Thank you Antman.
Your 'small voice' is booming! If I could condense wisdom into a little clipit it would be this:
The law of free will reigns,
let your heart be your guide.
I would like to make things a tad more complicated however and address and apologize for the complications of yesterdays posts and slip and slides. You see, it was me who invited the KRSN to come here, recognizing the comms on Qresearch from what we were trying to decode a month or so ago.
It does seem at this point in times/space, Strange is correct in calling out his divisive tactics. This is definitely not a game as Q states.
It seems to me with his slips and tactics, my mind may have been infiltrated by this….My posts about sexuality - a few too many in a row, I am realizing in retrospect, though true and I stand by them, may be considered very rude by some minds viewing this. Strange called me out on it in a private comm and ill have to admit I got quite upset (note the phonecian spell on that word, up SET - the evil brother of Osiris)
I felt it was a "typical" male/female double standard, which to a certain degree is true. Females should be allowed to be empowered sexually and speak of raunchy subject matter (truly, in my view, I was trying to be funny and teach by "shock value") This may or may not have come across well, and I apologize for any minds I may have offended.
This is a VERY tricky, sticky and sensitive subject and how movements like "#metoo" are coming from a initial place of acknowledging trauma and then turned into a very divisive movement.
This is indeed psychological warfare, and if our bottom chakras are where the cabal cast their most devious spells, WE MUST BE VIGILANT.
And from here forward, I shall.
There is a small wound in my heart and sexuality that I am still healing. This can be used to my disadvantage if I am not careful, so from now I shall not speak of my personal reality and trying to find this superman I may know. I believe that is how the initial slide started, making it about my ego and love life. Now if it ever goes down, y'all are definitely invited to the wedding, but until then I'm gonna keep my proverbial mouth (text) shut about it.
Thank you Dr. Strange for calling me out, and all all of us, lets continue to have each others back as we climb up this mountain. There are indeed switchbacks!
Climb on with your light on anons!
I love you all so much!!