When taking large amounts of Iodine (which Ra has listed 3 times, under Iodine drops, Potassium Iodide tablets, and Kelp Tablets) your body can become backed up with the halides (Flouride, Chlorine, Bromine) that the Iodine is removing. This backup means that the bad stuff accumulates in your body, effectively giving you 'overdose' symptoms until your body can catch up in removing them through urine.
I strongly recommend doing some research yourself, however 200mg Selenium (I get this from a multivitamin), and salt loading (1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of a natural salt, mixed with warm water, once a day, promotes urination and bromide removal; Celtic Sea Salt is a good brand) should ease the symptoms you are experiencing.
When you lose weight you can't lose weight on only your stomach, it has to be overall weight loss and your body will decide what happens where. It's the same thing with health/nutrition/detox. You can't really target one organ, while ignoring all your other vital systems. You have to promote health through your whole body, so that it's natural systems of detoxifying can then work properly.
Would anyone be interested in an nutrition guide? Ra's cocktail is a good start for pineal gland decalcification, but it can be expanded on and could include some general health advice.