Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Nov. 2, 2018, 6:05 a.m. No.10609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0611

There's this gem tucked away in "So I Married an Axe Murderer"

Right at the 59 second mark if it didn't embed properly

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Dec. 28, 2018, 7:13 a.m. No.11403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1404

I ran through Jupiter Ascending again last night, and a few things I noticed this time around:

There is a line that isn't in the script when Jupiter Jones is dealing with the bureaucracy. "Seals and Signets are on sub 33"

Titus Abraxas: Titan is a moon around Saturn. Abraxas may be another word for Saturn with those that worship such. (Alistair Crowley) He betrays Jupiter in an attempt to gain control. Jupiter and Saturn clash in myth. There's some interesting symbolism in the wedding scene.

Kalique Abraxas has a helper with the face of an Owl.

Abrasax Industries logo: See any Y-heads? The "industry" is harvesting humans from thousands of planets

And this line was repeated twice: "The vastness of space" It's not an uncommon phrase but there are no coincidences.

Naming Jupiter Jones' guardian "Caine Wise" was an interesting touch. Caine/Cain is Able-y spliced with canine DNA.

From the script:

"So, you've been taught that the birthplace

of the human race is earth, but it's not.

It's actually a planet in the Cunabulum ("Nest" or "Cradle" in English from Latin)

system called Orous,

a little over a billion of your years ago.

Your planet was discovered during what is

commonly called the great expansion.

At the time, earth was inhabited

by a branch-species of Saurisapian,

a dangerous human predator

called the Sargorn.

Obviously before any colonization

or resource development

could be done safely to your planet,

a large-scale extinction event

was manufactured…

Damn budget cuts.

Are you talking about dinosaurs?

Wait, are you saying your people

killed the dinosaurs?"

Saurisapian -Sauropods -> Dinosaurs -> Draco. Sapien (Intelligent)

"Large scale extinction event" sound familiar?

The planet Oros in JA is surrounded by a series of rings and spacestations looking like an astrolabe.

During the Loosh/Regenx scene:

"What is that?

It has many names.

Regenx, recell, nectar.

There are various levels

of usefulness and quality,

but this is the most pure

and most valuable solution

made by the house of Abrasax.

Kalique came out of a bath.

Naturally, my sister didn't explain

what it is or where it comes from.

It comes from people.

Each unit is refined from approximately

a hundred human beings.


Your planet is a farm, Jupiter.

There are thousands of planets like yours

set up by families like mine

to supply an ever increasing

demand for more time.

Are you saying you killed

a hundred people to make this?

Not me, but…

yes, someone did.

Not unlike butchering a herd of cattle."

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Dec. 28, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.11404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some additional images:

Titus' Clipper in rings. (Ships in Saturn's rings)

Wedding Eye


Easter Egg with a tie-in to 2001 Space Odyssey - The space station from that movie is in the background of the home world of Orous - the supposed birthplace of humanity.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Dec. 30, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.11405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This movie was strange. Everything felt off and discordant to me.

The appearance of the other, formed from the energy of the psychologist, towards the end was interesting in it's imagery. It looked liked a flowing 3D fractal. The communication in synth tones, etc.

The imagery was interesting, both haunting and pretty at the same time.

With my cynicism dialed way up, I had a hard time with it, and had to look up a synopsis. Turns out I may have missed it's overall message in the viewing.

Life and Death are intertwined. Creative destruction.

This is one of Hussein's top picks on his end of year list - so I wonder what he likes so much about it. The ending or the synthesis from annihilation of what is.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 6, 2019, 8:51 a.m. No.11439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1449 >>1450


In the order of pictures taken:

I see Jupiter

Eye of Horus held in the hand of a snake/reptile/dragon/alien/Draco.

Saturn and Jupiter.

At the moment the trailer's voice-over states "The Nexus" a cross with a circle around it held in a locket is shown.


Souls in time trapped in a bubble/bauble.


>There are clips from Dr. Strange 2 as well.

>How can these really be 'fan made'?

Been wondering where they obtained the graphic assets for that.




Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 16, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.11522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1523


>the Sacred Observer

Reminds me of The Watchers.



>What Eye do know, is the Eye was changed to the same color as the Infinity Stone.

>My Eyes are a deep hue of green.

Curious. Time is orange in Marvel's paradigm

Eyes are windows to the soul…

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.11524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It has changed over Time though… why?

Soul was green in comics / Time is green in the movies.

Souls and time.

How to phrase this?


Time is the 4th wall.

The illusion.

Souls are trapped in time.

