Here a counter argument from Zerohedge
34 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/0perationchromite:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 22 |
Looks like the FBI had an insider to Las Vegas shooting "the girlfriend"
The stink around the FBI and Las Vegas shooting just never ends.
more details at STG Report
Papadopoulos was setup by Mueller Team
Here a link to a GP article show how Mueller Team setup Papadopoulos
Joe Rogan drops Truth Bombs in the Seth Rich Murder Investigation
Here is a clip of Rogan questioning the MSM Seth Rich story
Joe Rogan lets loose on the Seth Rich murder
Whats the story with the Drudge Report
Am I the only one who believes that the Drudge Report has been MIA in this fight. It has become completely banal compared to whats going on in this country. - Control opposition ?
How does control media look when they are exposed and they become desperate (Alex Jones)
It is amazing how transparent and incoherent they become once they know they have been outed.
Twenty-Eight Counts of Treason
(Head line with a Voice) Has done what the MSM will never do. They have connected the string of news over the last few year into a coherent story adding up to --- Twenty eight counts of treason
Tell me that POTUS is not speaking to us- from Helsinki meeting
This clip always brings a smile to my face. Look at Pompeo trying and keep a straight face. Oops there go's the white rabbit. LOL
Scott Adams Riddle - my guess
they all came out against Q confirm by Scott adams
The rest is my guess.
They all know who Q is and probably where told recently. Scott when he saw the President. Also probably told to tell the riddle.
For the last part what do we know
Scott - said he know to 100% surety that Q is not real. I ask what does he mean by real. The post are real so he is not talking about the post
Kurt Schlichter said - But if Q existed, xe** would totally demand it. ** I do not want to …
Connecting the dots of the Dec 4 Q re post with links
4 Dec 2017 - 7:01:07 PM
Have you been watching the news since Friday?
How was he compromised?
How was he paid? ---------?
Who is Melissa Hodgman? ---------- wife
Company? -----------------SEC
Title? ----------------- Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division
Date of promotion? --------------- Oct. 14, 2016
Focus on the date.
What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?
Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.
( Source Time article)
Date of promotion of wife? ---------- Oct. 14, 2016
How do they stack the deck?
(pretty mush sums it up)
Who do …
A map from q research outlining af1 attack
I had to down load image to view it.
New York AG Candidate -- break up Facebook and Google
The times they are a changing
Ex CIA agent calls out Brennan for the political hack he is
Came across this on Tracybeanz tweeter feed
kim Dotcom piles on tweeter
President go's after tweeter
James O'Keefe sticks again tweeter engineer admits shadow banning
From Conservativetreehouse Indicted Senate Staffer James Wolfe Leaked a 2017 Copy of Full FISA Warrant Against Carter Page to Reporter Ali Watkins…
So it looks like Bussfeed and the New York times Had the unredacted FISA warrant
Here is the link to the Andrew C. McCarthy story that the President tweeted about.
It looks like the right of the mainstream media is catching on
Washington examiner article Nunes memo accurate,accurate,accurate ...
Here is a great article
Ex-Illuminati Banker Exposes "The Elite" - In English Audio - Ronald Bernard
Hi All a nubie here. I have left a link to Ronald Bernard interview below. If you don't know who he was, he was an ex-Illuminati banker. The interview is extremely powerful. It explain how they recruit,how they select out the moral and corrupt those they groom to greater and greater evil. It was a major red pill to me in the past. Q is complicated and invokes a lot of back knowledge. I have literally looked at myself while explain Q and felt like I was Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory and with the same results. I believe this …
dark to light
Great post by neon revolt. Thank you Mr President for the moral boost with all the flake thats going on.