is h-he gonna make it bros?
Fat cuck will die unloved and despised by all.
It's just sleep apnea..Right?
Here's to hoping he pulls through, Bam is edgy enough already and this will probably push him over the edge.
This fat fuck needs to be rendered down into clean efficient lamp oil.
If I pull that off will you die?
Tell me about Boogie! Why does he wear the mask?!
Heโs a big guy.
Fucking racist cunt won't take black dicks
His wife only ditched him so she doesn't need to deal with his corpse.
I thought OP's pic was Chumlee and I got worried for a sec, then I realized it's just Boogie. phew
He's a big guy
deep breath
Shove it down my
shove it down my
He could've always not gotten as fat as he did, then this wouldn't be happening.
I was nearly 400 pounds 3 years ago and never ever was I even close to being as fat as this motherfucker. I can't imagine what moving around must be like for him.
>I was nearly 400 pounds
Can someone explain to me who the fuck this person is? All I know is he's some fatfuck tangentially related to video games who was bullied by SJWs for being a fence sitter, but that's it.
He's a viral marketer who constantly tries to use shitty emotional appeals to sedate people who are fed up with the games industry's bullshit.
what was your diet?
Now think of all the loose skin.
loose skin is just an excuse fat people use to avoid losing weight
>He's a viral marketer who constantly tries to use shitty emotional appeals to sedate people who are fed up with the games industry's bullshit.
Why would this make him popular enough to become some kind of shitty e-celeb people cared about?
he gets the soyboy audience
You have no idea how much money companies spend to keep damage control faggots like this guy on the front page of youtube at all times.
I've lost 160 pounds though.
He'll be fine.
Dead within a week if trips
then what are you bitching about?
>is h-he gonna make it bros?
I fucking hope not. He's been such a faggot lately that he may as well just get AIDS and die.
Poor Boogie, I dont hate him. Hes a big guy
Because he's a "nice guy" who has a lot of "nice things" to say about slightly less "nice people" that gives him a moral highground to grandstand to his fanbase and gradually indoctrinate them into accepting increasingly bad standards for movies, games, and society.
If Boogie was genuine, he still wouldn't be fat. He's been talking about how bad he feels for being a fatfuck for years and how he's working on it and yet he fails to make any progress because, let's be completely honest here, the only reason he was ever successful in the first place was because he made parody videos of the stereotypical fat nerd raging about petty shit. He's a goon through and through, mocking normal complaints of anons by painting them as petty virgin nerds obsessed with being perpetually angry fanboys.
And in crafting his insidiously poisonous content, he has poisoned himself, as is the fate of all goons. He's smart enough to realize that being a fatty makes him popular with other fatties, because he's a symbol for hope, but he isn't smart enough to realize that maintaining this lifestyle, while profitable for him, is ultimately what has destroyed his chances at a better life.
It is difficult to strike at boogie, not just because he's a big guy, but because of the fanbase that also surrounds him. Imagine the most self-masturbatory subreddit ever, and then multiple that to the power of tumblr. Every top comment on anything Boogie related will be "he's such an inspiration to me because im fat as fuck too!" even though he's made negative progress on actually fixing his life.
He's an inspiration to fatfucks everywhere not because he motivates them to try and improve their lives, but because his content enables them to rationalize to themselves that there is nothing wrong with them, that they're gonna make it, and in turn, allows them to keep eating unhealthily and living like the monsters Luke Skywalker drinks blue-milk from.
Basically, people care about him because they believe the false facade of him being a nice guy. If half of what I've heard about how he treats other people behind the scenes is true, then you'd understand my disgust.
He's essentially a massive puppet for the publishers that allow them to not only have a believable face man, no one would care is a suited kike cried on camera, but also justifiably talk down to gamers. If some guy got up on stage at E3 or wherever and told the crowd to not be so aggressive with their dislike for some game, the audience, what few of them aren't plants at least, would be furious. Do the same thing with some fat guy in a poorly lit room wearing a t-shirt though and it's a lot more digestible.
>whos dtf
probably yourself since you can't get up and masturbation with a jar of mayo isn't "fuck"
did his wife divorce him and take all his health insurance money for alimony?
He's not a viral marketer, he's a manipulative cunt. He plays with people's emotions. I'm glad his wife left him, I can't imagine the shit she had to go through.
>He's not a viral marketer
No, he is. He gets goodies and invitations from big companies all the time. He's flat out a marketer who relies of his videos going viral.
pls die
Boogie is emotionally and mentally manipulative and abusive whether he knows it or not. He's passive-aggressive, guilt-trips other people into treating him well and hides it all under a "be nice to each other" facade.
