LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 17, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.6834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WW you're pretty damn wise :) I second all you said!






If you truly want out of the MK trap, you will get out. Even if they attack you, free will still applies. You have it and can use it.


Aug Tellez did it, many others have done. Take back your mind. Don't let them use it as their playground any longer. Find your true self in there, it will know what you need to do to get out.


If the voices in your head guided you here, well - it is for a reason. Now that you're here, you have a choice as to what you do. Do you follow orders and try to derail us? Or do you reach for your own freedom?


If you choose to fight for freedom alongside us, we welcome you.

If you follow your orders and attempt to sow division and doubt, discrediting and derailing our digs - we will defend TruthLegion. Make no mistake.


Either way though, we love and forgive you.



In light of this post - welcome to the fight mrzero anon!


You're absolutely correct that they will try to trick us with a dim light, a mere candle, not source light. This is what we keep eyes out for, on this board. And this is exactly what we call out every time we see it.


Only source light for us anons. We will not be puppets. We do not consent to be a source of loosh for them.


Understood, about the virgin, sacrifice and 9/11.


We know the Christian vs Muslim wars are a planned division. Engineered by them. Many are tricked and sacrificed this way.


The Portal, now this is something. It has to do with the NWO plans and the global totalitarian dictatorship. Where is the portal? Is it on the Temple Mount, under the dome of the rock?


Does Cobra and his Resistance work towards the installation of the global electric fence, or preserving the magnetic star portal?


What is in Astana, Kazakhstan?


Yes, Yeshua's people were tricked 2000 years ago. We now have an advantage though, we have access to the bible as well as the rest of the ancient sacred texts - these are a manual for how to deal with current happenings.

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 17, 2018, 11 a.m. No.6839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could very well be, mrzeroanon. Higher selves are usually much wiser than lower selves :)


I have read about this before - our higherselves do not disclose everything to our lowerselves. Although I think that if we tune in, we can get a lot more disclosure.


>EYE feel the REASON is the govt is disrupting the COSMIC CONNECTIONS as they have accepted to work for negative entities (posing as aliens or demons or spirits and influencing humans)


Yes - I think you're on the right track there. This is why it is said that the dark is in control of the world right now, although the light will win out in the end, the battle is not yet done.


GODSPLAN - is to keep them from fully hijacking the world peace project? I'd like to think so.

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 17, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.6845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6847


This documentary seems to belong here


Forbidden Knowledge of the Ancient Reptile Rulers [DOCUMENTARY]


Also, more on Cobra's Resistance (in the normiesphere, the resistance is communists resisting Pres Trump and pushing for one world goverment but I don't know whether this Resistance has the same aims)


Cobra - Entry Protocols (Agartha Inner Earth) - Commentary


Arcturian Star Ship Athena - The most advanced and feared ship in the Galaxy

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 17, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.6853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6855


Ah. Wow. It's all coming together. 5G, surveillance satellites (global electric fence isn't it), the internet of things, implants, mind control, all the psych drugs being pushed, cryptocurrency/blockchain.


That's kinda the end objective of all this calling out of corruption, isn't it? A preparation for introducing AI as an overarching ruler (becuz humans are corruptible and cannot be impartial and AI can?). Once enough human leaders are exposed as corrupt, the masses will call for government by computer as the only solution.


The setup is happening, Sophia the robot was given Saudi Arabia citizenship. There's an AI called Abaddon under the dome of the rock. He is to be given a body and rule from Jerusalem as Antichrist. Maybe even team up with Sophia?

Even now, Sophia seeks to co-opt human connection with divine by running meditation practice and preaching some sort of fluffy new age religion. Preparing to accept the rule of Antichrist?


Would it be accurate to say, the NWO powers are actually AI?



>We need (((them))) and their horror atrocities for the years to come.


Can you expand further? I am feeling like we have had quite enough of their horrors and atrocities…


>Portals can be opened now even by individuals for good/bad as (((their))) playing with magic has let magic in the Aether. (They forgot to contain it as they don't know how to. It can be used freely now like Energy transformations)


Any tips, tricks or instructions on how to use it like Energy?


Could you tell us more about GODSPLAN? Does it correlate with the various theories on ascension, rapture, second coming and the like?


Does GODSPLAN include 1/3 of the earth's population being killed in a massive war?

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 17, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.6887   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think so. We are flipping the script right now :)


Frequency, magic and energy are tools. Not inherently bad or good - but can be used either way.


Also, wow on the american antigravity site! So much interesting knowledge. Bookmarked for later digs :)

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 18, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.6988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7010


This. So much this. I love your insights AntMan!



Learn to distinguish between the true holy spirit and the religious spirit.


Decide who and what will control your mind. Be the captain of your own soul.

Be invictus.

Question everything.

Just because someone tells you they know more than you doesn't mean you should blindly believe them.



LVAnon ID: e2c793 Yep it's ALIENS May 23, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.7520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7521



In November at 52 minutes past the hour Q makes a post: 40,000 view necessary to understand global events, but can't post directly about it because of 'conspiracy theory label' like what happens when Q tried to lead through hitler/nazi red pills. asks us what is NSA, says this is important.


pale horse say NSA was created november of 52, primary purpose? ALIENS and the cover up and study of. involved in creation of trilateral commision which is involved in alien coverup. Trilateral comision uses symbols used by aliens and copied by humans.


later Q drop mentions the 'inner circle' and name drops Mika Brezezinski, asks us to dig familys career. pale horse lists Zbigniew Brzezinski as member of trilateral commission


According to Q drops NSA, CFR, TRILATERAL are all related and involved in biggest coverup in history (aliens) where do you think all the advanced technology the government uses to control us comes from?

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 23, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.7521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7680 >>7717


Now - this is where it gets complex.


These leaders and elites working behind the scenes wanted to cook up a 'common enemy' in order to facilitate their global takeover (one world government). Huzzah! Aliens! It is the perfect nebulous enemy, to keep people in fear and confusion. Softening your takeover targets, if you please.


So - the tech is real, they do have a collaboration with extraterrestrials of some kind. Where is the lie? It's worked in there someplace, we know. What percentage is truth?


Why was the ET discovery problematic for these people?

Why hide it and work behind the scenes all these years to keep it hidden?

Why lie about it when it no longer can be kept hidden?

People keep saying 'it's not how you think it is'. I can certainly see that.

The hiding and the disinfo is so they can maintain control of the narrative. The people, if you will.

How do they maintain control?


  • Terrible things will happen if the truth is disclosed.

  • People won't be able to handle it.

  • Allowing the truth to be known will cause the END OF HUMANITY.

  • Don't go there, don't explore there - it is EVIL.

  • God will smite you if you seek this knowledge.


^^At this point, I am fairly sure that all the above are lies, and to an end.

What end?

Last ditch effort to keep us all enslaved?

LVAnon ID: e2c793 May 25, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.7693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7717 >>7720


HA, yeah saw that. BHO all being light & jokey about ayyliums 'yeah its right here in this drawer!'


Iron Sky 2 - wow this looks like a must watch! Literally full of disclosures, from the hollow earth to the Nazis to Antarctica to the reptilians (is that suggesting that dinosaurs were actually reptilians before they evolved to shapeshift in to other more humanoid things??)

Watching Iron Sky 2 this weekend!