Anonymous ID: b4bd71 Dec. 24, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.11389   🗄️.is đź”—kun

an Anons assessment of the new Mary Poppins :


▶Pedo Mary Poppins a<>a<:3)– 12/24/18 (Mon) 11:33:34 0a6dd9 No.4453495[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


Last night I took my grandchildren to the new Mary Poppins movie, I was shocked at the blatant pedophile grooming that was implemented in the film. I would not be able to see this years ago before the scales were removed from my eyes. Here is a brief rundown of my impressions and analogies.




Mary Poppins. Character is the magical nanny that every one knows. Mary is trusted by the family because she was a force in the parent's life. Nanny Mary( a state CPS worker), knows how to solve the problem and leads children to increasingly dark and scary adventures. Trust in Nanny Mary is earned by fun adventures with the children


Jack. Jack is the friendly guardian. He is clever and has a cadre of friends that seem to be omnipresent. They are everywhere as Jack makes his rounds. He has met Mary Poppins in the past and will always do her bidding. He has a gang of bike riding lamplighters that you cannot escape from. They will always "Protect You"


Michael Banks. Ineffectual father with no sense of business sense. He is an artist but has to work as a teller in a bank. His character was in the original Mary Poppins as the boy child. (This is saying that abused parents will encourage and groom their children to participate in pedo activites).


Jane Banks. Sister of Michael and Aunt of children. Works tirelessly for worker rights.(Socialist). Works for strangers but will not take care of her nieces and nephews. Virtue signals with demonstrations and signs.


Topsy. This is the scariest person of all. She is cousin to Mary Poppins and runs a fixit shop down a dark alley with a door that is 4 feet tall. She is the fixer. She has days when everything is upside down and the visiting day is one of those days. She encourages the kids to participate in the "Upside Down Wednesday" because it is fun and it just happens. (She has no control over the event, so neither do the children.) Mary Poppins encourages this participation and leaves a magic ceramic bowl for Topsy to fix. The magic bowl is used to facilitate a magical world of circus and showbiz productions. Some of the characters in the magic world are duplicitous and evil. Perhaps by fixing the magic bowl, Topsy can fix the broken imaginary world.


William. This is the bank manager that is trying to foreclosed on Jane and Michael Banks home. He is cheating to steal the Banks' home.


Williams Toadies: One uptight white Brit who is evil and one slightly uptight Black Brit who will try to do the right thing.


Mr Dawes. This is the bank owner played by Dick Van Dyke. He fires William for trying to steal the Banks Home and lets Jane and Michael Banks know that their debt has been paid off. This is a very interesting character because it wraps up the story with the older participant in the Mary Poppins saga paying off the younger participants in the current tale. It encourages abused children to believe their abuser will take care of them as they make their way in the world.


The balloon Lady. This character is played by Angela Lansbury. She is one of the most accomplished actresses that started life as a child actress. She played with Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet. Her participation is a call to Hollywood that if you keep secrets, you will get roles in Hollywood.


continued next post…

Anonymous ID: b4bd71 Dec. 24, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.11390   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Plot of Story


The three children of Michael Banks have lost their mother and now they are running around their neighborhood getting dirty. Their house has a repossession notice posted on the door because the father has forgotten to pay the bill. Mary Poppins (CPS) arrives out of the clouds to get the children straightened out. There is an undersea bath sequence where they all go swimming in a magic bathtub. Next they go on to a magic land that exists in a ceramic bowl that sits on their shelf. They attend a showbiz production /circus with Mary and Jack dancing and singing. They sneak away and try to catch the bad bankers and ringmasters that are scheming against them. The ceramic magic bowl is broken and Mary knows where to get it fixed. She heads to a dark and scary alley in an unfamiliar part of town to see her cousin Topsy. Topsy is having an upside down day and she encourages the children to participate (What else can she do?). This gets the children used to doing "uncomfortable" things(because it is fun!). The children go to the bank to plead with the bank for more time or better terms on the home loan. They overhear William the bank manager discuss forclosing on loans no matter what. Michael Banks cannot find any of the stock certificates from the bank that gave him an interest in the bank. William the bank manager changes the stock ledger to remove Michael Bank's fathers stock purchases. Michael angrily tell the children and Mary Poppins to go home because they are meddling in his affairs. Mary Poppins follows the children and they wander the foggy dark streets aimlessly. She then takes them down a hidden portal to a dank tunnel. At the end of the tunnel are the Lamplighter Gang entertaining them with pole dancing. They eventually get their home returned to them by the owner of the Bank who knew Michael Bank's father very well.


Pedo Grooming


Mary Poppins is the State CPS. She has power to do many things.


What she does:

Entertain and gain trust

Present a clear and organized face to the world.

Lead the children to "magic worlds"

Leads them to suspect destinations

Introduces them to life upending situation.

Brings them out of the magical world , telling them it was a dream.

Leaves when she has accomplished her goals.


Jack is the friendly guardian. He is the watcher.

What he does:

Knows everyone and what their business is

Virile, friendly but still a guard.

Lamplighter by profession(has the power to light the darkness)

In charge of the cadre of Lamplighters(Police or Guardians of Society)

Will at all times do the bidding of Mary Poppins


Michael Banks is the Ineffectual father who was abused as a child.

What he does:

Screws up the family finances because of stupidity.

Lets the children run wild so CPS(Mary Poppins) is summoned

Does not prioritized correctly.

Enlists his abuser to run wild with his children


Jane Banks is the SJW of the day. She is off virtue signalling about Workers rights.

What she does:

Pays more attention to strangers than her own family.

SJW of the day, organizing for Workers(Socialist)

Legitimizes liberal protests of all types


Topsy is the active child procurer of the day.

What she does:

Provide an altered reality for the children gets them used to it

Perhaps she drugs the children to make them pliable.

Let them believe she can fix their world.


William is the banking system and represents the voracious appetite for possisions and the ruthlessness of uncontrolled bankers

What he does:

Threatens to take the home and thereby motivates the father to offer his children to others.

Uses theft cheating and chicanery to accomplish his objectives

Operates under the cover of authority and legitimacy.


Mr Dawes is the old perv banker that has contacts everywhere. He offers money from his resources to hush up the wrongs that are done to the families that are ruined by pedofiles.

What he does:

Paymaster to the victims

Enables long term silence from unwilling participants

Appears crazy but is smart as a whip and still able to dance.(At 93)

Restores a sense of normalcy after the fact.


I may be way off base here and I am hoping that the Disney/Gary Marshal production is not a pedo grooming movies for the current cultural paradigm. But, maybe the scales have fallen from my eyes in the last couple of years.