This is intriguing - this one supports the idea we are in a 'dome' or bubble.
Or that we see the solar system through a window of sorts.
But what does that suggest about extraterrestrial life?
You know, the c-suite of Earth, Inc.?
Doesn't that Masonic art piece suggest a looking glass?
On another note, I went back to the County Bluff YT channel.
The comments suggest that a 2 stage weapon of annihilation is about to be used.
First stage, frequency attack on brain cells.
Second stage, taking out infrastructure.
What infrastructure? Maybe via EMP? There's talk of thermonuclear weaponry, but no one seems to agree on what form this will take, although it seems unlikely it would level everything, just wipe out life.
A whole conspiracy theory has grown around this stuff - here's their research site https://41818.org/
4-14-18 is thought to be the day. Day of what? Not sure, but I think it is worth watching and staying aware.
This document was linked in a QR code in one of the CB vids. It's a report on testing of psychotronic weaponry http://l.ead.me/basheF