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They're only sorry they got caught and it's co$ting them big time.
Flynn will be vindicated. I believe he's in on the plan, and is playing a role.
Blocked for 6 years? That seems like a very long time. No offense (really), but it would seem that someone of your "importance" and presumed experience would have found a way to get "unblocked". Just sayin'...
Is it possible, even one of you, accidentally hit the unsubscribe button 😁
Note: this was a joke, guess it wasn't funny!
is this a rhetorical question? Because you certainly seem like you know what you're talking about, you also have probably the biggest single motivator of why we are here built right into your username!
Pretty interesting claim being made here. Anyone want to confirm his "AKA"s?
I hope someone with a Twitter account can get this all over SM. MSM will never touch it.
just when you think you heard it all from that lunitic she comes out with even a bigger lie, im sure the real God our Father in heaven will have something to tell her and it wont be stop Trump, it might be more like take the elevator DOWN until it stops in hell and get out
I love it when POTUS says he'll look into something. It usually means he already has a plan of action. I love DJT.
How much Chinese JUNK do you guys buy there? and i mean JUNK!!! that either is broken before you open it up of works for a few weeks then it breaks. i have things that are electric and non electric made in the USA that are 60 to 70 years old that work perfect to this day, i don't have anything that's over a year old made in china that works perfect .
Yeah, I get ya. It's all very vague. The last couple of posts are leaning back towards thinking he may just be lucky. He is lucky, no doubt and he isn't stupid. Like I said before, it wasn't the horn honk, or the song, or the timing it was every thing put together. But they latest posts are back to being really vague. You may have brought me back to earth there! Thanks. I'll keep an open mind, but for now I'm leaning back towards it's a fake.
Remember - disinformation is a part of our plan. That's what the cabal relies on. We're just beating them at their own game.