Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.9728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9734



>to be that super hero that's held in highest regard all WE US ALL need to do is to be kind ALLWAYS and LOVE for when attacked then flip the animal switch and DEFEND US U ALL use the power of ur intellect and wisdom to know when to flip that switch


Flicking that love switch huh Spidey?

I'm just going to go ahead and not run with innuendo.

… Yes, Love!

It's what it's all about, isn't it?

It's a very important part of our collective message.

Superheroes know how to contain their anger.

(Something I still work on)

Superheroes know how to diffuse a situation with logic, not violence or hatred.

This is not to be confused with self defense.

Or the defense of others, or the weak.

We are the sum of our choices.

Our experiences.

Do we CHOOSE to make the most of every situation?

If love and forgiveness is an option, choose it.

>Because that's what heroes do. - Thor




There is a reason I left this message up without responding to it for a little while.

I wanted others to read it.

To take their time.


>So many of our day-to-day choices feel like they don't matter. How many times do we each justify negative actions because they are small, or no one will find out, or it is a social norm.


Something I admittedly still work on. It truly is all about the little things, isn't it. It's easy to justify incorrect actions when they are self serving. How often do we bend the rules to help OTHERS? For most of us… it's probably not as often as we bend the rules to benefit ourselves.


Whether people CHOOSE to believe this, or CHOOSE not to, there is always someone or "something" watching.

The cosmos is likely not as simple as many of us previously thought.

>Your thoughts aren't local.

>Be mindful of your thoughts, for you are having a conversation with the universe.


>I love that you have Doc and Deadpool there. Great examples of characters that have spanned the spectrum. Both have positive and negative aspects but fall on the hero side of that spectrum.


I think all "characters" in this tale of life have both positive and negative aspects. I am wracking my brain trying to find the perfect virtuous character without flaws. Now mind you, flaws are merely perception. A Fool Card of my own was stated in the past, I said that I was cancelling my ego. Wong corrected this shortly after. We never cancel our egos, we simply alter them to better suit our desire. Most superheroes have a super EGO. Most, not all. At the end of the day… what makes them superheroes, is the fact they can put their egos aside and work for the greater good as a team. Not one person, not one superhero can handle every situation.


>It's unfortunate and sad that those characters in this Grand Comic Book went that route. I wonder if any will decide to choose to walk the hero path again.


At the end of all equations Silver, they chose these paths to give us duality. Do you recall sharing this gift with us? Our first… "shill" :)

Forgiveness is a superpower.

So is bringing the guilty to justice, real justice.

Their choices are what give meaning to ours.

I'd be a fool to claim I know how the future will play out in it's entirety.

What I've seen is only a glimpse.

What I can tell you… is that most on the dark side would rather die or create WWIII than switch sides.

For most of them it's too late anyway.

Certain choices you can't come back from.

Nor can you turn back time.

… At least that far back.

Do you all recall way back when Spidey said Elon Musk flipped to the White Hats?

Where did you hear that?


>Be careful who you follow.


>Rumor has it he makes it back in the sequel with some interesting theories swirling around. Attempted retirement and peace until the Thanos "snap" impacted his family and he comes back with a vengeance seemed like a likely theory.


Jordan Sather was given an incorrect role to begin with.


Someone with some of the most potential for reaching people?

My message is no longer about that.

At first I thought this was important.

It's not.

It's irrelevant to people who have no power of belief.

If he would have stuck around, he would have learned some new knowledge and witnessed some Strange coincidences between Q and this group.

He's not the first to fail his tests of spirituality.

Nor the last.

He's interviewed some interesting people!

He's an intellectual.

It's not just about intellect though.

It really isn't.

What matters is in your heart.


>"You're a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole. To see more, to know more; and now, on hearing that it can be widened in ways you can't imagine… you reject the possibility." - The Ancient One


>Trust yourself. - Q

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.9731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9733 >>9743






As Time goes on I choose to reveal coincidences.

