First and foremost, my condolences to the loss of your friend. May he find those gaps in the shielding and find his peace.
I startled myself with this post. I just really, really wanted to share the "Hail to You" poem. To do so, I felt had to describe the psychoneuroticism context. For that Dąbrowski is needed. Then his description of anxiety, then growth. After posting, I was mortified by the implications of what I just wrote.
Did I just offer up a justification for the Dark? Do we need the duality to grow? Does it matter your alignment? Is this a divine secret?
Perturbing, to say the least. I think I resolved it for myself in short order, I simply feel aligned with the Light. We can drag humanity Lightward so the Darkenss is not so egregiously appalling and still experience growth. Nevertheless, how do we understand why the other side? Does it help us grow to have the anxiety of the fight? Would it be better to be satisfied with the "Oneness" of it all?
Which brings me to another line of thinking that Wonder Woman kicked off with PsyOps and the never-Trumpers…
>what is a Psychological Operation?
>I need to find a better narrative about redpilling that trump is on the team….
When you speak of PsyOps and redpilling, it is persuasion at its essence. Propaganda and Rhetoric rule this domain. There are numerous powerful tools in each category, tremendously effective especially with mass communications and from a centralised platform.
But we are in an unprecendented era of distributed communications and multi-media! How would (((they))) wrangle that in? Putting fences around what people see. Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc… are very much echo chambers. I'm not sure if it is a lack of choice, critical thinking is hard, new-master-same-as-old-master, censorship, bubble filters… or all of the above that brought us to this point of control in this era.
So what's a Trump to do? The MSM, Silicon Valley, politicians, celebrities were all against him controlling the narrative. The funny part is, this is where Trump shines. Distraction after distraction he controls the opposition, while strengthening his base by getting important shit done. That's a good portion of what Q is about. Q wants us to understand how this process works, to discern the interference patterns so we can see the whole hologram from all angles. (pic related)
Trump would not get anything done if everyone was against him, nor is your opposition particularly pleasant when you dominate. They need to feel they are winning, even if they are not. What are they chasing right now? Stormy Daniels and Russia? Immigration? Holography is necessary.
So if you run across someone who doesn't get the other side, that could be very well be by Design.