Silver ID: be05d3 Oct. 10, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.10356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0374



You said it well here.




>If we look at just the basics of what we barely comprehend. OUR entire perception of OUR world is just a thought


The way I view it, there are two types of "thought".


The External: Some stimulation of the external senses that are then interpreted by us.


The Internal: Thoughts arise and fall away typically based on some historical memory or based on some future desire.


Those thoughts interpret the moment. Our mind/body is an amazing system when it comes to pattern recognition. Some stimuli comes in through external/internal channels, and our mind automatically interprets and associates to previous patterns. The vast majority of this process is in the subconscious. It is deep beneath the surface and laid in over experience and Time. May sound silly, but how do you know that is a chair you are sitting on? You just do, right? hrm.


We interpret the "moment" rapidly based on previous patterns, thoughts, memories, and emotions. The vast majority of the time you are not aware, watching or thinking about it. You are constantly bombarded with inputs and processing the moment. If it is External, we are assessing and reacting. If Internal we are ruminating, planning, or "thinking". For most people that is what the "moment" is.


>What happens first in the moment? The thought or the experience of a moment?




>Why all the distraction?


Why do you choose to interpret it as a distraction?

Is a distraction just a choice of how to interpret and act?


>OUR entire perception of OUR world is just a thought


This is a Big subject you can get lost in, and I think it is worth getting lost in. Working towards clarity here impacts the overall experience and opens doors.

Silver ID: be05d3 Nov. 13, 2018, 8 a.m. No.10860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0879


>Here is something else…


I did Hulk out on you on that one :) Just saying. Heavy Steps….


It's interesting the tie in's, I don't often take that tone or approach, but when I do it is with utter clarity. After my big green fren recedes, I then sit back and question if it was the right thing.


Often it is.


I read a book lately that changed my perception of the world around me again. I always held true to the old cliche.


Everything happens for a reason.


It often received groans and rolled eyes when I said it, but I do truly believe it. Now, however, it has evolved.


Everything that happens is the absolute best thing that could have happened at that moment.


We never know the long-term outcomes, the reasons why, or what our ripples impact in this spiders web of reality. Things may appear to be bad at the moment, but that is simply your perception in an infinitely complex and vast universe where Time stretches to infinity.


As a spec in the web, how can I ever say that what happens is not the right thing? Our interactions spin other interactions and knock into chain reactions we never see.


That moment caused substantial impacts to you my friend in that moment, but now, I believe we both see it as significantly positive.


>I told you I'd celebrate the victory of the midterms with you.

>Was it what you expected?


My expectation had moved past hope/disappointment. I did not know what to expect, but I believe fully that this outcome will work out perfectly. I'm excited to see the next chapter unfold and see what can be learned and expanded upon.


The grand plan is ever evolving and flowing. Be like water.


Much love all!

Silver ID: be05d3 Nov. 14, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.10880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0882


> to OWN my Fool Cards


Ah, how I have come to love my Fool Cards. There are many and several that I have not looked in the mirror hard enough or had the opportunity yet to find.


Lately, I took a path that leads me back down the mountain and ran into a few oldies but goodies (procrastination, anger, etc). I thought I had moved past them, but there is still more to learn before heading back up. Maybe other paths will open that lead to new vistas.


Interestingly this go about, the negativity I had towards them is lessened, and much more curiosity and introspection are there. More digging needed.


So much to learn and work on :)


>To admit them FREELY.


Do you see a difference in Knowing them for what they are and Admitting them to others? Or simply admitting to your self?


Just curious.

Silver ID: be05d3 Nov. 16, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.10908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0910 >>0915



>To admit our fault to ourselves is to remove denial and to accept our choices.

>How many people still fail at this in our society?


Far too many. In our society/culture, it is encouraged and enabled. Everywhere I look this is the "normal" behavior. It is sadly rare to find people outside of this paradigm.



>How many times in life, do we choose to share full honesty with others, when we know full well that honesty is going to cause far more pain and mistrust?

>How many times do we lie in order to "make it go away", knowing this lie will comfort those we lie to, and preserve trust?

>Think about it.

>Being truthful to yourself is easy.

>Being truthful to others when it really counts is a far different test.

>If you know that truth could lose a friend?

>A family member?

>A lover?


This is a topic that I have spent significant time working through, pondering and researching. I agree with you here wholeheartedly that Truth in your actions, interactions, and life is one of the critical key's. A small lie, a deception, starts to unravel trust and ultimately injure you. It is not about if you can deceive and get away with it…. You have impacted your journey.


