Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 5, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.11424   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Merry Christmas

>be good to each other

>do no harm and take no shit; the answer to everything is somewhere in between



My best friend!

Merry belated XMas to you.

It's good to hear from you once again.

It's no coincidence that you have been less active in the recent past on this board.

(The Knight of Cups)

Remember that all things happen at the exact time they should.

While I do miss your insight and spiritual musings on this board, I realize you have many pursuits in your life.

There's a reason why you stayed back to guard the sanctum after I faded away.

The Hermit Card played with the Knight of Cups is a powerful combination, but it can take a hold of you.

So play it well…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 6, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.11444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1445



Thank you my fren… it was a much needed grounding experience away from technology for the most part.

It's unreal how much of a positive effect this has on us.

It really does…

Spending time with old friends and family is something I do not do nearly enough of, but I made up for it over the past couple of weeks.

The "Present" was exactly that, for me at least.

Was the "XMas Present" what you expected?




I have to admit, your levels of superhuman autism makes my brain hurt.

I love it! So keep it up.

I believe you're on to some major breakthroughs, and likely have already decoded certain truths that haven't been confirmed yet by the rest of the Anons.

How's the view from up there?

Light on Moth… er, er… frens! :)


>I hope you all had a great holiday rest.

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 14, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.11506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1507








Indeed my allies…

That's one hell of an autistic map you're working on.

Your pockets overfloweth with keys!

1+1 (Key) = 2 = 3 = Infinity.

Just remember, that all of your efforts do not go unnoticed.

Your efforts do not go in vain.

When all is said and done, we will all be judged on what we contributed to the Great Awakening.

Not that any of you Anons would be concerned with Judgment at this point.

I want you to remember something… Sometimes we may feel like only one drop, but together we are an ocean.

Sometimes you may feel like the field mouse, but when you look in the mirror you are a lion.

Eye believe in ALL of you, more than you'll ever know…

>Patriots are SELFLESS. - Q

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 14, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.11508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1510



>Appreciate it. You weren't kidding about knowledge being a drug.


But remember, "The bill always comes due".

The withdrawals can be severe.


>What if it's not just the metaphorical "Keys to the Kingdom"


All roads lead to Rome… including the greatest treasures of knowledge and technology.


>Been talking to Mordo in private. Showed him the map. I don't think he's looking at the whole thing or the wider picture. Seems very focused on that wormholes can't exist because EU (Electric Universe) supposedly disproves Einstein-Rosen and black holes. I'm digging on that now.


Always with the (1) sided linear ways of thinking.

(Which is precisely why he drove himself away from posting on here, it was a choice).

How does it prove or disprove anything?

A theory is a theory until repeated with qualitative and quantitative observations until a rational conclusion is drawn.

From my understanding, this hasn't been accomplished yet.

Certainly open to hearing the evidence.

Wormholes most definitely CAN exist, condensing gravity (electromagnetism) until it folds space would essentially be a "wormhole".

The EU can explain a lot, and a lot of it I do agree with… however it cannot explain everything.


"You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts form reality. This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end; some benevolent and life-giving, others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places where powers older than time lie, ravenous and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse…" - The Ancient One

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 16, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.11520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1535 >>1536



> I haven't gotten to where Saturn was our original Sun in a plasma sheathe and there was a "collision" where Sol ripped the sheathe off.


The time Frame for this doesn't make any sense.

Saturn when closest = 746 million miles.

Which is 8x times the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

How could life have possibly evolved with those kinds of temperatures?

They couldn't have.

There is a fine balance of distance required for life to form, and it's definitely not at -150 C to -178 C.

That alone should make you think about the "theory".

The fact Mordo was pushing the EU (and all theories pertaining) as gospel, was a Fool Card, perhaps a Supreme Fool Card.

Nothing is set in stone.

(1) sided closed minded ways of absolute convicted thinking will surely make you slip down the Mountain path, every step of the way.

Take nothing at face value.

Second guess all things.


>For now it's just telling me EU is correct and that everything else is a waste of time.


A SUPREME Fool Card.





My best friend…

I hope you've been well.


>Be careful what you believe 100%.


Do you recall the disclaimers at the beginning of my Laws and Secrets?

Of course you do.

If there is one thing no (1) can accuse me of, it's of having an ulterior motive or agenda.

I am open to all things, and I am open to completely tearing down the wall and my belief systems.

I am open to changing ALL my thoughts and theories if given a logical reason to.


>If you believe it… It's true. Right or wrong…it's true.


This is Supremely dangerous.

