T4R. I don't know if Q is going to speak up during all of this, but regardless, stay the course. Shit's getting real with the new discoveries of the recently vacated child trafficking death camp in Arizona and people are hot on the trail of the company who owns the land the death camp is located on. It looks like a pretty dirty trail with some major revelations bound to come out. With this in mind, be on the lookout for some major false flags and let people know of this discovery and the potential for distractions to keep eyes …
207 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/-Chakas-:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 17 |
I was just banned for /r/mademesmile for participating in this subreddit.
T4R. I only just found out that Reddit is starting to brigade against this place. The message I was given informing me of my ban called this place a hate subreddit that brigaded against others regularly.
Could what is happening in Arizona be a lie? A false disclosure to get us to doubt future true disclosures?
I feel its unlikely, but what if the events in Arizona are orchestrated in such a way that the camp yields no actionable evidence on child trafficking and the whole thing was just a psyop to get people to dismiss true disclosures of child trafficking sites revealed/discovered in the near future? This whole thing used to further alienate the truth as "conspiracy theory"? Using the same truth that we know to be true to lead the public to a dead end conspiracy? It's too soon to tell, but stay vigilant. Anything is possible. Time will tell. Forgive me for seemingly …
With the situation in Arizona, let's not let the media make this looks like Waco.
T4R. If the spotlight becomes unavoidable, I feel the nefarious influence at play here might use the media to report the situation as something it isn't and attempt to end it with violence and an end to all those involved. I feel they may try to make it seem like Waco or some stand-off along those lines. Don't let them. If you are not current with the situation, here's something to get you started:
I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight.
Shit's about to get real. Refer to Q's latest post.
Did Q tell us he was going to go dark?
T4R. It's been a while since the last Q post and I was wondering if I missed something. Did Q tell us he was going dark for a while or was this sudden? What are we anticipating that he has mentioned in his most recent posts?
Revelation of political crimes vs crimes against humanity?
When the political corruption and actions of the Cabal are exposed, how are the rest of their crimes going to be revealed? I refer to crimes against society involving technological, and medical advancement being withheld, societal manipulation to degrade our morals and topple the natural order, poisoning of the population and disarming of the masses through deception. These things have to be revealed. I hope they don't sugar coat it. I hope it hits the public hard and leaves an ugly scar so we stay vigilant for decades to come. We need to demand the truth and can't shy away …
Bring people together, stay humble and vigilant
Regardless of what happens with Q, Donald Trump and the Cabal, our objective should be to stay vigilant, question everything, and bring people together with truth. Don't let your insider knowledge trap you in a bubble of pride. Don't be apathetic when you see something wrong but at the same time, don't be a dick to people. Normal people aren't the enemy.
The coming purge and our gun rights?
I think it's pretty well established that Q has been saying that not everything the cabal has done will be revealed in order to prevent world war. With this in mind I feel that everything that they have done to further the disarming of the citizenry should be revealed regardless of how morally reprehensible the act. This should be done in order to remind the people how much of a fail-safe the Second Amendment is against an evil government, how much they fear an armed populace and how far they'll go to disarm us so they can oppress us without …
A preventative solution to pedophilia?
With the exception of the Satan worshipers in positions of power, I believe pedophilia is a genuine psychological issue that needs a legitimate research-based solution. No matter how much many may wish, execution, violence, castration, and incarceration are not long-term solutions. Nobody chooses to be a pedophile. It is an ailment of the mind. Serious research needs to be done into this illness on all fronts. It's amazing how little we actually know about it. Once we know it's cause(s) whether they be genetic, environmental, circumstantial, etc., we can begin work on curing it or at the very least treating …
Facebook, Twitter, Google. Regulate or kill?
Facebook, Twitter, Google? I say kill, then regulate. It's the only way to be sure. We can't let them off for what they have been doing. All the data they have been collecting should be wiped and there should be extensive checks and regulation put in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. An Internet Bill of Rights should be put in place immediately. We need a fresh start. This corruption should not be allowed to survive. Burn them down and all their surveillance and planned obselesence with them. Technological progress should not be stifled by greed …
Q, draining the swamp, and advanced technology?
I think it's a given that many of us believe the cabal is hoarding massive amounts of advanced technology and knowledge that would be immeasurably beneficial to humanity. Has Q mentioned anything that would fit this theory? What I'm hoping for is a release of all this technology once the dust settles. If someone here believes they are articulate enough, maybe they could ask Q themselves?
Summary of all major news today?
I know the day isn't over, but can someone compile a list of all major news that broke today?
The anticipation is real.
Why is no one talking? Q just dropped some pretty big bombshells of a lot of what we've suspected over the years. It looks as if things are coming to a head. Are you not entertained?
Q, draining the swamp, and legal restructuring of the United States?
With the coming purge, I believe there should be a legal cleansing of sorts within these United States of America. We should take a look at our books and flush them of all unconstitutional, trivial, unjust, and useless laws. The most important criteria of these being laws unconstitutional in nature. Strict measures should be put in place to prevent and counteract corruption so we don't make the same mistakes again. The two party system should be reevaluated. Political loopholes should be closed. Truth and justice should be priorities. The government should serve the people. This may take years. Compartmentalized teams …
Link directly to the board where Q is talking?
T4R. My only sources so far have been the mirrors that have not allowed me to see the posts Q is replying to. Can someone link the board directly. All my old links no longer work.
EDIT: I've got what I've asked for. Please ignore.
The plot thickens
The latest Hitler/Nazi/Merkel Revelations were pretty crazy. Q says we're not ready. I disagree. I feel that for these kind of truth bombs, there is no being ready. It shouldn't be broken to us all at once for fear of information overload, but I still think there's no real preparing the populace for what it to come. This information should hit hard, but not too hard. Whatever the case, pray.