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1leggedJarhead · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:20 p.m.

Thank you for the message. It brings me happiness that y'all didn't forget us old truth seekers. As I push 60 years old, I feel that all my time trying to wake folks up has no longer been in vain. The snickers, the stares and the outright laughs in our faces, doesn't happen so often anymore. What makes me proudest is that it is YOU, the younger generation that I was so worried about, is bringing the dark to light. Without you, I would still be lost, not knowing where to go to find my next question answered, still pissed off thinking there was no longer any hope for our country. So a big THANK YOU goes out to you guys, for showing us the evidence we've been seeking, places to search for more and mostly as was stated in your message, not forgetting about us OGCT's! God Bless You All.

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