This is something I have been guilty of, not only in the past but also since we began this journey together.

<What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts form reality.


>Where are the proofs? How can you prove anything?




>Why do drug companies always have a "control group" taking a placebo pill instead of the actual drug?




>Because belief matters.


Do you remember this scene from Dr. Strange?


The Ancient One: "You're a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole… to see more, to know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened, in ways you can't imagine, you reject the possibility."


Dr. Stephen Strange: "No, I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras or energy or the power of belief. There is no such thing as spirit! We are made of matter and nothing more. You're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe."


This was a VERY important scene.

Do you recall me saying something to the effect of;

>The power of belief is EVERYTHING.


<You are watching a movie. - Q

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 17, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.11537   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I just re-watched it and it has given me a new insight.


The Ancient One: "Mister Strange"


Dr. Strange: "Doctor, actually"


The Ancient One: "Well no, not anymore surely"

"Isn't that why you're here?"

"You've undergone many procedures"

"SEVEN right?"




Dr. Strange "I don't believe in fairytales about chakras or energy or the POWER OF BELIEF.


The Ancient One: "You wonder what I see in your future? Possibility."


>Nothing happens until he begins to believe.


Dr. Strange: "So you figured out a way to reprogram nerve cells to self heal?"


The Ancient One: "No Mister Strange, I know how to reorient the spirit to better heal the body"


Ever since I was a child… from my earliest memories, I wanted to be a Doctor.

Doctors heal people.

What I became is something far different though…


>Ego is explored here for several reasons.


<The spirit particle will take you further than light ever could.

<The power of belief is everything…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 17, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.11539   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I think he's beyond my ability to reach at this point. Wish it wasn't so. Wish I was better at this.


He has made his choices.

You cannot influence them.

In order to defend free will, you must choose to embrace his choices, and love him for it.

Some choose to slip.

Some choose to climb.

The only way to the top, is together, your hand in mine.

Nothing we have shared together will ever be forgotten.

Captain Marvel, Colossus, all interactions have meaning.

We do not forget those we meet on this ascent…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 22, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.11583   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I'm doing great! I miss you guys! I miss our conversations by the fire. I am always here with you on the climb, even though i havent been very vocal. I have been on a new path…


I'm glad to hear… and I do as well! Those we meet on the climb are never forgotten, and never left behind. (Unless they choose to be). If you're on a new path, then that is exactly where you should be.


> Creating and fixing broken machines left behiend. Just as ALL of you here picked me up when I couldn't seem to do it on my own. I hope you realize how much love and gratitude I hold for ALL of you.


Creating and fixing things… it's in our nature (here). Some fix broken machines. Some fix broken situations. Some fix broken others… and some fix our broken selves. You are not the only (1) who has been picked up and helped at times during this ascent, and that I wish to convey to the best of my ability.


>What moves something deep inside of you?

>Follow it … whatever it is… Helps with the climb in my experience.


The Truth.

It's what keeps me going… it's what keeps my focus throughout all of this.

I didn't have to put myself out there, to be attacked by everything under the sun, but I did… to better understand myself, and the true nature of the human experience.

The truth is the only thing keeping me going.

Oh… and love! <3




>Why is anything worshipped?

>Humans are quite easily mislead.


This is why I have spoken so much on spirituality.

Throughout all of human history, it is how we as a species have been manipulated the most.

The spirit particle may take you further than light ever could… but it can also lead you astray.

Should we worship others?


Should we worship anything?

Or should we just 'accept'.




A crafty wordsmith, worthy of a nod any day!

A poet I am not…




I don't follow any Twitter accounts truth be told.

Not sure the background on this individual.

>What if you found out that you weren't just in your surroundings, but you can actually influence your surroundings?

I think this is a given.

<Thoughts form reality.




>That person with the strongest, most consistent vibration in the room wins.

>Moral is: Even assholes are a reflection of you. Your interaction with your reflection is really up to you and the vibration you emit.

>Keep that light on anons!


We are ALL just a reflection of the (1) Infinite Creator.

Every (0) is an opportunity to create a (1).

Life is what you make it.

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 23, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.11606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1608 >>1617



>Naysayers will always be dealt with here… because truth ALWAYS wins.

>Love ALWAYS wins.


Thank you Anon!

We're called Truth Legion for a reason fren :)


>Going on what doc had to say he was trying to get info about him to dox him. Kinda funny how that happened eh?


More than you currently know.

Other connections from private comms were saved as proof.


