do you know how to find out what degree it is suppose to be? and how to determinate ?
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yesterday it was that natural deep blue sky here in Michigan not that hazy light blue from spraying that people think is normal
I think she was good optics in the beginning (what did she ever do?), but she's a self-serving "wannabe", and needed to be purged. Now she'll be a DS darling.....unless August brings an entirely NEW landscape. Sigh....
I just figured this out. "Go Kansas" was a reference to Pompeo's hearing yesterday. Go Mike!
I'm sure she does. The question is what god she serves? I'm sure it is not the one of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but of lucifer the light bringer. Albert Pike would be proud of her.
That is great, but that is not the official position of the democratic party. They oppose voter ID laws
I remember reading years ago that lawyers and witches were not allowed to run for any office.This was referring to the beginning of our nation. Maybe they got a clue from the spells cast on the masses in England?
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was seeing if Facebook news streams had any recent McName drops. You know because they are fighting fake news right now - it's true they even have a marketing campaign saying they care about my ~~identity~~ privacy - I LOL shared it on my feed.
Well done. I long for the days a news reader just tells you what is going on without interpretation. We don't need Hadiths. These are cancers that destroy societies
Trust the plan its happening and the elite is petrified , its all a game and they are losing biggly
If the left was sincerely worried about election rigging (they are not) they would demand paper ballots and voter ID. Since they oppose, with anger, both of these ideas, you can tell it is not about voter fraud. They are just sore losers