WW and I discussed having a hard time finding Q posts;

"Follow the White Rabbit".

I was certain there were posts made.

I was also certain, that during the time of the "Ra Anon" threads on Q Research, there was a post made something to the effect of;

"Taking a break from posting. It takes away from good discussion".

I cannot find this post.

Now Anons…

We already know POTUS is Batman.

He said so himself.

Does he follow the White Rabbit?

Yes he does…

>There are many truths hidden in comic books.

>Deadpool is the only Superhero to know he's inside of a comic book.

>You are reading a comic book.

>GOOD wins.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.9733   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've been sitting on this for too long.

I asked the question on Q Research.

>"Did Q make a white rabbit post"?

The answer I received was "no'.

"People have really ran with the Alice in Wonderland quotes."

And to be wary regarding it.

… If this is true, it's possible I saw a clown post this without a proper tripcode.

This was months ago.

So now… if this IS the case, I have to set the record straight.

I've been misquoting Q.

We all fall into rabbit holes.

We all chase white rabbits now and then.

We all make mistakes!

Including myself.

This 8ch board started off as "The Rabbit Hole".

We know where it leads.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 20, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.9736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9740



>doc sry brother I didn't say that,,,,, as I recall u mentioned that he had switched sides im sry if im wrong but I don't recall me saying that


As I recall, I was calling EM out.

You said something to the effect of, "wait didn't he switch sides to the White Hats"?

I believe Infowars was referenced.

Perhaps it wasn't you.

I thought it was.

I do recall the exchange.

It's been some Time.

I immediately flipped the switched.

"Oh so someone wants to repent?"

It was never questioned.

EM has always been on the dark side.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 20, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.9739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9743



>my intuition took me here

>what is my role?


In my own arrogance I overlooked this, Anon.

If you found your way here, it's because you have a key.

Isn't that how this all started?

>What is a key?

>It unlocks things.

>What is a Map?

>It guides you.


Every single Torfag, Shit poster, Anon and Superheroes alike, all have a key.


>I am and will be


"I am" are the two most powerful words in existence.

You are what you choose to be.

Tell us of your awakening experience?

I'm sure it's a key.




>teacher is all our roles


You all have keys.

You're all leaders.

I've learned something from all of you.

More than you know.

We were supposed to meet.

Keys were meant to be shared.

It's how we pass our tests.

























>Teamwork wins


I've never been much of a team player prior to The Great Awakening.

The Dr. Strange role is accurate.

So is the transformation over Time.


I think it's Time to reveal one of my ultimate coincidences.

It's a Fool Card.

This is something I've been holding onto, because I was never quite sure when to mention it.

Last year, I was having a conversation with my best friend "Thor".

I had essentially declared Hermit status.

That I had lost all faith in those in power around the globe.

I had lost faith in most of my friends and family.

I turned my back on my best friends, and the rest of the planet.

Two days later I discovered the Q phenomena.

This was like the entire universe had a grand cosmic joke planned in fractal time.

Just waiting for me…

To show me how much of a FOOL I truly was.

There are good people out there trying to make a difference.

Patriots haven't sold out.

I was just too blind to see it.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 20, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.9741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742



>maybe ur right its fuzzy with all this new information ive gleaned ill share when I can get it straight its a mix match


Think… visit the past in your mind.


>It was never questioned.



Ha, let me jog your memory.

You actually questioned me on it.

>Question all things.

…Including calling you out for not calling me out when you really DID call me out!


Anonymous ID: 607d84 Aug. 21, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.9748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9795 >>9796







>I hope my English is to understand.


It's alright Anon, few can understand me on the best of days!


>The school? I was bored.


Xavier's school for the gifted?


>I am like an elephant. Quiet but powerful with a thick skin.


"He is portrayed as quiet, honest and virtuous."


>I was able to successfully lay it off.I put my soul in the balance of the world and let my light shine.


"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light" - Plato


>Because I mostly just wanted to help and money is just paper.