I do however question absolute truth when it intersects selfishness and selflessness. If you have a truth that can debase, or damage an individual(s), cause pain, hurt, death, etc. Which is the right path.


If I want to climb the mountain and be Truthful in 100% of cases, am I potentially being selfish and self-centered? By revealing an action or causing pain on another, I may meet my internal goal, but at what cost to that other individual?


Is that a "burden" I can carry for a Time even though it will slow me down.


Sam Harris uses this thought exercise (its a bit extreme, but I think it helps illustrate my angle here):


Say there is a little girl that rings your doorbell and asks to come in because a man with a knife is chasing her. You let her in (of course), but a few minutes later another ring at your doorbell.


There is a man on your doorstep asking if you have seen the little girl.


Most of us would lie quickly and easily here. This is a perfect situation for it. Say no and be done.


However, Truth in all things right?





I enjoyed the read and was intrigued. I found myself several times wanting to believe it 100%. There is good stuff in there, there is some not so good, but I am unsure of the angle and the "why". Somefin feels off.


Worth keeping on the radar.




>We are ALL aliens.


:) What is an alien when we are ALL Connected. Just someone we don't know we know yet.

Silver ID: be05d3 Nov. 16, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.10927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0929



Discernment is critical IMO. Truth should always be spoken, but in what level of detail. Can it be presented over Time? Should it be presented "right now" or at an "appropriate Time" for the recipient?



I love a great Hypothetical discussion. It allows us to play with concepts and reverse engineer thoughts and complex ideas.


>What if this little girl is a Lizzy Borden?


This is an interesting scenario that I have run through as well. Not quite Lizzy/Hitler 2.0 extreme, but similar concepts work. The Man at the door is not the problem, but the Little Girl.


>Ah yes… The sweet little girl.

>So perfectly innocent at your door.


I believe this is why a little Girl used in this example. We are hardwired to want to help children. We also presume innocence in children. Stack on that that its a little Girl, running from a Man. It becomes a perfect situation to open the door and help her out without many questions.


>Superheroes protect ALL life?

>Or do they?


Back to this later.


>My friends… We are now on the 6th hermetic principle.

>Cause and effect.

>Two lives have been taken.

>The universe is seeking to balance the equation.


Cause and effect is not just an isolated situation. The Cause and Effect that led to the Girl on your doorstep has stretched longer than most people ever consider or can fathom. Why your door? Why did she go all Lizzy? Why did she become that way? Why was that set of circumstances that created "Lizzy" happen? and so on.


The equation will attempt to balance with either decision. Letting the Man in or turning him away.


You lay out a potential outcome of turning the man away, but don't present the result of letting him in. Does it just stop there? She is simply stopped, all is good again? What chain reaction get set off in that situation?


>What if this girl becomes the next modern day Hitler.


>What do you choose now?


Let's play out Hitler 2.0. Your choice spares the Girl; she moves on to kill millions and cause suffering to billions. That is a heavy weight to your decision to not be truthful and to deceive the man at your door. Suffering and destruction…. WW3.


You could have stopped it…..


But all we know in this Hypothetical is that WW3 happens. We don't see beyond. What is the Cause and Effect? Could the horrors of WW3 usher in a strong enough desire for Humanity to not see it happen again that a new Golden Age of humanity is ushered in? Maybe because of Lizzy scientists identify the critical childhood issues she had and move the course of humanity in a longer-term positive trend.


Would you trade timelines to the one where you let the man in now? There are knock on's and cause and effects that track back to the beginning of ALL. An impossible chain of events that led to this man on your doorstep now.


How many Billions of Humans came before that led to you making this decision. How many plants and animals came before that led to the possibilities of Humans. The universe deposited this situation on your doorstep out of the most crazy-ass string of events ever imaginable.


That chain of events led to your that instant and that decision. Me equipped with my knowledge and judgment and choice.



LLL said it well.


My initial reaction to Lie to the Man and preserve the girl. If that was what my heart says, and the eons of events leading me to that point, I should make that decision.


If I know she will become Hitler 2.0, but I don't know the other timeline…. Am I willing to gamble? What if because she isn't there WW3 doesn't start, and due to that technology that could have saved humanity doesn't come in time. Too many possibilities, too much complexity for any Human to comprehend.


Like it or not…. suffering leads to growth. Growth leads to Evolution.


Your choice will be the right one, either way. Life finds a way. The big question I have for the maker of the decision is if he learned what he needed to at that moment.