>Lest we not forget he is the reason why KRSN came here… to divide. In the last string of posts before he left he said "no matter what anyone thinks the scribe is on your side" - Going from recent interactions I find that very hard to believe.


He poked the bear… and the Sunshine Bear poked back.

Love you Silver!

Eye told you from the start, you'd be a critical part of this mission.

Just as ALL of you are.


>As far as recruitment goes for Cicada, have any of you read the interview of someone who met some of the Cicada people after solving the original puzzles? I'll try to dig that up.


I might have actually read what you're talking about, not sure if it was shared previously on the board.

If you cannot find it, I'll search for it a bit later.


>Everyone has seen that Cheshire Cat / Eye The Spy were pushing that material and that should get your noggin's spinning. Oh shit… wasn't Quill supporting them TOO? Really? They are all one in the same from my view point. Fake gatekeepers, all of which have been outed by the Anons on Q Research (along with Q).


Yeah… kind of funny how (((those))) accounts had thousands of followers almost overnight.


You be the judge.


> I don't think Quill was really testing anyone here for recruitment purposes, I think his "mission" was quite different. People can be judged by the fruits of their labors, and what he contributed to the board was nil. In fact he took away much more than he added. Kinda funny how he just pops in after months of being silent, only to cause division. If someone was butthurt they would have addressed this way sooner. Maybe it really WAS a last resort on (((their))) part?


Perfectly stated, couldn't have summed it up better myself.

How many 1's one adds to compared to 0's is the equation here.

Once again, you be the judge.

Pushing things like Portal 2012, Cicada, Cheshire Cat, Eye the Spy… just ask any of the Anons on Q Research what they think of that.


>Welp, like doc said, all their attempts fail in this timeline. I also love the contradictions! Telling us that doc had the answers all along… and that others here were so close.


<Contradictions R fun!




You have made ALL the right connections.


>I'm with you doc, no matter what this faggot says. Too many awesome coincidences now between you and Q to turn a blind eye. Sometimes we need to think with our hearts not just our heads, and something feels groovy about this place!


I appreciate the support… but from the beginning it was said that I don't expect anyone to follow me.

I told people to call me out.

Everyone here is a leader.

This was a Fool Card of mine… to believe 'Quill' when he said I am the leader of these Anons.

I am not.

Each and every (1) of you has more power than you can possibly imagine.


>Light and love to all of you!


<There are two ways of spreading Light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.




>Trying to get myself comfortable being open. There is alot in me I never let out. Is there a comic character who was in power denial, or at least very heasatent to just go with it and run?


In Time we'll see, based upon your choices…


>I did finally watch dead pool, but in many ways the parlance of this board is foreign to me. I have a hard time keeping track of who's saying what in respond to who sometimes.


Follow the ID.

Follow the pen.

Follow the comics.

Thor and his Superhuman autistic compilations.

WW and her fuq'in freestylin' words of Magic and Love.

Thy Shades of Grey graphics.

Logan by his name, and the cabin.

The Sphinx in plain sight.

Wong now and then, but for now his Card combination lead him on a path of self discovery in the Sanctum.

Eye references.




>Sweet Jesus this is like my fifth Chan post ever. I am not whomever who fucked up about this or that. You Guys are freaking me out.




>Do I need to namefag to avoid confusion? Fucksakes. Been lurking and loving all the positivity, finally put something non regurgitated out into the eather, and I catch shit. Fuc that noise. Any super heros who open up pathways?

>Maybe I should have opened with a joke.


Eye am missing your connections.

Care to elaborate on what you are insinuating?

Why did you reply to post 11590 with that response?




>Just noticed in the twatter handle ffe3301… 3301 is a cicada reference.



Once again, the same material pushed by Cheshire Cat.

Eye the Spy.



Do you believe that path leads to the White Hats?

Or the darkness…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 23, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.11615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1629



>But it seems they forced a new spike in overall activity?


There are more lurking than you think… and many are so overwhelmed with questions and emotions from the coincidences that they do not post.

In Time Eye hope this will change.

(Many roles unrevealed).



>I can´t help but it seems "they" are an essential part of our journey.


Of course my friend… without their 0's, our 1's are meaningless.

Darkness is what gives meaning to The LIGHT.


>All the best for all of you.


There is still Time for some of (((them))) to repent, but soon the window of choice will be closed.

Just a preview, it doesn't end well for (((those))) on the losing side…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 23, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.11618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1620 >>1637



>11587 led to 11589 which was responded to by 11590. All I wanted to do was share a poem, let you all know I was trying to get my brave on.