Your soul controls time based on perception.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:39 p.m. No.11642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1645


>Does the Observer consume or create? Is observation a 0 since it is not >adding 1's? Or is observation adding 1's because it enables 1's to be >created?

Is destruction the same as creation in that an observation is needed in order to "render"? If this is the case, I say the observer is a 1. I believe it needs to be a 1 in order to witness the zeros creation of a negative. (Though I'm certainly open to being corrected.) I'm not sure this is coming out how I intend.


"Does a tree fall in the forest if something doesn't observe it?"


>Albert Einstein is reported to have asked his fellow physicist and friend >Niels Bohr, one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, whether >he realistically believed that 'the moon does not exist if nobody is looking >at it.' To this Bohr replied that however hard he (Einstein) may try, he >would not be able to prove that it does, thus giving the entire riddle the >status of a kind of an infallible conjecture—one that cannot be either >proved or disproved.


Interesting as always, Silver.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.11649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1651 >>1661 >>1701



>Does a tree observe itself? The tree is surrounded by life in the Forrest. Does life observe the tree?

Precisely! Just because a person doesn't observe doesn't mean a squirrel, another tree, or anything else hasn't observed the MMORPG.

>Is it arrogance and ego that puts the man in a state to believe they are the observer?

Just the perspective, I suppose. It's the perspective that is known.

<It's not about you.

>Without man, the moon still impacts life, tides, life/death. Without the moon would they have been able to have that conversation? Would they be who they were?

>At this point, I would place the sacred observer as something different. Not a 1 or a 0. A superstate if you will. Apart from, but engaged in observing the 1's and 0's.

Internally, this picture - at the center point comes to mind.


Interesting thought. Like this?



/ \

0 - 1

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 25, 2019, 4:32 p.m. No.11662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1707


Nice. I likey.

>that is why they have been eating our and obsessed with pinecones for an eon.

Hadn't thought of it that way. Nice perspective.

>could the Trinity be the capstone?

Played with that idea before although I can't remember how I arrived at it or what it was I was pondering.

(Probably the math of the pyramid.)

I just remember thinking it.



>I've played around with the middle point (.5) before for quite some time. I personally am not sure there.

I also thought after that it could be:



0 ←– .5 –→ 1



>My melon is wandering in these wood for now. A superstate where it is 1 and 0. I'm not sure if right, but an interesting potential.

Does that imply a Qbit can be everything in between 1 and 0 as well? Because if that's so, this sounds like a micro description of the macro.

>Out there I came across the images attached and they reminded my of the one you posted. 2D to 3D to 4D.

The second image is what I thought of when Doc described how a black hole tears apart matter and it reforms again. Sucks it in the top, spits it out the bottom in different ways.

Studying the fractal maps, I'm not so sure any more, but it was interesting. Now I tend to see it like this image

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.11707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1736


>The Sacred Observer is required to "experience" both.

>It does not change or effect either, it merely observes.


>Without man, the moon still impacts life, tides, life/death. Without the moon would they have been able to have that conversation? Would they be who they were?


>Does that imply a Qbit can be everything in between 1 and 0 as well? Because if that's so, this sounds like a micro description of the macro.


When I think of spherical universes I think of them stacked neatly like the first two pictures, though IIRC Topoloanon had them illustrated as smearing together in a local space. That would give rise to a sort of "bleed-through" effect.


>What if the Sacred Observer was a sphere existing outside of all the 1's and 0's to encapsulate them?

Trying to bring this into a frame of reference I can somewhat picture - Would this be similar to how a quantum computer would view a Qbit? Seeing all the options of a "world/universe" within the sphere of possibilities? (3rd image)


>Is a tree conscious?

I state yes.

Is water?

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 2, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.11748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1753 >>1755 >>1759 >>1772 >>1781 >>2743 >>3866




Good call, y'all.

Spooky just how relevant Glass truly is.

I'm paraphrasing here, but I believe Sphinx stated before that your level of doubt influences things and the movie deals with that as a crux issue.



>It is the secret of DOUBT!

>According to our degree of doubt we are able to forge our own >reality in every second… or not.

>The law of Free Will gives us always our expectancy value >relating on our own degree of doubt.

>The doubt can be envisioned as a probability. It can take >values between 0 and 1. (0% - 100%)

>(At least 1%-99% - that i learned already from Dr. Strange)

>If someone can extinguish his doubts he/she is able to change

>all and everything - everytime. That is meant by the NEO story >in Matrix and maybe applies to Jeshua also.


"…This wasn't a limited edition. This was an origin story."

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 3, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.11756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1774 >>1781 >>3866


>Sounds like an interesting plot… if there are coincidences I don't mind a few

>spoilers before I see it.

