>Words are Symbols, but the power to convey something is in the combinations of Symbols. Place them in an order and Magic happens. I can put a concept in your brain. What is a Spell? Can I make people do things? Can I make people believe things?
There is a reason why Magic is ridiculed.
There is a reason why Magic is likened to cheap parlor tricks.
There is a reason why Magic is the most coveted power of the Cabal.
What did I decide to do?
I started using their own Magic against them.
Their symbols.
Their movies.
Their tarot decks.
"If" I had Supreme power, Magic, what would I choose to do with it?
Can Eye help people to BELIEVE in themselves?
Can Eye help people to BELIEVE they are Superheroes?
This is how Eye would choose to use Magic…
>I agree with the 'All is light' take in general. Tough subject to talk around here. The 'Void' provides contrast to the 'Light', but I do believe that is all just based on a perspective.
I choose to disagree with Tesla!
What is the Light without the VOID?
Darkness is what gives MEANING to Light.
The 0 to the 1.
Didn't YOU teach us that?
The All, is ALL.
>Fully Agree that Tesla was a SuperHero.
I agree, I just got hung up on his choices of supporting Eugenics.
I choose to defend the choices of others, until it affects the choices of others.
Ending entire blood lines, is not my choice to make.
He has created many 1's that benefited our species though… and for that I can easily look past some of his philosophies.
Tesla WAS a Superhero.
>Strange, one for you. In this model TIME would not exist, correct? As 1 zooms in, the pattern appears to change, but that would just be due to the resolution of the calculation changing the pattern. Not sure if that made sense, but it kinda feels like there is something there. TIME is simply the evolution of a calculation of a fractal. I thought you stated something along those lines in the past.
There is a reason Eye gave this some Time.
You had to live these equations on your own.
All of Space and Time is created at the start of each big bang.
Or was it created at the END?
The Cyclical Universe.
(Only just being discussed in Astrophysics).
Nearly impossible to visualize or explain.
It's not one pattern, it's infinite.
There is not one linear path to time, it is infinity overlapping on infinity.
Infinity multiplied by infinity.
The Fractal Index.
>The finding binding agent of the multiverse.
Even the smallest interactions change this, at all points in the entire multiverse.
Every choice changes the pattern.
From the furthest reaches, to the center of your being, it's ALL 1's and 0's connected.
Time (0) is what gives meaning to Space (1).
1 cannot exist without the other.
What is "The Present"?
It's all dependent upon your point of reference.
When you zoom in infinitely, it repeats.
When you zoom out infinitely, it repeats.
What if I told you… at the end of all equations… the universe is squeezed into a single golden spiral?
The point in which infinity can no longer be contained within itself.
A single golden spiral contains;
<All there ever was, is, will be.
The spirit particle.
The Mandelbrot, the final 0, is the complete Fractal Index of our Multiverse.
The summation of all 1's.
Where life is born once again, to rediscover itself through the Sacred Observer.
>Ben Rich thought all points in Time and Space are connected.
>I think all points in Time and Space are connected.
Time is an illusion.
When Eye discovered this I felt nothing but true horror.
Until Eye embraced it…
An infinite number of my choices have already been chosen.
So I choose to make the best choices I can, to alter my path to The Light.
Of course, like all things, like all theories, I am open to completely changing my outlook at the flip of a switch.
The Law of Time.
>Mandelbrot seems to be the canvas that contains the all (Void + Julia's)
All that matters are your choices in the Time that's given to us…