Anonymous ID: b3e0bc Oct. 25, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.15346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

aaand from the depths of the cerniverse…

it gets weirder…


Dark matter warps distant starlight and enables galaxies to rotate at unfathomable speeds, yet is completely invisible to traditional detectors. In fact, scientists only know that dark matter exists because of its massive gravitational pull on ordinary matter. In the hunt for this elusive substance, scientists’ most powerful weapons are their creativity and their perseverance.


Several experiments at CERN, including AMS, ATLAS, CAST, CMS, FASER and Osqar are searching for dark matter. In order to identify possible dark-matter particles, experiments try to “make them” (through particle collisions in the LHC), “break them” (by examining what could be the remnants of their collisions in outer space) or “shake them” (by searching for the kicks that dark matter could give to atomic nuclei in detectors).


Dark Matter Day is celebrated every year by laboratories involved in Dark Matter research around the world, hence CERN’s participation in the event. On 30 October from 17:00 CET, CERN theorists and experimentalists working on some of the CERN experiments will present their latest research on dark matter and answer burning questions from the audience through a YouTube and Facebook live discussion. Viewers are welcome to ask questions ranging from the nature of Dark Matter to how scientists intend to make it in a lab – and how to visit these experiments at CERN.


Additionally, check out the CERN Youtube tutorial on advanced Dark Matter detection, and make sure to have jelly nearby… (things might get sticky), and follow a public talk on Dark Matter on the YouTube channel of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, on Thursday 29 October at 20:00 CET.


For more information on the full international programme for the week (from 26 to 31 October), check out the Dark Matter Day site and follow #darkmatterday.

Anonymous ID: b3e0bc Oct. 25, 2020, 8:12 p.m. No.15347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

old news but relevant to our work here.


>>8454 angles and demons


Tom Hanks to Turn On Large Hadron Collider


Miss Cellania • Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 1:12 PM

The CERN Large Hadron Collider had to be taken out of commission last September for retooling after helium leaked out and caused £20 million in damage. Who gets to turn on the button to start it up when repairs are finished? Movie star Tom Hanks!

Hanks was approached about the move while filming his latest film Angels and Demons in which he plays a Harvard University academic investigating a plot to annihilate the Vatican with 0.25 grams of antimatter stolen from Cern.


Steve Myers, Cern's director of accelerators and technology, told Nature News that he gave the actor a tour of the laboratory on February 13 and asked him if he would return for the switch-on, to which the actor agreed.


Cern's head of communications, James Gillies, confirmed that the facility would be delighted to have Hanks there to restart the collider, which organisers hope will take place in June.