He probably guilt-tripped his ex-wife so much that she got tired of it and just had to leave him.
More like she saw the medical bills incoming and decided to bail. I doubt she'd have been able to draw life insurance from the lipid elemental either.
Is he really so hated by youtube's staff that him announcing his wife is leaving him is something they consider as "restoring your faith in humanity"?
>Fat faggot that eats himself into being a meme
>Has the tax payers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on doctors and surgery to fix it
>Starts making Cheeto and Mountain Dew smoothies as soon as he is out of the hospital
>~~Sad fucks~~ using him as a friend simulator give him tens of thousands dollars a month in addition to the welfare scams he runs because he is too fat to work
>Anyone that questions him is a bully and he needs a couple thousand more a month to deal with the "emotional damages"
The only thing this fat fuck ever did right was not argue when his wife left him for the BBC.
She left him to get BLACKED. Someone post the pic from last thread. I didn't bother to save it.
Hopefully, Spoony is next.
I am surprised Spoony survived this winter. Wife will definitely leave him soon and then it is just a countdown until he gets drunk enough to end it.
The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my vowels, and Mr. E over here, but only four of u's. First four to talk get to stay on my alphabet.
Youtube hates all of its ecelebs because they actually have to pay them.
He's a manipulative cunt. Any reasonable person should hate him
They don't have to pay them. That's what a lot of these e-celebs complaining about adpocalypse don't seem to understand
280 at highest, currently 250. I don't get how people surpass 300. I'm 6'3 and my highest weight was as a hikikomori after Christmas. Immediately after Christmas I dropped back because while I didn't do much exercise, I didn't have a ton of junk to maintain that weight. Boogie must make an effort to be as big as he is. The fact I only needed to cut out junk and weight dropped, shows inactivity alone means nothing. You need to perpetually eat trash. Fuck even now I'm dropping weight immediately after Christmas because I no longer eat bread.
Nutrition is a greater factor than exercise imo.
I'm still dreading the excess skin. I have no excuses, excluding when young you can't buy your own healthy food. But that doesn't cut it, plenty manage. I wonder how expensive it is. Fuck I don't know where I would look given I'm from the UK and not familiar with private healthcare. Still, the skin is a shit excuse. Just wear baggy clothes. Swimming would be a bitch.
>fatties living vicariously through some other fat fuck (who somehow manages to make sperging on YouTube his main source of income) think it justifies them being lazy fat fucks too
I don't get you Americans. You have the 1st and 2nd amendments; why aren't you using those to justify genociding these whales?
Once you pass 300 your body is ready for 350. I suppose it's the same at 400 but my limit is 350 for some reason.
t. former fatty then fatty again then former fatty then fatty again
Protip for all you fatties: go vegetarian or vegan if you think you can handle it. You won't just lose weight but also make gains if you combine it with exercise.
I was raised in a household, if you can even call it that, that refused to cook anything themselves that wasn't fried in some fashion. I shit you not as a kid I had pizza more often for breakfast than eggs.
>Boogie must make an effort to be as big as he is.
This is how he "improved" his diet following Gastric Bypass Surgery.
how is meat bad for you?
>how is colon clogging parasite ridden rotting flesh bad for you?
Take the vegpill, youngling.
Its not hard to go vegan if all you eat/drink are potato chips and soda. Actually getting fit is a different story.
It's not hard to go vegan at all. Beans and rice are cheap, so are potatoes.
It's not strictly bad but it's not strictly good either. Changing your diet will force you to change your routine and really think about what you eat though and that by itself is a huge positive. Now there are health benefits to quitting meatcuckery but it's not like meat is pure poison or anything. Be ethical, be disciplined. Quitting meat will make you feel like a new human being.
Thank you, I will happily accept the Nobel prize. It should also be stated that you don't even need to go outside to lose weight, there's plenty of exercises you can do at home without any equipment. I know some fatties are very self conscious and don't want to jiggle their jelly in public.
t. Fit Vegetarian
Vegans are another cult. You faggots are as obnoxious as christcucks, drumpfkins, and reddipol. Fuck off you moonies.
You'll want more than just that though, you need a balanced diet that covers all your nutritional needs. Becoming vegan required more than just not eating animal products, you have to put some effort into eating healthy.
Goons fear the vegan and the piggo.
