Anonymous ID: 10917e Wonder Woman Oct. 17, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.10471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0473 >>0482 >>0597


>you are all superheros

now, hmmm where have I read that before….

oh yeah! You DOC!! ;)


We all have the ability to choose whether we will be a superhero or supervillian in any given moment.


I am sure he believes that he is being a super hero. Imo, Jordan Sather is a dude who dug into all this information, felt the need to share it and did so in the only platform a milleneal knows how, social media. He knows most grannys or normies aren't going to go on the chans so, he felt the need to disseminate in this way.


Is he an egofamefage? For sure. I don't doubt. Not all are going to be anon, and many folks wont take the word of an anon over someone with a face they can look at and eyes they can try and discern motivations from.


I just remember where I was at when I first heard this info, I was trying to tell everyone I knew! Youtube wasn't as easy to get an account, it was just a fledgling thing then (and so much doper, imho, obviously less controlled cuz they didnt know what they had just yet) but if it was as easy as it is now, I would have for sure made a channel. Thats why I started rapping in the first place, I wanted a way to feed this info into the mass consciousness. It felt REALLY important, like a mission. I feel JS thinks this is his.


I have seen him posting on the chans as anon (actually funny story cuz I just replied, "hi jordan" to be funny and he got a kerplexed, like, why would you dox somebody bro! not cool!…KEK!! but he was looking for something to talk Q about on an interview he would be on, so I told him "consider the vastness of space" or Peace in Iran is next, he replied can't do "muh aliens" on tv cuz you know how they be, but yes, Iran will be a good proof)


The fact that he is aligning with Wilcock and Goode is to be expected as that is a circle jerk that needs each other to spread information (dis or not, gets peeps thinking outside the box).


Whether or not they are "good" or "bad" ain't so black and white. And whether or not David Wilcock is comped, he is the guy that led me to find Q, and SO MUCH perspective on whats possible in space and with our fellow cosmic cousins. Before I was only working with Carlos Diaz and Billy Meier sightings.


Also side note, had a dream the other night with Wilcock's face and a voice that said, "for those who recognize patterns, he is clean now"


Now, not sure if I can totally trust my dreams anymore based on some things I thought would be unfolding but that are not, which is, sad. But, fwiw, I thought I'd share.


>The individuals he was paired with to great >extent made the Q movement look like FOOLS.


>Was he doing us any JUSTICE?

(pic related)


Leeeets just ignore the fact that Ghandi very well was a wife beater and take that quote at face value……oh the tangled webs we've weaved to get to the Now point in our story…..