Service to others is a Superpower.

This is possibly the biggest bridge to finding true zen and oneness. Detachment from money. Didn't Wong tell us that in Infinity War?


>When Q emerged, hope finally came back to me. I worked my way through my depression.


We all found each other to heal Anon. In one sense or another, I believe these souls (including my own) needed to find answers.


>I live in Europe and never came to terms with the norm imposed on us after WW2.


I had a feeling you might have been. It's true, history has been greatly distorted and once proud and great nations have been bastardized and destroyed. People of Europe need to take back their sovereignty.


>When did I really awake and if I really woke up?


"All life is an illusion deceived by desire."


>I am like a elephant standing in the water of love.

>My way is to climb the mountain and do destroy the lie wie living in.

>Iam and will be.


Every soul in this story has a role to play.

From the elephant to the field mouse.

I AM and will be.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Feb. 17, 2019, 3:29 p.m. No.11831   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Into the mouth of the snake.


Think martyr.

Think AJ.

Nash Holdings.

Follow the money.


>This isn't about FAME.

>Be careful who you follow.

>Be careful who you think is a Superhero…

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Feb. 20, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.11859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1861



I've given this some Time, and now there are a few things I choose to address…

Cicada 3301.

The Red Triangle.

Pay particular attention to the symbolism, even without digging into deciphering the puzzles.

A triangle, or a pyramid?

A bull? Or Molech?

There will come a day when people discover material relating to Q deeply embedded into Cicada.

It doesn't shine a positive light.

Dig deep into those who push the Cicada material.

See what (((they))) have to say about Q.

Think about why our 'merry band of shills' was pushing Cicada so hard on this board.



Cheshire Cat / Eyethespy et al.

Why was the 'deprogramming video' linked on here, right after we were told to TRUST?

Why was the 'deprogramming video' mentioned again much later on, as a means to "expose me"?

There will come a day when people discover the final chapters.

It is fear porn of the highest order.

It is not a recruitment tool of the LIGHT.

I've already given you some of the answers.

Comets bring us many things.

For those who "save everything", this should come as no surprise.

The most powerful card combination in the multiverse is THE FOOL & The Magician together.

Just how much does (1) know?

All (1) knows, is it knows nothing at all.


>In order to understand the present, you must visit the past.

<Symbolism will be their downfall.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Feb. 21, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.11863   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Many Times I have misquoted Q.

Not deliberately at certain Times.

It was never called out.

Some white rabbits were never meant to follow.

Interesting how SO many people at different Times believe Q made a white rabbit post though…

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Feb. 21, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.11873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1874



>Comets bring mushrooms.


They bring distractions.

They bring Sith Lords.

They bring the final chapter.

666 Fear.

Nothing to fear, but fear itself.


I feel the attached graphic is important to this thread.

What a coincidence…

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Feb. 24, 2019, 3:17 p.m. No.11912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913 >>1917

How many more coincidences…




>Was RA chosen as a positive marker, or as a marker to goade them?


A little from column A, a little from column B my ally.

Trolling the cabal with real Magic is a part of my mission.

We claim all symbols back as our own.

Supreme Keys hidden in plain sight.

No symbol is evil, only those who hide behind them.

We embrace the symbols stolen by the darkness, to shine LIGHT on them once again.

No Knowledge is forbidden, only certain practices.

This is a journey of discovering the true meaning of symbolism and archetypes.

The archetypes and symbols within us and around us all.


>I’m not sure if this line of thinking holds up, or pulls counter productive, but it is plausible theory why they don’t like you using the name of (((their))) god in ‘vain’.


Eye think you're onto something.

Eye am also aware of all the ammunition being prepared to be expended on us.

[Egyptian CULT].


[Crazy conspiracy theorists].

[Superhero complex mental illnesses].

[Brainwashed from movies].

This is bigger than you know.

It's inevitable that more coincidences make their way to the MSM to ridicule the truth, and the information we post here.

Every Timeline is a disaster for (((them))).

