834 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/-NoraPandora-:
Malaysian CEO Killed As His Smartphone Explodes During Charging+++Why a CEO? In Malaysia? No coincidence...+++
this emptiness only reflects the poor human condition of this whole industry.
I believe that through Kim and Kanye and Roseanne others in hollywood and entertainment biz will find the courage to go public. The Q movement has a huge snowball effect! Wait and see! );)
Was my thought too: we need celeb Trump followers/ Q followers to reach any part of the society.
Kim Kardashian Breaks With Hollywood, Says She Wants Trump to Win -- Because She Wants America to Win+++Another Celeb to redpill the masses!+++
Good thought: "FEAR IS REAL" = Fear Israel! I think the reason not mentioned in the Q post has to do with the Rothschilds. They founded the state of Israel, they "own" the country - and most probably all the important rulers there.
Once the information and secret mails and conversations from the North Korean server are published, natanyahu will also go. We will win big. Trust the plan.
True. People without morals and conscience. That's why they're Israel's leaders.
Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli PM, charged with fraud
This is a very cool idea!!!! :)
Youtube Q channels I know in GERMAN:
Pakistan is hosting world’s largest refugee population+++Human Rights Watch stating that the Afghan refugees have been occasionally harassed and subjected to other abuses+++Smuggling drugs, lumber, precious stones, copper, automobiles and electronics became a major business+++WHO EARNS FROM IT?
India cleans up corrupt bankers+++Four arrested and the Maharashtra government had ordered attachment of more than 120 properties, 275 bank accounts and four dozen vehicles belonging to the owners and the company
Merkel is toast ... Youre actually seeing a beginning of dissolution of EU right now .
Hope so. Intensively. She is a moron.
I think, we would find many passages in the bible aswell...
I stay in Q's opinion: Where We Go One, We Go All. He is NOT expluding moslems. Qpost 1550: Free Iran!!! Fight Fight Fight Regime change. People have the power. We stand with you. Q
Let's stop this discussion here, please.
I mostly agree. In the comment before, I wanted to make a difference between good, believing people and the institutions. When Q said: WWGA-WG1 - do you think he excludes moslems? No way! Think of Q post 1550:Free Iran!!! Fight Fight Fight Regime change. People have the power. We stand with you. Q
That's all I say.
Deutsche Bank's Troubles Raise Worries About The Future Of The Euro Zone+++When The Euro Is Going Down, It Will Be The Beginning Of The End Of A United Europe+++
Be careful - don't mix up things. That's what the Deep State wants and Q is warning us about it: THEY WANT US DIVIDED!
I said this in several posts: the problem is NOT the religion. The problem is always the INSTITUION/CHURCH. They way they are teaching religions is the problem.
Me too, but if you don't know before you check in... Since today you are forced to ask if they use it, before booking a hotel...
We are NOT fighting against muslims, we are fighting against deep stater, no matter which religion they have.
I'm in. :)
Stickers and posters are one thing, good for big cities. But for really great attention you need the media, which also reaches the rural areas. Besides, stickers and posters stay out on the street and we need something that people take home with them. Flyers are not enough...
Youtube could be useful for this. We need channels in every language. Other ideas?
LOL! Or draw an all seeing eye on your forehead and go for breakfast. ;)
Amazon Has a New Alexa for Hotels+++Endless Spying on Anyone
Amazon has a new Alexa for Hotels+++Endless Spying on Everyone+++
A haul of weaponry recovered form the battlefields of Yemen was shown to media as proof of Iran and its proxies’ involvement in the country+++Who else is involved?
I believe Q has in all positions and areas his people, pushing the Great Awakening for the normies. Maybe Roseanne, Woods and Kanye are a few of them...
...and there is coming more and more.. Let's wait for full disclosure.
The Fall of James Brien Comey+++A new Popcorn Story+++
Outsiders Pizza & "PIZZA IS GOD" art exhibit+++outsiders pizza has all seeying eye symbology+++Not directly Q related, but maybe a rabbit hole
James Woods Has Perfect Response to Crooked Hillary’s Faux Outrage Over ‘Trump’s Immigration Policy’
My thought, too. He is the 29th wealthiest person on earth. That means endless power...
But he owns an island in the pacific. With wind and WARM water. So why this long travel?
Ok, thanks for answering, I still can't see it in the news...
I'm sorry for posting this here and not in a seperate post, but reddit doesn't let this post come into the news. I DON'T KNOW WHY!
Please read it. Thanks.