>Everything that happens is the absolute best thing that could have happened at that moment.


Follow your heart and listen.

Silver ID: be05d3 Nov. 18, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.10950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0956



>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES


Ready Player One was a great book, but the movie….eh.


That was an interesting read though. Here is where I may be confused. Lots of symbolism showing the bad guys, but the good guys win. If made by 'bad' guys, why do the 'good' guys always win?


While watching the movie I kept staring at the lOl background in the pic above. the way the IOI pattern repeats as a certain symmetry and flow. When you overlay 101 you get a rhythm and flow.


I couldn't help but stare and fathom and rewind several times due to all of our collecting 1's and 0's conversations here.


>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES


I am really intruiged by the Video Game tie ins. They have become such an integrated part of our society. When I first saw this quote it sparked an AI thought for me (As well as an "I play too many video games, get back into the real world" thoughts).


As we play online, games, search, chat, etc… how much of human behavior can be mapped out? All of that data, behaviors, and trends could make a very powerful map. With all of the 'Shill Bot' discussions all over the place, it kinda makes you go….. Hrrrmmmmm


Much Love All! Have an amazing SUNday!


PS also funny that IOI, lOl, 101, 1O1, can also work out to LoL….. smile and laugh a bit today too! :)

Silver ID: be05d3 Nov. 18, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.10955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I just finally cracked open the Red Book by Jung as per Wongs recommendation and this message seems to be at the very core. SUCH a good read!! I also highly recommend.


Cracking this open as my next read….TY

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Nov. 19, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.10964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0971 >>0983 >>0988



>Have you begun to write, but deleted it after second guessing your thoughts?


Ha! Only once and then life sent me in another direction.




We may be farther on the Q specific digs without the Egofagging, but would we be farther than any of the other 100 locations on the interwebs that are doing the same? And I only give that a maybe we would. Is there another route to the same answers?


I feel like many of those 100s of other dig locations are only searching with their heads. Their theories are mostly based on conjecture and assumptions until the 'future proves past' and then, and only then, can they stand and say they were right.


The Q map lead me to a fundamental issue that ultimately lead me here. If a power structure 'A' replaces power structure 'B', what has (or will) change that means Power structure 'A' will not just repeat the same pattern as 'B'. The White Hats may make it better for a time, but will that stay that way?


The anger and negativity of many on the Q boards early on caused me to believe that the general population would perpetuate the problems that many in Black Hat camp currently do to them. There had to be a different solution. For a different solution to be present, I had to change my approach to many things…. How can I expect humankind to be better if I am not better?


From my view, these boards were never about solving the Q puzzles faster or better than anyone else, they were a different approach at our "conditions" in light of the Q stuff and looking deeper. Bringing Ego in allowed us to build trust, identify repeatable behaviors and work together with Hearts as well as Minds. Slower? Eh….. depends on the goal.


>What all of you have given me, I can NEVER repay.


>Would you have wanted it any other way?






The battle of the EGO…. This was and still is a massive thing for me. It still rages, but it has changed over time.


When you feel you have mastered an aspect, there is another waiting right behind it. But once you start to see your EGO for what it is, you can use it as a Tool. Make peace, understand, accept, and spar (not war).


That is not a lesson I could have learned just doing Q research. I do not believe I would have learned it without the Egofagging.


To put on the mask, realize that all my life I have always worn masks, and then decide to try and let my inner superhero just be ME was a journey I wouldn't trade for anything.


In my view

Q research = puzzle solving and panning for gold

TL = Root Cause Analysis and Internal work.


They each have their use and place. TL wouldn't be what it is without EGO.


In the mirror, that's just me. I am All of those things. Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, Ragging Ego, and Quiet Hermit.



Much love my fellow Super Heros, Jedi and ME's and US!

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Nov. 22, 2018, 5:57 a.m. No.10972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0974 >>0988

I wanted to take a bit of time today to give a big THANKS to everyone on this board. Every one of you from the hero's to the shills to the Bots :)


You all have given me much and I appreciate you to my core. I consider y'all friends and family and thats what this day is all about.


Much love to ALL! I hope you each get some time with loved ones. If by chance you don't, I hope this helps you see you are loved.

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.10975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0988


>I just want to be me!

>Sometimes the most powerful, the most profound WISDOM can come from a child.



>I think.

>Therefore, "I AM".

>And who is "I" in the first place?



I get a similar reaction from children I know. Any cutsie nicknames are shot down in favor of them being themselves. Which I pay attention to now.