>I don't always have to be the first one to 'see the movie'.

>I'm terrible for spoiling movies.

>One who always previews, often needs a review.

Let's see what I can do:

The main hero, Dunn believes he is super-strong/tough etc. and so he is. His one imagined weakness is water as some bullies almost drowned him in a pool and he retains a fear of it.

Dunn happens upon The Horde during a walking search he undertakes. He brushes by him and "flashes" on the girls that have been kidnapped. While in contact with his son, who uses the internet much like anons, they deduce the possible location and The Horde and Dunn fight. The Horde climbs walls and the ceiling during the fight and launches a table, injuring one of the girls. Dunn pushes The Horde out a window several stories high, probably knowing he'd survive but thinking the other would not. Both survive. A strobe light flashes with the authorities surrounding both.

They are taken into custody in a psychiatric facility where Mr. Glass has already been incarcerated.

Glass, Dunn, and Horde are brought into a room where Doctor Ellie Staple

attempts to introduce doubt and convince them that they are hallucinating, delusional and following a script from comics, or attributing superpowers to very astute subconscious observation, or one of the alters subconsciously sharing the idea of liking rock climbing, so it was filled in by the mind.

In the end, when all are dead and the chess game has played out, it is revealed that Staple's real job is to go from place to place to contain and erase evidence of superhuman's existence. As she states "Because when one of you shows up, the opposite does as well."

Glass manipulated events to get the super-human fight caught on video and distribute it after. He also caused the formation of Dun and Horde.

He tells his mother this isn't a limited edition series, this is an origin story - which he may have meant regarding he, Dunn and Horde, but I took to mean for everyone as the recording begins to spread across the net, and people begin to realize what they might capable of.


There are arguments that comic books are used just to sell something and nothing more, that comic fans are not normal, etc. One scene shows a character seeing exact events they witnessed depicted in a comic book.

Horde is calmed by a selfless touch and talks about wanting to come into the light. To stay in the light.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 3, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.11757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1758 >>1774

Transformers Dark of the moon

Transformers: About alien beings that can transform their appearance.

Bad guys using objects found on the dark side of the Moon

A teleportation bridge formed in Washington DC with Washington monument in the background. (Orion's alignment)

Forms a giant rectangle. (Cube Saturn moon matrix)

Bad guy is tracked and located at Chicago's Trump tower (Movie made in in 2011)

They will leave us alone after they harvest the resources;

"Resources unique to the planet: Us."

"Yes, slave labor".

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 11, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.11790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1791 >>1806 >>1854 >>2264 >>2743


>Has anyone been thinking about doubt this weekend?

Quite a bit. While reflecting on the contact experiences in the spring and other phenomena related to this board.

Doubt both tempers and fuels my Ego.

Doubt interferes with free will.

>When yoU are in the middle of doubt, you no longer >shape your destiny to your true desires.

"Self-confidence" is sexy.

>Believe in yourself.



Been thinking about the movie a bit still.

Was the origin story about the population as a whole or was the origin story about Dunn, Glass and Horde?

If the latter, then why do they all die?

(This is why I believed it was an origin story for the rest of the population.)

Or is it an Origin story for Joseph (Dunn's son) and Casey during the movie, it was alluded to Dunn's son pondering if he had powers. There is a scene in a comic store where he is under both a hero neon sign, then a villain sign as well as one where he watches someone lifting heavy weights.

The choice of yellow/green/purple for each character in relation to their abilities/personalities and how the chakras are defined correlates as well.

Horde - Yellow: mental activities, personal power, will

The Horde is a combination of physical and mental. He seems to constantly flex from the solar plexus

Dunn - Green: love, relating, integration, compassion.

Dunn's actions are grounded in love of others. Protection. Physical action

Glass - intuition, extrasensory perception, inner wisdom

While Glass is a bad guy, he uses his mental abilities as physical is mostly non-existent.


Probably missing some obvious things. (See? Doubt.)

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 12, 2019, 3:26 p.m. No.11802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1804


Just saw this: Sounds similar.

"Q can't tell everyone that this whole thing is a time travel manipulation operation and that the result is already defined as the future proves past. Because if Q did then half the people that need to do things integral to forming that future will not do what is necessary to create that future."

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 13, 2019, 9:14 a.m. No.11807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1812


>In that case, consciousness and subconsciousness would be instant. If you are beyond time, there is no speed. Moving from point A to B is only viewed as speed because of Time.

>If then 'A universal consciousness linking all?' is outside of Time, then that Universal Consciousness could see ALL (past, present, future).