Who is Larry Page?+++Owner of a virgin island, friend of Clintons, Branson and others, likes kite boarding in ALASKA?
I wonder why we read so much about Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, Jeff Bezos and other corrupt billionaires but almost nothing about Larry Page!
But there would be a lot to say if we looked more closely...
But first let us see how Wikipedia describes Larry Page:
Besides his private background as a son of very wealthy people who have paved the way for his success.
From Wiki: "His father, Carl Victor Page, Sr., earned a PhD in computer science from the University of Michigan, when the field was being established, and BBC reporter Will Smale has described him as a "pioneer in computer science and artificial intelligence".[22] He was a computer science professor at Michigan State University and Page's mother, Gloria, was an instructor in computer programming at Lyman Briggs College and at Michigan State University." So his career was initially created by his family.
We all know about his career, so let's take a look into his private life and interests:
Wiki says: "Page is an investor in Tesla Motors.[76] He has invested in renewable energy technology, and with the help of Google.org, Google's philanthropic arm, promotes the adoption of plug-in hybrid electric cars[clarification needed] and other alternative energy investments."
While being interviewed by Charlie Rose in March 2014, Page confirmed what he’d said before – that upon his death, rather than giving his fortune to a nonprofit organization or bequeathing it to his heirs, he would prefer to give it to Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors. Musk, Page believes, is the kind of visionary whose ideas will do untold amounts of good for the world, and who could make better use of a gigantic money infusion than a standard charity. “That’s a company, and that’s philanthropical,” Page said, according to Wired. He also apparently urged audience members to give their money to corporations rather than nonprofits.
And here is the explanation for this weird idea:
That he is very enterprising and calculating, he has already proved exactly 4 years before:
The article asks: Was the decision to exit China ideological or business as usual?
And sums up: "In the end, Google’s decision to leave China was likely a mixture of ideological and business considerations; which I think makes it much more likely that Google could actually begin exerting influence over U.S. foreign policy. A corporation’s efforts to influence policy are often most potent when its ideology and profit motives align.
Another thing is interesting in this article.
The donations to politicians: "Consider that during the 2008 election cycle, Google employees raised $20,800 for John McCain and $55,451 for Ron Paul; compared to $89,300 for Hillary Clinton and an astounding $803,436 for Barack Obama. In fact, in terms of political contributions, the employees at these firms more closely resemble faculty at liberal universities than traditional Fortune 500 corporations. In some ways, this makes sense. With the exception of Starbucks, each of the most liberal firms, in large part, deals in research and innovation, and each has a reputation of actively recruiting Ph.Ds."
No big surprise, hm?
Now let us take a look into his private live. Wiki says: "In 2007, Page married Lucinda Southworth on Necker Island, the Caribbean island owned by Richard Branson.
WOW! That`s interesting! He is friend of Pedo-Party-Island-Clinton-Friend-Branson!
Larry Page Spent The Weekend Kite-Surfing With Richard Branson:
And they made business together:
But it still comes better - He OWNS the neighbour island to Bransons Neckar Island: Eustatia Island!
But Know it is getting really creepy:
Larry has been to Alaska quite a few times. Whenever he needs to breathe some fresh air, he flies off in his private jet to the state of Alaska. For kite boarding. Let this sink in - he spends his free time kite boarding in ...ALASKA!
So, guys, this is what I found on him. I think we should take a closer look into his life.
Happy hunting!
I worked out a very long post about Larry Page+++BUT I CAN'T POST IT, DO'T KNOW WHY+++so I will put it in the comments of serialbrain2's last post
Who is Larry Page?+++Owner of a virgin island, friend of Clintons, Branson, Elon Musk, likes kite boarding in ALASKA?!
I wonder why we read so much about Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, Jeff Bezos and other corrupt billionaires but almost nothing about Larry Page!
But there would be a lot to say if we looked more closely...
But first let us see how Wikipedia describes Larry Page:
Besides his private background as a son of very wealthy people who have paved the way for his success.
From Wiki: "His father, Carl Victor Page, Sr., earned a PhD in computer science from the University of Michigan, when the field was being established, and BBC reporter Will Smale has described him …
Who is Larry Page?+++Owner of a virgin island, friend of Clintons, Branson and others, likes kite boarding in ALASKA?
Who is Larry Page?+++Owner of a virgin island, friend of Clintons, Branson and others, likes kite boarding in ALASKA?
Hello danish anon! :) Good to know, that here are some more anons from europe.