This bit about the "child" has been rolling around in my head for a bit. Just the other day I was introduced to Nietzsche's view on the 'Overman' and the evolution of the spirit. Nietzche outlines this progression in the Camel Lion > Child.


Very interesting read and dig, I'm not sure I can quite do it justice in a quick cliff note overview…. others have done it better (


This has many interesting parallels to our EGO discussion, Individual evolutions and ultimately working from being an individual that is burdened with all of the pain and weight of the world towards a position of playful childlike creativity and wonder.


When you look I look around at people now, I see so many Camels. When I stand in front of the mirror, I am still a camel in some respects, but definitely deeper into the Lion phase and able to see glimmers of the child. More work to do….but is it really 'work' if you are enjoying it? :)


Much love all!

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Nov. 27, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.10997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1042


>Does the human Ego typically tend to desire to be different?

>Do we want to stand out?

>How many human Ego's strive to be the "All"?


The desire to be different is pervasive across humankind. It seems as if it is a hardwired function. Unfortunately, the majority of people I see are following other individuals, trends, or cultural standards without thinking twice about why.


How many people do you know that view Higher Paying Job, nicer house, better clothes, the coolest toys, etc. as the thing that will make them happy? This is the general path that is laid out in front of most people as the "path" or to show your "worth" in society. They desire difference only as a means to climb the ladder of society.


I've been on that path and made it quite far by many social standards and guess what happens every time you reach the next tier in an effort to be different/better… There is another tier in front of you. You end up on a hamster wheel where you ultimately are not getting anywhere through the desire that society ingrains in us from our youth.


That hardwired desire to be different is tied to how we evolve. Billions of individuals testing out different "differents". Some of those individuals will break from the current paradigm and start to forge a new path, a new way of thinking, etc. That leads humanity to the next stage of evolution.


However, that means that the vast majority of paths probably don't lead anywhere.


Yes, most want to stand out, most desire recognition and attention for their efforts. They want to be seen as better or the best at something. Hell, If I am transparent, I have a desire for this post to be written as well as possible. I want it to be the most badass, amazing post or our board of spectacular posts. Part of my Ego loves it when something grabs and generates conversation.


There is a more subtle part in there though. A desire for these collections of posts to "stand out" for other individuals. Something that sparks something in them, or was a piece of the puzzle that is missing that connects something for them.


My desire to be different is no longer a goal; it is now merely a state of being. I am what I am, some parts that love to stand out and some that love quiet contemplation. All parts are evolving and open to what gets tossed my way.



>… Are you my friend?

>… Are you a Superhero?


Yes and Yes


Much Love All!

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.11061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077


>How can (1) be a Superhero, without understanding their own Ego?



>How to change the world if you are not allowed to judge and to punish?


Very interesting to have these two posts back to back. Same concept, but a different perspective.


How does (1) make choices? A series of inputs over time create a map. That map informs the choice of the current decision point.


Doesn't (1) need to make a Judgment in order to make a choice? Doesn't (1) need to have a desired outcome in mind (EGO) to apply to that Judgement in order to make the choice?


Sphinxy… I don't believe we are 'not allowed to judge'. It is part of what makes us up. Our Ego is critical to this capability. If we didn't judge, we couldn't act.


Is the Judgement/Choice one of a Villian, Average Joe, or a SuperHero?


If you get cut off while driving every one of us will make a Judgement of that driver. Do you react with Rage? Do you react with annoyance? Do you react with understanding?


Your Judgment ties directly to your Ego and its state of 'mind.' Millions of variables considered based on a map of your memories and beliefs overlaid with your goals and desires.


Judgment and Punishment are not 1 for 1. If you must 'punish" Are you viewing it from the Dark Side (Hate, Anger, Vengence, etc.)? Or from the Light Side (Teach, Support, Mentor, Forgiveness. etc.)?




>It is hard to start big changes by yourself.


Most definitely! Start Small… A tiny trickle of water can break down a mountain given enough time. Be like water my friend!



>… Are you a Superhero?


Can I claim to be? I did and do, but is that appropriate? If I state I am a SuperHero, does it just make it so, or is a SuperHero title dependant on the Observer?


I must take the first steps to want to be one, but when does (1) become one? To a SuperHero, does it matter if they are seen that way by others?





Much love all!

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.11062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077

I came across this the other day and it may have just been great timing for me, but it hit me pretty solidly on many of the topics and themes I've been pondering lately. Below is the original article and there is a lot to be dug into here.


