Instead of spelling it out directly, I’ll give the internal contacts I’ve had and see if you arrive to the same conclusion. The first was a vision of a city. The power was out. People were walking out of all the buildings in confusion. Dates were flashing on the screen of my telephone but they were jumbled and I couldn’t make them out.
A few days later I’m talking on the phone with my dad. He may literally be the healthiest 74 year old on planet earth with his diet, exercise and supplement regimen. While he has the body part right, unfortunately he is mentally imprisoned by the vast illusion of media/politics/society/everything. I’ve tried many times to gently lead him down the conspiracy rabbit hole. He understands the pharma one pretty well, but with the others the cognitive dissonance and programming is too powerful to overcome. Every time I've tried to explain one of them, it was just ramming my head into a brick wall.
Anyway, at that point I had just read the contact protocols posted by Ra, and had already purchased my laser. I ordered it to my parent’s house because I live outside of the US and they are coming to visit me and stay over here for a few months. So I asked my Dad if the laser had arrived, and he said it had, so I was very excited. He asked me what it was for and I told him I’d show him when we go out to our ranch in the countryside.
After I hung up, I racked my head and asked with all my intention, how do I reach out to someone like my Dad and make them understand what the truth of our situation is on this planet right now?
I go to sleep that night and I have another vision. In the vision I am in my childhood bed at my parents house. I look out the window and see the milky way and the stars clearly, like I never have before. I ask for contact and see bright orbs of light and I have a feeling of euphoria. This is it. It’s actually happening. Then there were fireworks everywhere. It was as vivid as any reality I’ve experienced. I turned around and saw my Dad was there too. I yelled at him ‘I told you so!’ And he understood everything.
A few days later (today) I’m reading through the contact thread. I get to the part where Ra is able to contact now with the presence of his family. That’s when it clicked.
Do you see where I’m going with this? I had my hypothesis typed out and ready to go but before I threw it in I saw WW say this in another post which gave me pause.
""if" I did see "things" that pertained to the plan, it would be a colossal Fool Card to start revealing it."
There are no coincidences, so I left it at that for now.
As an aside, I want to quickly share my two cents on another important topic discussed in this thread, Ra’s decalcification of the pineal gland, which is the lynchpin of all of this.
I was able to do it with a mostly vegan diet, but I still eat some eggs for B12. I cannot stress hard enough to everyone on this board that eating MEAT is a SPIRITUAL KILLER. I’ve gotten tremendous amounts of negative reactions when I’ve tried to point this out to people in other forums, but hopefully on this board there are ears to hear.
I also have a method to actively rev up the pineal gland, which I would like to share in another post, I just don’t know the appropriate thread to put it in. Maybe the pineal gland needs its own thread? So much of what we are doing depends on it…
I'm so happy to have made 'contact' on this board, and I am truly in awe of all the work that has been done here. Best wishes to all!