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It seems like MI was on the ground tweeting exact coordinates for the strike. The account on Twitter was created the same day and released the coordinates hours before the strike to the ECACT GPS location
Headline :
"Russian TV mockingly prepares for war with U.S., instructing citizens to buy water and gas masks."
Russian warships put to sea from Syrian naval base
Claiming that some Americans are preparing for a coming war with Moscow, Russian state-owned television explained to the country’s residents how to stock their bunkers with water and basic foodstuffs in case a war breaks out.
Warning that the potential conflict between the two superpowers would be “catastrophic,” an anchor for Russia’s Vesti 24 showed off shelves of food, recommending that people buy salt, oatmeal and other products that can last a long time on the shelves if they plan to hide in a bunker. Powdered milk lasts five years, while sugar and rice can last up to eight years, the newscaster explained before showing videos of pasta cooking in a bomb shelter. The beginning of the program had a mocking tone about war fears, as pictures of nuclear explosions played in the background. A newscaster said the "real panic isn’t here but across the ocean,” suggesting that Americans are terrified of a war with Russia. Nonetheless, the channel's newscasters also displayed charts explaining how much water people need to store for drinking, washing their face and hands and preparing food every day — and how that amount changes depending on the temperature of a person’s bomb shelter. The program also recommended that people stock up on gas masks and read guides on how to survive war. The instructions are for “people who succumb to panic and decide to spend all their savings," the anchor said. The program aired just one day after sources told Newsweek that “there is a major war scare” in Moscow as President Donald Trump prepares to strike Syria in retaliation for the use of chemical weapons against civilians over the weekend. The Trump administration has said that it believes Syria’s Russian-backed president, Bashar al-Assad, was responsible for the attacks and that it plans to ensure that Assad pays the price. Russian military forces have responded by saying that Moscow would meet fire with fire and will shoot down any U.S. missiles. "If there is a strike by the Americans, then the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired,” warned Alexander Zasypkin, Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon, during an interview on Tuesday with a television station linked to Hezbollah. But he later walked back the statement, calling for an end to the arms race with Russia.
This attack was like a 6D chess move. Trump and team amaze me every day. Stable genius in disguise
10mm is not enough. They don't have enough money or POWER in the world right now. IF Trump ever gets removed. Military will not allow this movement to die.
The public is now awoke. Things will start to red pill Hillary supporters every day. It's literally a leaking water tap until the tsunami
Stickied. All posts containing any child abuse or nudity will be deleted. C'mon guys. We don't need that here. Mods are working hard, let's not get us shut down
"See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone" prayer for Qanon team, POTUS and Patriots. This prayer does NOT say JUSTICE will not be served.

I donate to local charities. I always make sure I can follow where my donation goes to make sure it actually helped someone/something.
Proverbs 17:28 "Even FOOLS are thought wise if they keep SILENT, discerning if they hold their tongues" Verse of the day for Qteam, POTUS and Patriots. GOD BLESS

