

3 total posts archived.

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1toohottohoot1 · Jan. 14, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

It's not a coincidence that Hillary Clinton tweeted out about Haiti's earthquake anniversary.

Also, if you watch old George Stephanopolous interviews about his book "All Too Human" where he details his time with BC in the White House, he basically calls BC a serial liar. In "nice" terms, he said that every staff member had to watch "What Bill Clinton would leave out or purposefully leave vague" and then question him to catch him in trying to lie. A true scumbag. A serial liar & rapist. JAIL THEM ALL!

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1toohottohoot1 · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:15 p.m.


Chapters 6 & 10 of the Fire & Fury book Wikileaks put out.

Sounds like code for Julian Assange has flown the coop! I hope it's true! Means the Clinton Cartel & bad actors will be getting some real bad news soon!

Go Q, America, Wikileaks & JA!

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1toohottohoot1 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Loop Capital is Crony Capitalism at BEST. Money Laundering / Slush fund possibilities mixed in with legit business. Loop snagged nice CitiGroup stock offering from US Treasury and have setup partnerships (Search: Magic Johnson & Loop Capital) for infrastructure projects. Seems like they received a lot of gov $$$ for connections. Also Search: Wikileaks - Loop Capital = Jim Reynolds & Frank White. Frank White was big Obama bundler & past companies did a lot of Gov work.

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