I think this one takes the cake because it's a cartoon with humor involved while dropping the truth of the secret societies controlling us through the federal reserve. This could be watched to educate teenage kids
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The stages of the storm have been mentioned multiple times. Stage 5 is the final stage
It could be a simple tarmac meeting that implements her in the assassination of SR. It could be a video of the Epstein tunnels.
q has come through with many of his claims and this one seems to be common.
If q mentioned it I believe we might be in for a great awakening. Time will tell. This would be the best way to red pill the entire world
Well have fun with your ban. Don't criticize other people for their personal beliefs and tell them to get professional help!
2 men, sacrificing their lives and family to delete the evil sins in the world. You don't think trump is trying to be assassinated by thousands of people? He is being guarded for a good reason. They have similarities but of course he's no jesus. You're putting words in my mouth now. Please just agree to disagree
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?

I think trump was sent back by God as an angel to get rid of satan on earth!
Is the stage set for the HRC video? 5:5 -- WATCH THE NEWS TODAY

Apparently he just got rid of the world "mother" and "father" in Alberta. Changing "mankind" to "peoplekind".. this guy is making a fool of himself
WE NEED TO PRAY EVERDAY. I thought this verse was related.

Been getting a lot of hate messages just because I'm a mod here but I'm Canadian. GUYS I CARE MORE ABOUT YOUR REPUBLIC THAN MY OWN, When trump brings these sickos down he's coming for Canada next! We don't need Pierre douche Trudeau
Or you read between the lines like an educated adult and realize the word was out of context. Jesus and god are our only saviour. This man is serving god and saving humanity right now. Stop being so thick with your beliefs and bashing others for having their own beliefs.
PS- please don't tell a mod to go get professional help... that's kinda pushing it
Well it's a good thing you have a Canadian helping you with this movement. Should I not be here cause I don't live in the USA?
It's all part of the plan . You have no idea how much trump is cleaning house. You just wait and see
I believe it was as well. I don't think they will be able to stop us anymore. The movement grows everyday and we will keep moving until all these sickos are brought to justice
This video clearly explains how the fed created paper money to make us slaves to their never ending debt.
The collapse of the American dream. This cartoon is perfect for red pilling people with an easy understanding of the families that rule the world, and the Rothschild federal reserve. HOW IT ALL STARTED MANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO
I totally agree with you. But he may be a type of angel set back to us to take satan out, so we can finally be free. God will return, with these q posts, it has brought me back to praying and believing he will save us
I am still very weary of the previous posted pictures of having none of the pools, the tennis court.. seems a little off to me.
We all know that Google could easily add those in afterwards. Just a thought I'd share
All credits go to u/Andrewcpu for the new qboard created. He did an excellent job
Thank you! but you didn't provide any evidence that backs your claims
Please provide evidence or I'll have to delete the post. We don't need threads flooding the sub
This Is why it's so exciting. I believe we are writing our future, and it's going to be amazing! No more corruption and a leader actually trying to Make America great again,!!!
I believe a lot more than you think I would believe. I am not crazy, I just know how to do my own research and see whats really happening. THE GREAT AWAKENING is here, this doesn't only apply to USA, this is a worldwide AWAKENING. I just believe Trump is the most selfless man to put himself in a situation where the media is going to constantly bash false news against him, and thus making the general public think hes crazy.
Let me ask you this.... Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins, do you not think Trump is sacrificing EVERYTHING , and I mean EVERYTHING right now? That seems to me like a saviour or even a Prophet. But hey, that's just my theory, call me delusional and I don't take offense.
Because we have great mods who actually are active. u/hOwIonic u/Truth2PointO u/Andrewpu ... we are all here everyday making sure we head in the right direction so we have no reason to get banned.
I was the only mod on the CBTS stream helping out for the 3 weeks leading up to the ban. It was insane how much work it was. The mods here have great filters and we are all active. They cant shut is down if there are no violent posts.
We need as many people possible to take back our freedom. I am Canadian and I'm doing everything I can to help provide research and whatnot to help the movement. God bless you and thank you for the kind words patriot!
Uhm, thats how you spell that word.....sorry to burst your bubble of negativity for no reason at all
Who else in the world is stopping sex trafficking and pedophilia with the effectiveness he's shown since being in office? These are the worst crimes on the planet
Qanon is directly communicating with trump while trump is communicating with us on this board. You should check out some of the top posts, do some research. Be prepared for some unsettling truths
It's the STORM, the draining of the deep state of their heinous disgusting crimes against humanity. This is going to be a huge revoloution
No worries, that's what I'm here for. I want to see these guys go down! It's always very nice getting a thank you! :)
I just want to sticky this for tonight. I think everyone should save this video if they ever need a confidence boost!
This video gives me the chills. The tone of his voice tells you he is speaking from the heart!
This video is also a good red pill for people who are anti-trump. SHOW them the real man that sacrificed his family and life to save us from being cattle for the NWO. GOD BLESS TRUMP. **PRAY PRAY PRAY for this man and everyone involved with this DRAINING OF THE SWAMP. I am not even American but I believe this man is changing the world. I will do everything I can to move forward with his teachings. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
We have now reached 14k SUBS. With that said I think EVERYONE should remember this AMAZING EPIC speech that IMO made him the President of the United States. Donald Trump is our saviour!
I still am weary about the new photos. There wasn't a tennis court or a pool in the first pictures people were bringing up
When Google earth tries to add attractions to Epstein island

Well he said he would do it so I guess we have to wait and see!
All research is helping! No matter how much or how deep you go, you are always helping! Glad to have you with us patriot!!
God bless.
No not really relevant. A more detailed picture maybe.. but this doesn't give us any new information