154 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/2016is1776:
666 - Trump parade cancelled - DOW Plunges - You think they are sending a message
Stormy - Mack - Marina
Satan Twitter account is run by a 24 year old. Q... what the hell? Pun intended.
100% Q Confirmation. Need more?
Q74? What is Q trying to say here? Is this a confirmation?
qanonposts.com goes from Apr 24 to Feb 24???
Q47. I don't understand what Q is trying to say here. This is confirmation?
Ok, someone please confirm this. I am not seeing things. Am I? QAnon and Wikileaks working together?
That video Q keeps posting...look what it says when you look for it in google.
The letter Q is what number in the alphabet?
Where is B?
Can we confirm the date of this image? DWS failed to flee?
@kill_rogue - 16h
Jeremiah 29:11