<Never interfere with an enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself.

Destiny has a funny way of catching up with poor choices.

I sit back, though I no longer laugh at their fates.

True horror is nothing to enjoy vicariously.

>Soon they will understand the meaning of true horror.

>Tick tock… Tick tock…




Nice graphic fren!




>I believe I may have a role figured out:

>Mad Hatter from the DC universe.

>Marty Torrey


Archetypes flow through every facet of the multiverse.

We ALL have an archetype.

Several at Times.

It's all a matter of choice.

I suggest adding this 'role' to the list.




>Connecting these two posts, we've had a white rabbit here signing off with ~H~ in the past.


Thoth on Q Research preaching the word of God right after Antman stops posting here preaching the word of God?

Antman making an appearance on that thread to make me 'look bad'?

Do you still believe in coincidences?

Shills prove my mission.

Always have.

Badge of honor.




Interdasting connection… I'd be curious if this really were true.

I'd hope the White Hats would allow A-Listers, HollywoodAnons, /badactors/ etc. to turn themselves in with full confessions if they in-turn gave them the opportunity to shine Light on the evil in Hollywood.

Not to let them off the hook, but to show them slightly more mercy.

Temperance with Judgment and all.





My 'channeling' LARPing days.

I hope you all learned something from that.

Fond memories my allies… our tests never cease.

I challenge you, I test you, because I desire for you to think outside the box.

I desire for you to 'Think Mirror'.

>Be careful what you believe from channelers.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 Feb. 28, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.11975   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>What!!?? Kek!!! Awesome!!


You see my frens… Anons are believing in themselves a little bit more these days.

I knew certain things would catch on over time.

>The power of belief is EVERYTHING.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 10, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.12151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2175


Did you happen to make the first meme?

Quite some Time ago?

Or the second?

The second appeared very early on during the 'RaAnon' posts.

Just curious if you were behind either of these?

'Be'ing the artist that you are!

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 11, 2019, 5:39 p.m. No.12176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2177 >>2190





Strange, very Strange.

Both were given to me at Strange Times.

'This' was given to me from an obscure post, with no namefagging / avatarfagging involved.

Always some(1) in the background…

<There are no coincidences.


Much love my allies.

My children of LIGHT. - Kek

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 13, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.12209   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>… the vision of what is possible with our human potential.

>We are literally at the zero point of pure potentiality with what is possible…. and people I know know it and are working toward building it.

>its a beautiful thing to witness.


People are starting to 'believe'.

If you believe you can shape the future in a positive way, so it shall be.


<love our Batman, dont' we?

>so much!

>all of us super heros.

>I love!!!

>You gaias….


More than you'll ever know…

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 17, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.12276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2327



All things have meaning my allies.


Look closer.

(17) Years to hatch.

A true rabbit hole.

7's abound, all around.

Why was it DELETED?

Was it solved in the Strangest of ways?

Did Neo solve the unsolvable equation?

What is a test?

What is a distraction?

Were these puzzles designed to keep you from digging in the right hole?

Why was this material pushed so heavily on here, pushed as incredibly important?

Why was Eye targeted with a cryptic 'Red Triangle' post on Q Research at the very beginning?


A countdown Timer.

It felt dark… it held no Light!

It gave me purely negative vibrations, the exact opposite from the 'Anon' messages coming my way from whom I believe are White Hats.

Is a coincidence that a 'comet' is at [THE END] of the 'fan made' Dr. Strange 2 trailer?

What is the FINAL chapter?

Why a countdown Timer?

What is 'Fear Porn'?

Chapter 1;

>A god walks among men but men will never walk among the gods.

Who am Eye attempting to 'walk among'?

Who are The Ascended Masters?…

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 19, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.12339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2342 >>2344 >>2360



>Interesting how antman shows up shortly after posting this doc.


No, he was already here. I figured others would call this out.







The timing… what a coincidence.


Yes, I already noticed while others perhaps didn't, or they just didn't say anything.

