>Do you want my phone number or skype to verify?
>I'll dox myself just to the prove the point if necessary.
>Is that better, or are there any more tests I need to pass to get a stamp of approval?
This too has given me a really weird feeling… not really sure why Anons would come on here seeking approval from anyone. (Anons stand on their own two feet). Unless… this in of itself is a new tactic being used by (((them))) to try to make it look like the Anons posting on here are turning their backs on everyone and pushing people away who aren't in the "clique". Doc you once said that you don't turn your back on anyone (to KRSN originally), from my understanding that means everyone gets a chance until given reason not to. Giving people the benefit of the doubt at first, until they have given enough reason not to. People should just post their experiences, their insight, their love and wisdom. Their message alone will stand the test of time if truly meant with heart. Everyone who believes in themselves in a Superhero, isn't that the entire point of this journey?
>Maybe you're the AI and the board is a cosmic psyop.
All criticism is openly welcomed and expected. That one really stood out for me though… kind of like it was meant to trigger to get a reaction. After all of this… I'd find it very hard to believe this is a psyop. Q has definitely seemed to elude to some of the members posting here, even with some (You's). There is no hidden agenda here, people are encouraged to think for themselves and do their own research. Q has never given the impression any of the Anons here are suspect of fuckery, in fact I believe quite the opposite. The reason why people find this place is because they are deeper level seekers, trying to find the answers that Q isn't going to give to the normies. We ALL seek the summit of the mountain, and we travel there together.
>The 000000 post is a mindless shitpost.
>Yet you reply to it…
>Do you recall our conversations about 0's feeding into 0's?
Vividly… and I too wondered why the reply was posted. The 000000 post has no substance or meaning. Is this possibly a chance to try to normalize people replying to our resident 0 shill?