My friend, my ally, my child of light.
I appreciate your kind words. I get frustrated easily.
You want to know something that BLEW MY MIND?
I was having a sleep study done in a hospital a little while ago. I had all kinds of diodes etc hooked up. I was there overnight obviously. I am military but aside from that I won't say more.
So, here I am hooked up to all these diodes like Neo unplugging from the matrix.
I have been following Q etc covertly for some time.
For myself, and others, we have been going through "tests" you wouldn't IMAGINE.
I go to type in youtube in my phone… and what happens?
It auto generates to "you learned your test" and the URL was Neo/M/Message?
IT BLEW MY MIND. When this happened, I had an undeniable URGE to see if there was a Dr. Strange 2 trailer.
When I saw… my fucking mind warped. I saw seraph from the matrix, and the messages he gave…
Dr. Strange IS the story of my life, told in metaphor. When I saw the draco reptilians, the soul harvesting… my mind opened like you cannot believe. You really can't.
There are forces at play beyond people's wildest imaginations. I definitely did not know much about this info until that point.
I wound up in the middle of something I never dreamed possible.
From there, I have been trying to share info. Info which gets attacked.
I hope someone over on that board defends me in some instance, not sure how. I am human… I have some ego yes… I have some arrogance yes… but it stems from having a pure heart that wants to help people. I want to share info and I want to share it fast.
Q and others I KNOW having been watching me. I've had eerie replies on that board that confirm they know about me…
I don't know at this point. Very conflicted.
Reality feels like a dream =/