Outstanding work Anon! That's what I love about the chan and free speech. Play with ideas and build off of them. Attached is a transparent png that I used to build Hologramʰᵒˡᵒᵍʳᵃᵐ . Just a fun toy thought, one hologram is enough to contemplate.
I'm reading Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe right now. Free online here: https://archive.org/details/MichaelTalbotTheHolographicUniverse
A great blend of hard science, anecdotal evidence, and theory. Every few pages could be a new thread on TL worthy of investigation. Neuroscience, self-healing, quantum entanglement, psychic and past lives research, psychedelics, Sphinx and AntMan's archetypal DNA interests, and this is just the first few chapters.
Thanks Dr. Strange! I have plenty of ideas to share that need work and the board's input to take to other levels and higher resonances. Look forward to it!
HS/PQ and Dr. Strange re:Master Attack Plan. I know we want more Anons on here. What about a Meme War Room? Take the best of breads, meme and distribute.
#1, know your audience. /qresearch folks are open minded bunch, then branch out to the science, new age, other free-thinking communities. We don't need a full-scale twitter war nor detract from important Q research, but maybe some follow-the-white-rabbit memes that appeal to each group. We can take notes from the formidable Kekistan Airforce: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1232995.html#1232995
Just thinking out loud on how I stumbled via #followthewhiterabbit on /cbts last year and found TL from your Ra/Thoth posts.