You're in plain sight.

I have reviewed your posts as 'Anon' in this thread before all of this.

You previously mentioned in your

'namefagging' era that Anons should not be eating meat.

There was an 'Anon' who popped up a little while ago, who mentioned he wasn't received very well when he previously posted.

It had to do with Veganfagging and attempting to force that choice on others.

Let me guess… you were the one who previously mentioned Anons should not eat meat when you were 'Anon'?

That you weren't received very well when you scolded Carnivore Anons?

You tried to reconcile and it wasn't received very well?

Of course it wouldn't 'BE'.

Telling others what they can or can't do, telling others what they can or can't eat, is not a part of my mission.

Shills on Q Research do enough of that.

My [Eye]s are on the front of my face, not on the sides.

I'm a Carnivore Anon, and always will 'Be'.

I guess it was just a coincidence I had this 'comic' waiting…

>They want you WEAK.



<Beware of those who preach of love and light, but forbid choice.


You are free to post whatever you want.

You always were.

I have not forgotten your choices of actions during your last 'departure' though.

Eye believe Silver hasn't either.

"The Doctor of thought police".



Refusal to listen to anything or any 1.

Will you make better choices now?

I guess Time will tell.

Forgiveness is a Superpower…

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 20, 2019, 9:08 p.m. No.12384   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I figured this thread was a good place for a second opinion. Is this not a place to discuss ego?


This is THE place to discuss Ego my fren!


>Frens? Optimus ment no harm, only had a moment of self doubt. Most of my life folks have always taken me the wrong way, so I try to be very careful, perhaps overly so.


Worry not about what others think of you.

This is a journey for ALL of us, and if we doubt ourselves and worry about what others think?

We'll slip every step of the way.

I commend you for your bravery.

Roll out!

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 22, 2019, 7:10 a.m. No.12417   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>No one I know does test me both In patience or on points.


>As we take breaks from labor, and talk deeply over joints.


This made me laugh fren, I couldn't come up with this stuff. Keep the poems flowing! It adds a nice dimension to our comfy home.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 24, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.12469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2506

Since Antman is back, I wish to revisit an important point in Time.

An important lesson.

There were Times where I've acted very 'Strange', only to prove a point somehow later on.

There were Times where I've flipped things upside down to later prove a point.

Flipping polarities.

Much earlier on, there was a point in Time where 'Antman' felt himself out of place.

Out of character.

He 'believed' he did not have the right archetype.

Perhaps he didn't?

He started off his journey by wondering who he was?

What role did Doctor Strange have for him?

You cannot find out who YOU are from someone else.

Be careful, the power of suggestion is incredibly powerful!

Just because I suggest an archetype you shouldn't take it at face value.

>Question ALL things.

I draw upon coincidences, and come up with an archetypal best guess to suit those coincidences.

Just because Eye draw a Card it doesn't mean you should take it as gospel.

I took away the Temperance Card and gave him Judgment.

I told him he was insulting destiny!

Who am I to tell him what his destiny is?

What if he really believed he was Captain America?

Who am Eye to tell him otherwise?

>ALL of the roles are shared.

Wonder Woman… you are very wise.

The 1 to my 0.

You made the right connections long ago.

If someone tells someone else who they are?

Tells them what their destiny is?

Who does that make them?


You are who you 'believe' you are.

Never let anyone tell you who YOU are.

The ONLY thing you can 'believe' 100%, is YOURSELF.

Anonymous ID: 607d84 March 25, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.12481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 607d84 April 10, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.12607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2612 >>2617



How very "Strange".

Now you have to ask yourselves… do you believe it's a coincidence?

Do you STILL believe in coincidences?

How many people on the entire planet would even understand the reference?

Does Q+ know of the work we are collectively doing here?

You think MILINT and POTUS aren't aware of what we are doing now?

You think "no one cares what we are doing here"? - (Quill)


Only a Fool would think so.

>Direct confirmations indeed…