I can now see where the confusion came from.

No need to worry… just overthinking things a bit.

I did give you a nod by the way :)


<A crafty wordsmith, worthy of a nod any day!

<A poet I am not…


>Didn't want to be confused for anyone else or fuckin doxed on my first day that went beyond the "wow you folks are amazing" bit.


Doxing is never advised on The Mountain of Wisdom.

Only certain things have been shared to give proof of interactions, proof of evidence.


>I don't already know my comic books. I have other flaws as well.


What? You DON'T know your comic books?


Kek… kidding, to a Supreme degree.

Why do Eye choose to use comic books anyway?


Aside from… 4 layers of 'The Wall'.

Well? It's because many materialists, many intellectuals, many academics, many 'elitists' would shun this.

It would offend the sensibilities of those kinds of people.

It's a test…


>So now you all know….I am a not a good speller when I type fast.


I'm a terrible speller on the best of days… and I choose to never proof read any of my posts.

Keeps things organic!


<The language of the mystic arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language "spells." But if that word offends your modern sensibilities, you can call it a program. The source code that shapes reality. - The Ancient One


>But I know I loved this board from the first instance I came upon it. Someone on QRV linked me here a few months back (thank you)


No, thank you!


>My awareness of what happened throughout history to philosophers is one of my biggest stubling blocks. I am afraid if I speak m mind plainly…… So I'm trying to go in baby steps. Maybe I should go back to the JR leagues?


Fear is the mind killer.

You should do what YOU feel is right.

BELIEVE in yourself.


<You think too little of yourself. - The Ancient One

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 23, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.11619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621



>I'm with you doc, no matter what this faggot says. Too many awesome coincidences now between you and Q to turn a blind eye.


From my understanding, this Anon was speaking about Quill.

Not the person he / she was responding to in the post.

At least that's how Eye perceived it!







Kek, now I understand your reactions.

Relax, all is well!

If someone is pure of heart, it will show, and they will ALWAYS be welcomed here.


Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 23, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.11622   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>This place is as close to a mystery school as an Anon like me has found.


Oh that it is…

When you have exhausted all searches of knowledge,

When you dug into the depths of every rabbit hole,

When you have beaten the entire internet,

When you find yourself at the end of all equations… you discover something.

<You are reading a comic book. - Deadpool


>I understand speaking in references as a form of code. I just need to get up to speed on the references used here. Spouse Anon and I Have our own shorthand, usually centered around some obscure Simpsons reference.


That's awesome!

We do the same thing here, but many would not understand those references because once again, it offends their sensibilities.

(Eye do love a good test).

There's a reason I twisted the Matrix, and reality, to my will in this fashion.

You don't really need to read a bunch of comic books to understand most of these references.

You don't need to overwhelm yourself.

As 'Strange' as it sounds? It might help to watch some of these 'movies'.

You'd be surprised just how many life lessons await.

All hidden in plain sight!


>Full disclosure, my best friend is a Jesuit. He calls me a hermetic heritic and deep down I wonder if he'd burn me at the stake. It does put a strain on our friendship but we have the most interesting conversations. I love interesting conversations, and I'm sure you know this board has those for days.


From tension comes growth, and that's the only way we learn.

Embrace and love his choices… for they give meaning to yours.

The best teacher is a student.


>Quick question. How do I check to see if posts get answered without shit tons of scrolling and writing down each post number manually. I am not superheroing it at all with regard to my skills on this blasted "smart" device.


Not really sure regarding that, (maybe if our resident T00L Quill had stuck around a little longer)… kek.

If only it were as easy as control+F!

The truth is, without a 'honeypot' it does require some manual scrolling to find what you seek.

Unless (1) of our Superhero's has a better way!

(For the record, I do jot down post numbers for this very reason).


>Thank you for the time to set me right. I knew it was a miscommunication, but just wanted to make sure everyone did.


It's very easy to misinterpret text.

I've done this more than once myself.

At this point I try to read posts more than once if they are difficult to discern at first glance for this reason.


>Ever see that character in the movie, too old to hike and too blind to shoot, who signs up to fight anyway? That's me in meme war, useless, but enthusiastic. Someday though, the battle will receed and a whole lot new ideas are going to come forward. I am hoping to find my purpose then.


Every (1) has a purpose.

From the field mouse to the elephant, to the lion.

Your purpose is in plain sight, whether you know it or not.

Believe in yourself.

<No one is above another.


>Ego. Equal parts curse and blessing it seems.


I've had discussions at great length with Vision regarding this.