>tfw aryan
>tfw christian
>tfw I don't think Trump is bad at all for an American president
>tfw /pol/ is pretty much always right
Do the kikes really think boogie getting cucked by a nigger is something that will restore anyone's faith in humanity?
this exercise sheet is actually pretty interesting, ty veggyman
>doesn't racemix
>financially and emotionally ruined a beta cuck
I would say Dez is /ourguy/, but the whole "fucking a 500 lb. lardass" thing kinda removes her from the running.
>Doesn't racemix
>Literally got BLACKED so hard her husband gave her anything she wanted when she left.
>the whole "fucking a 500 lb. lardass" thing
You don't know that. Maybe she simply acted as a caretaker and the "marriage" was just so he could make his mother happy he wasn't a completely failure
>Louisposting IRL
>While sipping on a sugary drink to make problems worse
How can a man fall this low?
>Literally got BLACKED so hard her husband gave her anything she wanted when she left.
What? Are you a congo nigger with no grasp of language? Go back to worldstar Quantavious.
>be Francis
>bullied and abused since childhood for being a fat, disgusting blob. Instead of exercise and lifting, he kept eating which is why people bullied him
>make YouTube career about being a fat, disgusting manchild blob going on tantrums
>start making anti-bullying, support videos for people who suffering from that shit telling them to stand for themselves
>marries a girl say out of his fucking league
>doesnt take his own advice and was bullied by Anita fucking Sarkeesian
>revealed for being the pathetic coward he always was
>Couldnt lose weight the normal way so had to shrink his stomach so he wouldnt eat so fucking much instead of getting lipo and lifting
>his wife leaves him for being an overemotional shit and cucks him with Chad
>he'll inevitably die of a heart attack alone and cucked
>You'll want more than just that though, you need a balanced diet that covers all your nutritional needs.
You're going to have to pick one, hippy.
How so?
It's almost like bad life choices become bad life outcomes. Huh, really makes you think.
Get fucked pleb, Vegetarians and Vegans are in better shape than 90% of all meatcucks.
Guy should honestly be beaten to death with baseball bats. If you weigh more than 350 pounds, you don't deserve to live.
Define your bating style already. You can't switch between posting maisies, calling us cumskins, demanding us to be vegans and posting how much you love mike stoklasa's penis
I recently was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and as soon as I heard that, I stopped eating junk and started exercising. I was at 300lbs but now I'm down to 280. I know now that I have to start taking care of myself or I'll end up like Boogie here.
Vegans are Pro-Prequel, you meatkike.
He's going to die for being too fat.
Is he popular for being fat? I wish people would put some work into being an e-celeb.
I used to be fat, but then I easily lost 70 pounds. All I did was replaced soda and juice with water and replaced grains/wheat with vegetables and nuts. I still eat meat and have eggs for breakfast and avoid the cereal. Added sugar and grains are the enemy.
It proved soyboy, vegan-propagandist Morgan Spurcuck was full of shit. Note also that his vegan chef girlfriend left him and isn't a vegan anymore. She's with a meat-eating Chad now LOL!
Why is human trash like this kept in life?
We need communism to starve people, these damn capitalist societies have too much food!
WTF I love totalitarianism now. Orwell was a fag for thinking forcing people to exercise was a bad thing.
>All I did was replaced soda and juice with water
who'd of thought replacing sugar drinks with water would help you lose weight.
I'd be willing to bet that diet is 60% of the key to losing weight. I used to be a fat kid, then lost a bunch of fat just not eating sugary foods and just drinking water.
How do i gain weight and not get diabetes?
I'm skinny but not in a holohoax manner, i just want to become a big guy.
Eat way more and lift, just stay away from sugar. Think more animal fat and protein than McDonalds and soda. Grain is good, just make sure you're white.
sweet foods sweet drinks
Got fat again after I started going to dunkin' donuts senior year of college smh.
Lots of protein, lots of fat. Avoid meme diets like paleo. If you don't get enough carbs protein gets converted into simple carbs. Gallon of milk a day helps a lot. Avoid skim because it has more simple sugar per volume than whole.
GOMAD and simple, regular, physical training.
Is that real?
>conflating vegan aryan supermen who appreciate the prequelkinos with shitskin goons
>be beached whale
>make a "living" by playing video games and hamming it up on YouTube
>become somewhat famous and have enough YouTube cash to get fancy shit and continue fatass lifestyle
>a woman shows vague interest in you certainly not because of your fame and money and you get married
>clearly unmatched couple, if there's any love it's certainly not because of your lardass qualities
>wife eventually divorces you (what a surprise) alimonies you into a sad pathetic man
>will always be a beached whale at the end of the day
>will always be a sad excuse of a man
>will always be JUST a fat, stupid, piece of shit that epitomizes what's wrong with today
The first man to blend Doritos and Mountain Dew
Everyone I've seen argue for paelo diets are short undernourished manlets. Dairy, grains and beans have made me huge.
