>When a traveler comes here to this incarnation do they have the same amnesia from the "veil" or since they have been through it so they just keep quiet to not spoil the movie?
yup definitely, subject to the same karma and rules of this reality….but one can get glimpses… dreams, visions, knowings…etc… this is why so many really really bright people end up dranking or druggin them selves into a stuper…. cuz they know something deep with in….that should be different… the pain of this place can be too much to bear….but as a soul before they came they think: I can do it! i will Remember! Know thyself thats why that is such a good phrase.
>Time is not linear, sorta check. Tough concept to wrap a brain around, but I accept it as a "good enough" concept for now.
Funny to me your choice of words…. 'around' hehe ;) for what is the most prominent and beautiful shape of our cosmos?…. and would not time (or really RHYTHM or FREQUENCY- if we can agree that time is an illusion) take that shape?
>I feel like I'm circling back
>Is LG and CERN just a natural progression of the species or the Earth?
I like to think so…but our figuring it out seems to be a part of our progression as well, so we muse!
This is where the time travel thing gets weird. If we can prevent the disaster now, will those future greys be saved? Can we really save humanity? Or will the Illuminati manage to carry out their enslavement plan and thus secure the fate of the future us?
or do both happen? and that where our choice comes into play….if there are infinite timelines and all has already happened or is happening right now simultaneously ….
> It's interesting, isn't it - how this quest to master the cosmos, time and space transcends all the current political squabbles.
^^yes to this! and why I prefer to muse here better than Qresearch. though I still do lurk and occasionally post there to keep myself 'grounded' and am so supremely grateful for all the diligent anon minds who are ON IT!! Step by step.
absolutely genius antman.
Can it be that simple!??? I friggin hope so. I ain't trying to live out my life in one of those Faraday cages.. nope.
no sir-reeeeeeeeee.