I watched the live stream of the handshaking appearance. Rocket Man looked…yep, dominated. POTUS guided him off the stage.
Art of the Deal bb!
Can't wait to read of the outcome.
PhiAnon, thank you for your post.
(yay binary code)
I will be looking for the Voltaire bit as well :)
So according to the shillspotting information we have learned, a real shill has an agenda that can be seen as they go along.
Cryptic obscurity is a way to take up energy that in the end doesn't lead anywhere. Unless it does. Which turns it into a fun puzzle or code to crack that actually advances our knowledge.
Subtly divisive language is another clue, however it can be difficult to tell this from legit questioning.
Pushing for a doomsday outcome (as per the cabal script) is a huge clue, as is Lucifer-glorifying talk.
Loads of lies can be skillfully hidden in circletalk and esoteric language, and they're hard to pick out.
False light often masquerades as true light. However, so does false darkness. Fear of the unknown is a weakening force.
Open attempts to divide and get anons squabbling is pretty much a guaranteed shill tell.
But - all of this is much like the old 'liespotting' instructions. One of those tells or even more than one isn't necessarily a guarantee. One must use intuition and listen to that still small voice to tell the shills from the seekers.
I did research on the message of KRSN. It seemed to point to an ancient death cult, mixed in with positive beliefs but with a dark undertone. We are all about LIFE and light here.
Given the list of clues above, you have not met these criteria - I conclude at this point you are no shill.
Having said that - I respect your gathered wisdom a great deal and thank you for sharing some of it with us.
As to our friend Dr. Strange - he is a seeker of truth like we all are. We're all going through tests of our ego (mine have really sucked at times) but we keep learning and getting better. After all, that's why we are here - to be both teachers and students to each other :)
Everyone here has valuable knowledge to offer.
And Wrath should be tempered with Mercy…