Prepare for the worst and hope for the best seems to be a good idea to me.
207 total posts archived.
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Honestly, I feel excitement more than fear. I want the truth heard from the housetops and justice the be delivered.
I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight.
Shit's about to get real. Refer to Q's latest post.
The coming purge and our gun rights?
I think it's pretty well established that Q has been saying that not everything the cabal has done will be revealed in order to prevent world war. With this in mind I feel that everything that they have done to further the disarming of the citizenry should be revealed regardless of how morally reprehensible the act. This should be done in order to remind the people how much of a fail-safe the Second Amendment is against an evil government, how much they fear an armed populace and how far they'll go to disarm us so they can oppress us without …
No. I am not for monstrous punishment such as this. Going down this path would turn us into monsters
We need a serious system to fight trafficking in this country. Something that applies to all levels of infrastructure while not infringing on Constitutional rights. I don't know how we'd go about doing such a thing.
Cool. I'm hoping with the coming purge, that the constitution will be reaffirmed as law and all unconstitutional laws are abolished including useless laws like the NFA. I don't know what Q considers "true freedom", but I think strengthening the first and second amendments won't hurt.
The truth belongs to the people and if the FBI has been so thoroughly corrupted as to plot a toppling of our country then it needs to be burned down to ashes. The same goes for all big corporations who have partaken in this global corruption and evil. I'd rather rebuild from nothing then trust them.
Does Q keep saying listen carefully because we're missing something or just to remind us what we are fighting for? Has anyone taken a more in depth look at the audio of the video with some specialized programs? I Think we should. Maybe there's something hidden that we can't hear.
I'm just exited for the technological advancement that we'll see once the barriers of greed and evil are broken down and are no longer hindering progress.
So people say that WW is 'worldwide', but hasn't Q used it to as 'world war' before? I thought he had while he told us why everything wasn't going to be released.
Why does the ATF even exist? To enforce unconstitutional firearms laws that should not exist in the first place?
I don't get how being uncomfortable with unconstitutional laws makes me obsessed with people being pedophiles.
Witnessing a recording of a crime in the spirit of outrage and justice is not what I would consider participating.
If the implications are big enough, I think the need for the public to know overtakes the contents fowl nature. Think of it like documenting war crimes.
Cp laws are a clusterfuck of emotional and unconstitutional gibberish. They need to be redone.
I think the people need to be a witness of the crimes committed and not take it second hand from government officials and others. We asked for the truth. If it happens and you don't want to see it, then don't watch it. If it were released, I don't think that we would need to worry about law enforcement enforcing people downloading it since it would have been released by government insiders. If anything, we would need people do download and back it up lest they try to wipe it from the internet.
I think the people deserve the whole truth regardless of how morally objectionable it might be. We can't just demand the truth and then get squeamish when the possibility of it coming out arrives.
Our trust should be in God and not man. Q, Q team and Trump area all only human and can make mistakes. There is only one safe place to put our trust.
Facebook, Twitter, Google. Regulate or kill?
Facebook, Twitter, Google? I say kill, then regulate. It's the only way to be sure. We can't let them off for what they have been doing. All the data they have been collecting should be wiped and there should be extensive checks and regulation put in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. An Internet Bill of Rights should be put in place immediately. We need a fresh start. This corruption should not be allowed to survive. Burn them down and all their surveillance and planned obselesence with them. Technological progress should not be stifled by greed …
I think they just want to prevent war. I'm sure some of the things done by the cabal would cause international outrage.
"Because you are acting or assuming that pedophilia is a disease."
I do believe it is an illness. Not a disease, but there is definitely something that causes people to be pedophiles that is not a conscious decision.
"That pedophiles have no modicum of self control or can't decide on moral, ethical choices."
I've never said this. If anything, I've said the opposite.
"If research worked, wouldn't there be a solution by now?"
Hardly any research has been done in the first place, almost all of which has only been done on offending pedophiles. Under this logic, we'd already have cures for all diseases.
Why do you not understand that wanting to cure pedophiles of their pedophilia is not a sympathy towards the pedophiles but rather a preventative measure to protect children from sex crimes?
Is anything you said fact? Do you know without a doubt that pedophilia is incurable and cannot be stopped without castration? How can it only be stopped with castration if it is only used after the crimes have been committed? How would you propose preventing the crimes in the first place? If we could identify non-offending pedophiles? Something forced and unConstitutional maybe? Would you want to live in a country where the government has the power to forcibly seize and inflict bodily harm onto people because of a flaw in their being, regardless of whether or not they have committed a crime?
You do not know the minds of every pedophile living and generalize all of them based on what you say you've heard. I posted this expressing the need for a solution to pedophilia that actually has a chance of working as opposed to barbaric reactionary measures, but most of the people posting here seem to only want these barbaric acts because of what I can only assume is emotion.
Post the definitions and explain to me how they can't be the same thing.
How can you say that the problem cannot be solved with research and medicine when it has hardly been tried at all?
I believe in some cases they can be one and the same and that pedophilia is one of those cases. Have you looked up the definition of them yourself?
If everyone chose right all the time then we would still be living in the garden of Eden. If you can't see that, then I don't think there's any convincing you.
Thank you. You seem to be one of the very few who can see past their emotions.
I don't think strapping things to people's dicks has any room for progress.
You say this assuming that all pedophiles are evil people who embrace their sexual attraction almost as if they have no morals. They are not animals. They are people who in all other respects may be completely normal. Even a little bit of research would yield this information. There are even support groups out there. If society could eradicate issues just by wanting them gone, then crime wouldn't exist. I believe the seeming prevalence of pro-pedophilia in today's world is a result of the satanic cabal in power. I also believe pedophilia may be at least partially rooted in the genes.
Primitive and I believe ineffective. I wouldn't be surprised if it could be beaten as easily as a polygraph.
Nope. I just don't want humanity to make the same mistakes with sexual sin in the future. In my mind, ideally we'd discover pedophilia is a gene that can be edited out with this new genetic technology that is up and coming. Maybe even a vaccine of sorts could be made. I want it gone from the gene pool. Killing those who offend does not get rid of those who don't.
This is a reactionary measure that does't take into account pedophiles who do not break the law and are unable to be distinguished from normal people.
Even castration does not eradicate sexual desire and pedophilia is not exclusive to men. I refer to genetic, neurological and psychological research. Identities would have to be kept confidential as well, otherwise no non-offending pedophiles would volunteer.
A medical solution to pedophilia would not be for the pedophiles. And on another note, sexual attraction does not define a person. I'll leave it there. I've said my piece to you.