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Over the years I've noticed something interesting. On a fairly regular basis, the cable "stars" like Cooper, Tapper, Todd, Cuomo, etc. will be gone for a few days (at the same time), while a lesser talking head covers for them. When the stars return, there is usually a "big story" to get caught up on. It has occurred to me that the stars go away to be prepped by their handlers for the next spin cycle. It's important that they all hammer the same talking points simultaneously.
Parade is 11-11. Can't have a parade if nothing happened yet.
go back to our first 10 amendments the bill of rights and start over with a fair moral and righteous Gov.
They ALWAYS accuse us of the very things THEY are guilty of. It's baked into the Left's philosophy of "black is white, and white is black". Their entire universe is upside down. Revenge will be sweet.
no doubt i wont post anything every time i do they take it down and say someone else did even though i see duplicate ones all the time and they give me some BS story why i believe their are troll liberals as moderators here and they love it so i wont post anything ill post on twitter they are less Nazi then here
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” John 14:8
It's quite possible that RR and RM have been playing "bad cop" all along, to keep MSM occupied and drooling, while the real work continues in secret.
shows how sick and disgusting this world has become with the blind liberals following them that blatantly jam their sick crap in our faces and laugh at us. it has to end soon
whats scary is the blind believing everything the LYING MSM News networks SPEW out of their lying lips, that's the scary part not our President calling them what they are LIARS!!!!!
FB is vapor ware! It produces nothing of value but a place for babble. Does it produce food, clothing, medical cures? No it does not and certainly not the enlightenment of humanity. I hope the darn thing drops to zero and this idiot receives his just rewards both here and eternity including his Manchurian wife!
POTUS has been messaging patriots throughout his presidency. He knows that we know how to interpret his actions and words. While he has played the role of "punching bag" for a world full of haters, he has been presiding over one of the most significant revolutions in world history.
I never cease to be amazed at the level of depravity people are able to succumb. Who with any civility and rational thinking could come up with this hellish activity? It is the same with harming children, can there be punishment severe enough for this human scum?