Ego is the most important facet of the human experience.

It's the only thing that truly separates us from the (1) Infinite Creator.

Ego determines your choices.

<“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” - Aristotle


>I am afraid if I speak m mind plainly……


Don't be, Judgment is the easiest thing a human being can do.

It's best to take our Time with Judgment…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 24, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.11638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1639 >>1643 >>1660



>I apologise for the freak out I cluttered the board with but maybe this story will put in context.


'Freaking out' is a necessary step on the ascent up The Mountain.

Perhaps more than (1) step!


>I am a strange person, I get that. It has caused problems with relating to most people. I get that.


Strangeness is embraced here, fren!

It's the reason we all came together.

We love Strangeness :)


>So I came here. The most positive place I have been to on the internet. And wrote mysef that poem.


I thank you for that… it's not easy putting ourselves out there, even if you are 'Anonymous'.

The most positive place on the internet? Interesting… Eye haven't even considered that.

We tend to keep the pendulum swinging to the + as long as possible…




>You didn't clutter the board, that whole interaction warmed my heart….it is nice to have a new voice around here… as it gets lonely on the top of the mountain and all…


Agreed, and agreed.

Now my friends, you truly start to understand that quote.

It's lonely at the Top…

Unfortunately our 'merry band of shills' attempted to capitalize on that notion.

Infiltrating the group, to attempt to make us ashamed of outing their tactics.

To make it appear as though we turned our back on 'friends'.

Guilt is a powerful weapon, but it does not work here.


>As Silver Surfer has pointed out before, we all wear masks…in other words we have so many iterations of self


<No one cared who I was until I wore the mask. - Deadpool




>Kinda geeking right now that folks I respect so much are talking to me. I am a movie person(which sucks lately, as everything I have is becoming unwatchale) recommendations welcome.


Well, it's your choice!

Have you seen the three Avengers flicks?

Two Guardians of the Galaxy?

It's a good starting point if you haven't.




>What do you believe (((they))) must do in order to repent, if they are truly sorry for what (((they))) have done?


Stop accepting paychecks from the black hats?

Cease and desist from working with their groups?

Maybe hide in a cave somewhere to avoid the paradoxically inevitable MOAB coming their way this year?





>spotted talk that aluded to polatiry, correspondence, vibration and mentalism openly so it perked my ears up. I catch allot of flack for being curious about hermetics, and admit to ZERO knowledge beyond what a basic search will yield, but it seems to be a thing that makes sense to me. I can see if all you know is Darth Vader where any use of the force would seem dark, but does Luke not prove that false?


Would Luke have become who he was if his father weren't Darth Vader?

Just think about how much different his path might have been.

Even so, consider how the dark side affected his choices with his second last apprentice.


<The darkest nights produce the brightest stars. - John Green


>I watched a short video about all the primes(never knew here were others) and it got me thinking about archetypes again. Going with that line of thought that we are stardust, who says it's the same star, or that all "stardust".produces the same results. What if each archetype is the result of which stardust you contain?


<The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff, we are a way for the universe to know itself. - Carl Sagan


>I don't know, just talking out loud, but stay with me…. What if these same pattern of behavior exist through all time and in all locations because the all first split into those.


<When the universe was first born, the Cosmic Entities fashioned the remains of six singularities into concentrated ingots which became known as the…


>What gets me going? I like to build stuff. I can only meditate when I shovel pickaxe or rake.


My true zen, the points in Time where I do my best thinking, my moments of being most connected to source, is when landscaping the property where I grew up.

We're not so different…




>So, long story short i followed a hunch and it turns out transformers are marvel. Can someone help me understand better the Orion Pax to Optimus prime transformation?

>Optimus's whole back story kinda blew me away.


Welcome, Optimus Prime!

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.11708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1714



Eye would encourage you to share this image and link it to post 4955668 on Q Research, in the ET's thread.

(If you choose, of course)

Eye feel this would be highly relevant at this particular point in Time.

Anonymous ID: faf513 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.11714   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Do you believe Eye didn't foresee these connections coming together all at once?

How many more coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Truth is impossible to ignore.

>Time reveals all…

Anonymous ID: faf513 Feb. 7, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.11777   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Whatever movie you are tuned into I hope you are all enjoying the show as much as I am. So much love for all of you and my honor to be climbing with all of you. The heros … the greatest friends I have never met. (or have I ;-) ).




>Enjoy the show anons but remember its just a show. Don’t let them suck you in…Enjoy the show for what it is but don’t get too crazy. Its just whats playing out.