wonder woman ID: 64d54d May 10, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.6315   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I bought a couple weeks ago on vaccay, and just started reading a couple days ago….when you posted about the Qhologram I thot that a funny coinkidink.


I love this hologram spiral too!!! excellent work.


Yes on the MEME thread!!


Logan and I were just talking about that last night.

OMGoodness, anon are you me?


wonder woman ID: 64d54d May 10, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.6316   🗄️.is 🔗kun



keep that heart lit and head strong buddy!

I will watch it again and do a little synopsis for ya.

I am a lucky gal and got lots of time (but no money!) lol! it seems to be either or in this matrix eh!

wonder woman ID: 64d54d May 10, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.6318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319 >>6320 >>6322 >>6662



yeah me too.

gave me mixed feelings.

of course I want to experience the underground reality and the detoxing of my body and heart!

And to see what kind of civilizlation is possible when people live by the heart!!!


but to leave my human family up here to suffer thru confusion and fear of the EVENT (whether or not it will really be scary or not, or has just been propagandized that way, i dont know) but either way its possible many people will be in fear, and if all the woke people disappear right before, that doesn't seem like its going to help at all.


I did have a sound healing session with my friend once who heard a vision voice say: you may have to go underground for a while.


at this point in time/space, I dont know.


>hope some of you will be able to join this for the sake of humanity!


Is it really for the sake of humaity if we just up and leave at such pivitol point, could we be of better help on the surface, holding it down with our strong resonance of confidence and love and knowing that everything is going to be alright?

wonder woman ID: 64d54d May 10, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.6319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6320 >>6322 >>6326





Well, I just had another thot about it: sooo many thots (my mind sometimes feels like the intersecting interference pattern of that hologram diagram! lol!)


regarding temporal reality and some sauce from Correy Goode and his visits to the Anshar….


this Cobra post (who I believe is some disinfo as well anyways) is in regards to the Agarthians, but maybe it is similar in that a few days "down there" is only a few minutes on the surface….


Will our families and friends experience time in the same way as those that go underground?


that is the heart wrenching part of this message…how are we helping if our disapearance only adds to the surfaces suffering…


but if they don't realize we are gone?

do the agarthians have a better idea than we do of when this event will occur?


i dunno its hard to know now….


thanks for these links Sphinx, love on!

wonder woman ID: 64d54d May 10, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.6338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6350


Hi there doc!


Have you seen the base camp thread? >>6222

It could use some of this welcoming wisdom for those seekers that are just starting the climb. I made it in anticipation of more eyes on here and a place to gather some of the essentials…please add some more if you have ideas or see something that the camp could use! Thank you!



Thanks for the song! That base line is siiiiiiiick!

I am inspired by that badassbabe, apparently she made the vid herself on no cash….


I am perplexed slightly by why it made you think of me…….. multiple meanings to all and ok, yes, I suppose I can relate - hot damn it is springtime and the IRL me AND the wonderwoman me is jonsing! It is hard as I have mentioned before to be a strong smart and woke lady and be into the menfolk around these parts (lots of bros or UBER newagey) but I judge maybe too much….I just need a certain somethin somethin ya know?? And its a rare combo.


Also as you all have witnessed (feeling vulnerable) there is a certain (S)omeone who offered me his hand…i refused cuz I was trying to be with integrity, and he had a g-friend……blahblah, other stuff, and now, where we are at… hes not into me, so that is still a sore part in my heart that I am learning to heal…. I appreciate you and your flirtations- it helps!


I can relate to her in certain ways as far as being a bad ass babe and though I have gone through many phases and stages in my life as far as the "look" i present, my stashy face is the only "gender ambiguous" thang about me now …though I do admit she IS a hottie! Kek!! ;) At this point in my life, tho I enjoy being a hetero lovely lady- who sometimes wears flannel. lol!!!


Anyhow…thanks for the spark!

I love you Strange!

wonder woman ID: 64d54d May 11, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.6366   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I have been watching the skies for years and seen many cool flashes, discs disappear and reappear and some psychic interactions/conversations….and I had this same question when I first started looking up…


what I notice when crafts feel more deceptive is the flashes are more…like how some cartoons are seizure inducing for kids…the flashes look all over the place…like look at me…look at me..im here, nope Im over here, nope lookie here sorta thing….they feel like they are trying to distract and take my energy in that way…


benevolent craft feel like, they are what they are, no hiding, no deception..a good feeling, like a wave from an old friend…


hope that helps!

keep looking up anons!

wonderwoman ID: 64d54d May 14, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.6525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6538 >>6540


Thank you Antman.


Your 'small voice' is booming! If I could condense wisdom into a little clipit it would be this:


The law of free will reigns,

let your heart be your guide.


I would like to make things a tad more complicated however and address and apologize for the complications of yesterdays posts and slip and slides. You see, it was me who invited the KRSN to come here, recognizing the comms on Qresearch from what we were trying to decode a month or so ago.


It does seem at this point in times/space, Strange is correct in calling out his divisive tactics. This is definitely not a game as Q states.


It seems to me with his slips and tactics, my mind may have been infiltrated by this….My posts about sexuality - a few too many in a row, I am realizing in retrospect, though true and I stand by them, may be considered very rude by some minds viewing this. Strange called me out on it in a private comm and ill have to admit I got quite upset (note the phonecian spell on that word, up SET - the evil brother of Osiris)


I felt it was a "typical" male/female double standard, which to a certain degree is true. Females should be allowed to be empowered sexually and speak of raunchy subject matter (truly, in my view, I was trying to be funny and teach by "shock value") This may or may not have come across well, and I apologize for any minds I may have offended.


This is a VERY tricky, sticky and sensitive subject and how movements like "#metoo" are coming from a initial place of acknowledging trauma and then turned into a very divisive movement.


This is indeed psychological warfare, and if our bottom chakras are where the cabal cast their most devious spells, WE MUST BE VIGILANT.


And from here forward, I shall.

There is a small wound in my heart and sexuality that I am still healing. This can be used to my disadvantage if I am not careful, so from now I shall not speak of my personal reality and trying to find this superman I may know. I believe that is how the initial slide started, making it about my ego and love life. Now if it ever goes down, y'all are definitely invited to the wedding, but until then I'm gonna keep my proverbial mouth (text) shut about it.


Thank you Dr. Strange for calling me out, and all all of us, lets continue to have each others back as we climb up this mountain. There are indeed switchbacks!


Climb on with your light on anons!

I love you all so much!!

wonderwoman ID: 64d54d May 15, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.6571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6573 >>6663


Thank YOU Lucky/Valk!

We are the balance for the masculine here, I appreciate You so much!!!! Thanks for having my (and all our) backs!

And of Course all the Divine Masculine fellas!


wonderwoman ID: 64d54d May 15, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.6662   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Here is a great article by Teresa Yaneros who was mentioned in the Cobra post…. the one who had the dream.




Take away:



LMAO at this post btw