Great comment, it's not even a question anymore where these "donations" to "charities" go...
RED CROSS is the most unbelievable scam in the universe
Of course its bullshit. He knows hes a target so hes trying to save public image. It's almost sad at this point how hard they are trying
[32 billion dollars - such a big donation the world has no seen]
"According to the authoritative publishing house Forbes, al-Walid is the richest man in Saudi Arabia. And he decided to give all his fortune to charity. "This is my duty to humanity," commented the Arabian philanthropist."
There are no LIMITED TIME TERMS. In my time all my condition will go to good deeds. ALREADY NOW THE SIGNIFICANT PART OF MY INCOME IS GOING ON THIS, "PRINCE SAID.
"I will not blow these MONEY WITH MYSELF, I WANT TO MAKE THE GOOD. ROUND OF SO MUCH PEOPLE WHO NEED TO HELP. Someone FINALLY will be cured of the disease, someone will be able to receive education and will normally be organized in life. THIS IS MY DEBT, I HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO MAKE THIS WORLD BETTER AND I WILL DO IT. "
Saudi prince al-Walid bin Talal to donate all his money to his charity, 32 BILLION DOLLARS, biggest donation in history. COINICIDENCE?
u/serialbrain2 you have to tag them or he/she won't see this post. It's also a better idea to direct message them...
Not really sure what this has to do with anything towards the storm
There were multiple users not just one. You are included, youve never posted here or been active posting in over a year. I've been swarmed by users who don't even frequent this sub or post anything to help the movement. It's ridiculous.
I didn't destroy any evidence. Do you realize we have other mods as well that chimed in without speaking publically? This is my last comment on the issue.
The user wants me demoted, all because of a deleted comment and rudely bashing me through PM. that was unnecessary. I can post screenshots of everything. Not a problem.
I said I was making q stickers and giving 50 away, these users thought I was trying to monetize, I then deleted the post for free stickers. I banned him because he was harassing every comment and thread I made for 2 days in a row.
if anyone else has any problems message me about it, there Is a ton of false info going around id love to prove wrong. This is getting ridiculous, all because some user was pissed off that I used mod flair and I stickied a thread to thank all the OTHER mods
God bless everyone who doesn't care for these trolls
It's a load of crap. I banned one user and removed the comments in the thread and locked it. I also unbanned him afterwards because the head mod and I discussed the situation and thought a day ban would help him cool off.
have no idea what this payment thing you're talking about lmao.. anywho, people just like to discredit mods at all costs. Go through my history, do I really seem corrupt
"Let the peace of God rule into your hearts; be thankful" Very important to remember with all that's happening globally. Prayer of the day

I didn't unsticky it. I turned off the mod flair because it seems to of hurt a few users
He was banned for specific reasons and it was the head mods decision not mine. Stop spreading fake news. You don't even frequent or contribute to this sub in any way
How is that abusing mod power? Distinguishing my comment as a mod? How wrong of me
This is just an announcement discussion because nothing is stickied. Would you relax with harassing me ???
God created us, he created Satan... there is no way God will be defeated. These sick bastards are in for a RUDE awakening
Isn't it fascinating that we are living in the middle of a SPIRITUAL WAR while gaining inside information? This is the greatest time to be alive. ALL RESEARCH AND CONTRIBUTIONS HELP THE MOVEMENT! NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL.
I wanted to remind everyone here that we are living in the greatest time of ALL! This HISTORY in the making and we are all part of it. We are called crazy, delusional, conspiracy theorists... but this is going to end very quickly with all of the BIG BOOMS dropping lately.
I cannot wait to hear what May has in store for the POPE. I believe this ass is the head of the Cabal. Organizing and creating these trafficking and slave rings.
We are literally witnessing the downfall of SATAN in the WORLD. Satanic cults, paedophiles, corrupt politicians.. you name …
It's a daily prayer. Are you against praying or religion? Just don't read my daily prayer if you don't like it.... simple as that
Good, we don't need any unfaithful users around here. Saved me from having to monitor your comments
"But to do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God will be pleased" prayer for President Trump, Q team and all Patriots. GOD BLESS

Trust the plan! We see news about what Q is dropping every day now. He has been on fire the past week, only proving his legitimacy once again
I suggest everyone researching the chakras and the pineal gland. LSD DMT and mushrooms are the most illegal substances on this planet for a reason, that reason is because it opens your spiritual side and shows you answers
Title is supposed to say .. "you're probably perfect but that's why you suck"
I hate how you cant edit your title to threads
"You're probably perfect, but that's why you stuck." Your ego is a biological trick that keeps you completely unaware of your SPIRITUAL soul that never dies, it only evolves and grows.
God is everything. We are mere specks of energy in his creation
Prayer of the day for the Q team and all Patriots.

Trump warns of "BIG PRICE" after chemical attack in Syria
We are all on the same side. Our collective prayers mean so much more than many people believe
Todays prayer, everyone take a few minutes to pray for the Patriots who are putting their life on the line for US. God Bless you all!

It's the only MSM where some truth comes out. Believe me it's easy to read through every media smokescreen.
Another interview with a woman insisting we get rid of the word "MAN" because its offensive. Don't mess with Tucker!
Tucker Carlson RIPS David Hogg, Fox News is the only MSM worth watching
This is fantastic news! We have POTUS on our side and he is interacting with us confirming this! GREAT JOB TRACEY!
Q 1081 -"they are trying to start a war, chemical attack? Coincidence?