From personal comms;
"As a side, last weekend I asked to experience something that I could share with you all. I was very direct and specific in my intentions this time. I asked for something new to share, something that isn't seen anywhere else. Well the universe answered. In the second video 'the flash' is seen for 40 minutes straight in one area with very little movement. When does it become a mathematical impossibility as a natural phenomenon? Far before 40 minutes! My apologies for the lack of clarity as I was using the zoom function of the camcorder behind the monocular. I tried to give an impression of the distance by using the zoom. As seen before it starts off brighter then slowly dims, or perhaps it's traveling further away. Words cannot express how distant this object becomes at the end of the video. Near the beginning it's already far enough away to be invisible to the naked eye. I believe it was testing me to see how far / dim it could get while still interacting. By my estimations this craft was thousands, or tens of thousands of miles away.
#59: Presumably the ISS.
Satellite comes into view @20sec for contrast.
#60: Craft flashing in the same general area for 40 minutes straight.
I have witnessed these 'flashes' in that exact area of sky several Times.
(Approx. Southwest)
As always, use your own discernment my 'children of LIGHT' kek…
Much love…