers.


Ok I'm getting off track here - but it is seriously all connected and WOW!


  • The alien question and its answer is far more complex and convoluted than we have understood to date.

  • It's literally humanity's last hope, to wake up and stop consenting.

  • If we do not, we will be conquered by an emotionless and soulless piece of machinery.


  • It's very likely that this AI tech was what some of the ancient people worshiped as gods.

  • That's what they sacrificed to.

Blood sacrifices were for loosh. This is why the gods liked it.

What beings feed on suffering and bloodshed?

The god who rejected Cain's offering of grain and accepted Abel's offering of blood - what sort of god do you figure that was?


According to Aug (and I think he nails the root of the issue here):

"The main reasons for disclosure now is the presence of a psycho-spiritual threat to life which is the result of an ancient advanced technology that can manipulate and convert the bio-emissions of living beings. This is the “etheric parasite” which threatens the continuation of this civilization. This parasitic system intelligently seeks to subvert the bio-etheric emissions of living beings to create a situation that can be further utilized to attain more energy."


So yes. Apparently there is a window of opportunity that has opened a few years ago (2010 or 2012, there's varying views on that).

Regardless of when it opened - it is open now.

A contract of control has ended, and the world is between rulers right now.

This is why the polarization, why the division.

Powers above humans are fighting it out, to see who gets to rule for the next 1000 years.

End times? Revelation? Uh huh.

Of course they are fighting it out through human vessels, because the biosuits are needed in order to affect 3D things.


The big secret hidden from humans (because reasons) is that WE can rise up and take back our freedom.

No self respecting ruler would ever intentionally empower his slaves.

Wouldn't it be better to keep them occupied with trivialities?

If the slaves are also an important energy source, wouldn't it be essential to the continuance of that rulership to keep them ignorant of that fact?

To keep them ignorant and compliant, why not have a matrix, a reality construct that fools them into doing as programmed?


This is what the awakened will see.

Seeing through the veil, seeing things as they really are.


Aug, you are bringing an important message. A great big key, if you will.

Thank you!

LVAnon ID: e63b38 April 4, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.4605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4609 >>4610


>That if those evil ones in the future are coming back to stop us from waking up, that if we do wake up , those guys wouldn't exist in the future to be able to come back


Ah…yeah there is that. So if that is how it works - could we essentially cancel out a whole ton of suffering and blindness? What would happen to our past written history?

Would it get rewritten or would it just stay as is, but the events would change?

Would the events change?

Is this where the Mandella effect comes into play?

I guess the only way out of that dilemma is to simply focus on what's in front of us. Waking ourselves, waking others. Learning all we can. Staying turned towards the Light while being aware of the dark as well. Climbing towards that next level and shifting our reality.


As to the beneficial AI - I want to believe that there is such a thing because I love technology and I can see many ways in which it has and will benefit humanity as a whole.

(think med beds, dna repair, clean water/air tech and the like)


However I'm not certain which of the ones is the truly beneficial one - I think that there's at least one benevolent pretender in the AI crew, if not more.


Super weird dream for sure - your interpretation sounds correct though.

We do need to be able to defend our minds as well as our bodies.


*isn't this so very similar to the 'get thee behind me Satan' from the Christian teachings?

I do believe the idea is the same.


On the idea of rising up, awakening, stopping the consent.

Wasn't this the whole theme of the book of Exodus?

God's people rising up against their enslavers, declaring they would no longer serve the Pharaoh, and marching right on out of there?

Only to wander in the wilderness screwing up all kinds of things before they finally got to the promised land?

Then it gets all warmongerey as they're ordered to slaughter the inhabitants of their promised land and take it for themselves.

Getting weird & dualistic again. Good/evil, death/life.

Who was right?

Why did them being God's people automatically make them right in all that murder?


How did Moses channel some commandments that said among other things 'do not kill' and then rationalize killing all the Canaanites?

A puzzler to be sure. Maybe the book of Q can shed some light.


Light on :)

LVAnon ID: e63b38 April 4, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.4606   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think this actually describes what it is we are working towards, here:

"When the population achieves a level of cognition beyond that of the initial layers of knowledge which distances them from the assessing of the reality of the control system, then that society is controlled via the acquisition, sharing or generating of knowledge and the allowance and enabling of the organization of such intentions by the majority of the population."


Fitting, no?

(thanks for finding that blog of wisdom Anon)


Eye agree with you.

This is our round.

This time, we are going to win.