Not him, but I don't need to gain weight, what nutritional value am I losing by picking skimmed over full fat?
It would be extremely difficult to breathe.
And yet he's still wondering why he got divorced?
>Gallon of milk a day
not sure if he's saying WOOO! or if that's just air escaping from his fat folds
Stallion milk is better
>those "gains"
Also you can tell this guy is using supplements out the ass. I hope nobody else falls for the GOMAD meme
t. Fitness instructor for 7 years
Imagine being his wife and having disgusting forced sex with him and then he suddenly dies of a heart attack and his dead body falls upon you. The body is way too heavy for your weak feminine arms to to bear and your terrified screams are unhearable for the neighbours due to the huge amount of fat of his belly smothering your mouth. You lie there for hours upon hours, at first you just want his body to get off you but later all you wish is to die because the stench of a dead body that was already disgustingly sweaty to begin has destroyed your senses and his body weight has already broken all of your bones and is starting to damage your muscles and veins at this point. After around 24 hours you are finally released from the painful suffering by the sweet release of death.
you say "supplements" like there's something wrong with them
No shit, you don't put on 15 kg without any hint of bodyfat within a couple of months.
I would say it would take about 2-3 years maybe more considering he probably never lift his entire life.
Only worsening your health and a risk of making you infertile for some temporary gains.
It's not healthy.
You're a fat guy
What's wrong with GOMAD?
Depends on what you use.
It's about time that worthless fat shit bit the dust.
He probably has literally eaten dust multiple times by now.
boogie needs to be the face of /r9k/
if he can get a girlfriend, anyone can
bullying is the only answer to solving the fatty epidemic.
F-for (wheeze) Forโฆ.you.
i need someone to bully me into eating more. too thin. amerifats, whats your secret?
When you're the weight Boogie is it's quite easy to lose drop a couple pounds.
He'd drop down to a stable 190 pounds if he was eating only 2000 calories a day even if he wasn't exercising.
2000 calories is a lot for people who dont even walk anywhere.
just quit drinking soda and you will drop 10kg a month. easily.
just fucking eat. if you don't know how to do that, consider suicide.
suicide isnt all its cracked up to be tbh fam
want to come over with some food and play some vids? watch a movie or two?
dicks are gross bro. who do you think i am? leftypol BO? heh.
how do i become one of those obese models on social media and have people send me food and money for food?
Was getting fat part of your plan?
party for one it is then
Be born a woman, first of all.
is trap or tranny ok?
GOMAD is trash unless you're extremely skinny and underweight. it will simply make you fat, besides torturing you
This is like one of Sam Hyde's "racism is wack" rants but unironic.
Even the long pause and disgusting sip followed by "and that's just crazy talk" hits all the same beats of his comedy.
Well, yeah, you drink it to get larger. If you're already fat you just need to work out.
Which would you holocaust first /tv/?
Goons or Fats?
A lot of loyalty for a divorce lawyer!
Thanks for the picture famalam.
Well you mouthbreathing retard. If you paid attention to the conversation you would have known that the person asking for weight gain help was a hangry skellington.
>Boogie thread 2 days old
>Destiny JF thread anchored in a few hours
Yeah real even-handed there mods.
Fuck off, you rat-faced midget.
>t. lactose intolerant non-Aryan
Interesting fact about having a massive weight on your body:
The pressure causes your blood vessels to constrict, causing toxins to build up in your non-flowing blood. Once the weight is removed, and you blood starts to flow, the toxins can actually kill you.
why does he wear the mask? heh
I was aware of this individual, but until today I had never looked at his twitter, and it has reinforced my policy of avoiding that website as much as possible. He tweets every hour, on the hour, with a feel good saying, most of which mean nothing, in order to make himself seem like a nice person to others.
I recognize some of them from a Buddhist monk I listen to sometimes, Mingyur Rinpoche.
This man is stealing quotes on positivity from others and retweeting them as his on in order to manipulate other people into thinking he is a decent person. If I were to call him out on this, the people who have been brainwashed to think this way would hate me for it.
It is taking every ounce of strength I have to not get angry right now.
>janitor bumplocked the thread I reported
didn't think he'd do it, absolute madman
Was getting winded part of your plan?
only way he can keep food out of his mouth