Ben Rich's quote about ESP and travel applicable?


>In the sixth, we would see a plane of possible worlds, where we could compare and position all the possible universes that start with the same initial conditions as this one (i.e. the Big Bang). In theory, if you >could master the fifth and sixth dimension, you could travel back in time or go to different futures.



>'If' I could see the future, I'd see not a linear path, but infinite branching fractals in a 5D plane.

>5D - The universe experiencing itself from a single point of reference.

Viewing the fractal at a node?

>6D - The universe experiencing itself from the all.

This is where I'm geting a little hung up. While trying to visualize this I picture stacking spheres in a 3d cube. Each time a reality is altered, the the observer's reality shunts seamlessly to the sphere next to the "original" that contains the fractal index that grows from the difference in choices. It is a constantly moving dance like watching the individual frames of a movie film projection.

I could, quite obviously, be way off here.


This is a good post tying the two concepts together.


As an aside: This post was so good I didn't know how to respond.



Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 Feb. 17, 2019, 3:45 p.m. No.11832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Live Die Repeat"

Groundhog day with aliens and war.


The aliens that have crash landed in meteors are called Mimics.

Time controlling "mimics". (Reptilians)

Mimics bodies flow and shift constantly in a metal-like shifting way. Parts flow and parts stiffen in order to move and attack. The bodies pulse with electric signals. I describe the motion as nano-flow. Liquid metal.

>Cage reawakens and locates Vrataski, who takes him to Dr. Carter. Carter >is an expert in Mimic biology and explains that Mimics are a superorganism >in which the "Omega" controls the cerebrum, while the "Alphas" behave as >the ganglia through which the Omega controls ordinary Mimics. If an Alpha >is terminated, the Omega resets the day and rearranges its tactics until the >battle is won. Cage inadvertently "hijacked" their ability to reset time >through his exposure to an Alpha's blood. Vrataski had this ability at >Verdun, using it to win the battle before losing its power when she was >wounded in battle and received a blood transfusion. She tells Cage to >locate and kill the Omega in order to end the alien invasion and save the >human race.


The Alpha is a larger, blue-hued creature described as the hands of the Omega.

When splashed with an Alpha's blood (Blue/cold blooded reptilians) a person is able to reset the day each time they die, and repeat it to learn the lessons they choose in order to "win" against the main alien - the Omega. (Reincarnation)

The Omega is depicted as a rotating mini asteroid/planet within a anemone of energy at one point being shown high in the mountains of Germany.

During the final sneak assault on the Omega there is a brief highlight of an Obelisk by the Osprey-variant troop carrier as they assault the Louvre to find the Omega.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 March 3, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.12023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2001: A Space Odyssey

I watched this a few weeks back and am currently reading the book which gives a bit more context.

In pre-historic times, a black rectangle (cube) makes contact with some form of hominid tribe. This raises them up and they are able to conceptualize and make tools and weaponry.

Humans, who have reached the moon, make contact with a rectangle (cube).

This is not told to the general populace.

Out near Jupiter/Saturn another rectangle (cube) is floating.

A murderous AI is depicted among the stars.

That currently sounds to me like a sly way of saying there is a murderous AI near jupiter/saturn.

Humanity makes contact with this rectangle in a way that emphasizes time.

Human is evolved into a star child.


Interpretations of disclosure:

Annunaki raise us.

They have a base on the far side of the moon.

They have another out by Jupiter/Saturn.

Or if the Class V AI thing is legit, their boss is.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 March 7, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.12101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Johnny Mnemonic scene about the dangers of too much tech.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 March 16, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.12264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2334 >>2743


March 17th is Saint Patrick's day; The patron saint of teaching the pagans Christianity.

The use of Shamrocks is pervasive regarding this holiday, and is used the illustrate the "holy trinity".

Glass had a Shamrock society that suppressed the knowledge of superheros and villains for thousands of years.

"Who" else do we know of that uses secret societies, violence, and uses a shamrock and suppresses knowledge of what we are?

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 March 19, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.12336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2337


Sure, Sphinx. Sorry I wasn't clear before.

-The shamrock represents the trinity.

-The trinity is associated with the church.

-The church suppresses knowledge of what humanity is/can be.

-In Glass, the shamrock tattoo is on the people who suppress knowledge of what humans are/can be.

That's my take on it. Hope it helps.

Anonymous ID: 3f7e99 July 27, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.13391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ashley Two was better than expected, thanks for recommending it.

Nosedive was a good episode as well if you haven't seen it.

(Say hello to the Chinese Social Credit system and then punt it away fast.)