As a relatively new visitor to TruthLegion I would like to express my appreciation for the shared knowledge. It alarms me though that ascension requires so much knowledge not available to most. I am a believer in Christ but acknowledge that the churches are hopeless. According to Thessalonians ascension/rapture will just happen. My heartfelt question and frequent prayer is for truth to finally come to light and mentoring in the ascension process to become available. I cautiously watch YouTube videos but can’t even meditate. Just cannot fathom how mankind is going to accomplish this when everything we know to be truth is a lie. Where can we truly find a star seed to guide us? I was led to 8chan supernaturally in October of 2017 and began my awakening. I never stop seeking answers….never. I believe we are truly at the end soon from all my studies and would truly love for something to happen soon for everyone’s sake.