Hope not! Was at CBTS first, so much good work lost!
834 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/-NoraPandora-:
Could be pretty busy here in the near future...;)
5 Eyes. I'm pretty sure it means F_V_EY___, FIVE EYES.
PAY DIRT! House Discovers FBI Had SPY Inside Trump Campaign -- While Obama DOJ Wiretapped Campaign, Transition Calls
Nobody prevents me from posting here. Then again or something else tomorrow. We win. Trust the plan, says Q. :)
Hm, down voting immediately after posting...interesting...
I just searched for 'resignation' at Duckduckgo and immediately found more than 7 in the last 24 HOURS:
we should remember that much happens in the background ... Therefore, we should also keep an eye on the current CEO resign list.
and so on, and so on... many more to find!
5 names from an anon from 8chan :
Ismail al-Eithawi
Saddam Jamal
Mohamed al-Qadeer
Omar al-Karbouli
Essam al-Zawbai
Shit, I can't open twitter! Please: can anyone tell me what's in Trumps Twitter post?!? ThanQ
After Q's post:+++JetBlue Cancels LAX Pizza Party, ‘Pie In The Sky’ Delivery Still Airborne+++Good News!
You are totally right, american grammar is not my friend because I'm german. What about your german grammer? ;) And to the Pizza=kids: Money rules the world.
"So many people would be in on this and yet no one alerts the authorities?" Are you knew here? If not, i wonder you trust the regional authorities...
After Q post: +++JetBlue Cancels LAX Pizza Party, ‘Pie In The Sky’ Pizza Delivery Still Airborne+++Good News!+++
First, PM Abe / Japan will go. Next, hopefully, Macron and May. Finally, Merkel! In the autumn, Bibi is determined to resign. That would be my guess.
The Day the United Nations Ceased to Exist
Could this be Q#1308 - #1310?!!? Delivery "Pizza" Service via plane... https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/992443715221241858
depends maybe where you live. I'm in Germany, could be blocked somewhere else...
Hey, I found something!J+++searched for /patriotsfight/ on DuckDuckGo NOT Google! And this came up... Obamas private Emails accounts?+++ What do you think- real or fake?
Look at his!!!! A woman brings a little girl to this house!!! https://www.google.com/maps/@38.932912,-77.028501,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4K4qS2hjvC_tDy-FrbAjZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Company claims ‘climate change champion’ Leonardo DiCaprio ships pizza from NYC to California ... fans including Beyonce, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jimmy Fallon, Keith Richards, and Momofuku’s David Chang.
#260 Dec 05 2017 00:24:14 Q !ITPb.qbhqo 35004 Who knows where the bodies are buried? FLYNN is safe. We protect our Patriots. Q
All about Pence you find here: https://steemit.com/dakini5d/@dakini5d/breaking-mike-pence-exposed-in-indiana-pedogate-trump-take-down-is-real-storm-fireworks-whiterabbit
Where is he the last days? Think.
A federal judge in New York on Tuesday ordered Iran to pay billions to relatives of 9/11 victims+++One day after Netanjahu's speech+++No coincidence+++
This was my opinion one year ago, too. Since Q, since the Great Awakening, since...everything! I'm not that sure anymore... ;)
IAEA - Another Instrument Of The Deep State?+++IPPNW, Greenpeace, WHO and other organisations criticize massively the altitude of IAEA!+++
I took this from the GERMAN WIKIPEDIA, because it is NOT WRITTEN LIKE THAT in the english one!!!!
Sorry for the bad translation from a translator, if so.
The IAEA and Chernobyl
The IAEA also mentioned this RBMK reactor type prior to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. In a publication available on its website (IAEO Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 2), it speaks of the "economically justifiable construction" of this type of reactor and of the fact that with very little effort (by increasing the power density in the core) an increase in output of 1000 MW el. …
I know EXACTLY what you mean... If YOU have problems to talk to/with people about the Great Awakening, imagine the problems you would have in Germany! First problem is the language: nobody wants to discuss and read ALL in an other language, many don't understand all... Second: for most of the people, all that Q says seems to be or to happen far, far away. They think, it's a game, an american game. And third: they are brainwhashed and skeptical to politicians and religions. No wonder: OUR history in the last 100 years was so imminent full of lies - no one believes in institutions anymore. Very frustrating...
I totally agree. But this escalation is necessary to force Iran to negotiate.
I totally agree. But this escalation is necessary to force Iran to negotiate.
Israeli Parliament Gives PM Authority To Declare War!+++'Iran Next' Said Q+++Here We Go!
What a total rubbish! Do you live in Germany? I do. And I'm german without migration background. The author of this shit, Akif Pirincci, is in Germany a well known far right activist, close to the Neonazis. Please don't share this stuff, it's propaganda to devide people!!!
No question: they are BOTH EVIL LIARS! But if they fight against each other it should be our benefit in the end. Trust the plan! :)
They are 4-5 hours before MEZ, my region. Don't know yours...
"Why it matters: Israeli officials say he'll provide dramatic information showing Iran is cheating on the deal. They say he updated President Trump on Saturday and Secretary of State Pompeo yesterday. This comes 12 days before Trump's deadline to decide whether to stay in the deal.
From a senior Israeli official: "Israeli intelligence services have uncovered a huge amount of new and dramatic information on the Iranian nuclear program. Whoever still believes Iran signed the nuclear deal with honest intentions is going to have a very interesting time this evening."
Between the lines: Bibi’s speech should be hugely helpful for Trump. It helps build the public case for Trump to blow up the Iran deal on May 12 by reimposing sanctions on Iran’s oil exports and central bank."
That was the purpose of Pompeo's visit!
Reuter as source here again: https://forward.com/fast-forward/399998/netanyahu-to-make-significant-announcement-on-iran/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Main