>It doesn't matter how good of an argument you make. Ears, Heart, Eyes, Mind, and Soul are closed.
>Ego's want to overcome, Hearts want to teach, but sometimes it is best to let a thing be until it is the right Time and the individual is open.
A spell is only cast when the Time is right.
Those who troll TL do so because (((they))) are paid to shit this board up on a daily basis.
Which of course works to our benefit in the end.
>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat.
Only a Supreme Fool thinks themselves able to change these 0's.
If you concentrate all your energy, all your 1's… into wasted equations?
Eventually you become a 0 yourself…
Choice is always presented.
>In a small atempt to get this thread back on track…
>If you get a chance, the new Netflix series "Maniac" was pretty great. I will need to watch it again because there are tons of little nuggets, but overall it was a gtreat piece on finding your true self.
Eye haven't heard of this, but I will very shortly Silver.
>Much love all.