First comment, I know that 'AI' has a bad connotation, to many here, but see beyond what the article author decided to present and look to the implications of the concepts presented by the thinker. His goal is not AI, it is to understand core principles of being human.


Second Comment, Much of the actual science behind this is over my head and requires deep digging and even then I am not getting a solid grasp on a specific, but it is coming easier the more I dig.



I often am conflicted on these types of people, but look at the way he teaches. Group settings, sharing freely, open to all disciplines and doesn't seem to be famefagging… in fact I believe he would happily stay hidden away if he could. He actually wrote a paper titled "Am I Autistic?". Interesting fellow.


Moving to understand humankind's main driver is not a 'reward based model' but to a model that attempts to reduce "Prediction Errors". Not entirely new in concept, but he connects some amazing dots across many boundaries and looks to scale it simply 'As Above, So Below'.


I enjoyed the read and research, hope you do as well.


Much Love All!

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Dec. 3, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.11095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1097


>Have you told anyone you're a Superhero?


HA! Haven't done that yet, but I can imagine the reaction :)


Does a SuperHero tell others they are a SuperHero? Do they need to, or are they just what they are?



>Actions speak louder than words.

>Why do Superheros live regular lives?

>(Alter Ego)


Be the change you want to see. But, are you being that way for recognition or are you just being the best YOU you can? Your actions will ripple and reflect.

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Dec. 4, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.11117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126 >>1129 >>1135


Digits with a poor message do not make it a message worth keeping.


I always lean towards cleaning out inappropriate and offensive message no matter where they come from (and what digits they have).


I do not decide in a vacuum though.


Remove yes or no?

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Feb. 19, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.11850   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Great graphic, Ty! Cheers.


All is well…. how else could it be :)


I haven't read much on Rumi. I like his perspective very much. Thanks for connecting me up with that thought train!



>So the unwanting soul sees what's hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.

>By Lao Tzu.


I guess wanting an un-wanting soul doesn't work.

Anonymous ID: be05d3 Feb. 20, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.11853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1856


I hopped over and snagged a shot of the post.


Not many individuals would know whats going on well enough to pull together the Jedi line with the graphic.


Things that make you go hmmm…

Anonymous ID: be05d3 March 8, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.12108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2112 >>2130


>This nasty crutch I need to drop.


1 1/2 a day for around 18 years here back in the day. One of the toughest things ever to overcome. I am not there yet, but made a step several years ago to the electronic ones, and will make the next step when the time is right.


The pressure we apply to ourselves can sometimes be too much and when our expectations don't match our desires, it can crush us at times. Small wins with a true desire to modify your reality will get you there. When the benefit of the new state outweighs the old state, the switch is more manageable.


Your test is brutal here. It won't be easy, but once you believe you have the ability to do what you want, that you are the only one in control of you, it eases the journey.





I don't have answers for your journey, but this paragraph really jumped out at me. Pardon me while I pull it apart just a bit.


>I know who I should be


You are who you are.


> I feel in my soul that it is right for me to have infinite love and forgiveness to give.


You already possess that ability.


>Self application of forgiveness makes me feel like a fraud.


Is there a lesson there to be learned here? Why do you have this feeling (with many others), when many others don't?


>I know I am a good person


You are a sacred being


>but I know my consistent application of that goodness hasn't always been exemplary.


No one is. If you were perfect, what would you have to learn? Can you embrace the imperfection? Is it possible to be perfectly flawed?


>Ultimately i have to admit my pursuit of the truth has been largly about finding a philosophy that resonates with me without ultimately resulting in my condemnation.


Condemnation to what? Is there a philosophy of Man (and Woman) that is perfect? Does choosing one imperfect philosophy over another change the outcome of Condemnation? Who is condemning who?


>I am in a perpetual spiritual battle with myself to just keep doing the next right thing,


Oh how I love the lessons. Gifts. I too am in an eternal perpetual journey/battle/exploration. I wouldn't have it any other way.


>and sometimes I back slide.


We all do. I am no different than you in this respect. No one here is. Is there a lesson to learn in the backslide?




>Sorry I am so far behind everyone,


You are no more far behind or ahead of anyone here. No individual is ahead, above or better than another. Different stages, perspectives, challenges, and circumstances bring us to different paths and approaches up the mountain. There is no need to be 'sorry' for anything. You are where you are at this time, and that is exactly where you should be.



Much Love! I hope that inner critic can give you as much loveas you deserve!